Friday, June 23, 2017

Such Sweet Sorrow

Mistress is heading back to the heartland on a very early flight tomorrow morning. We will be spending the night down in Santa Fe at some quaint little road side motel so we don't have to wake at some un-godly hour in the morning.

It's been a little sad here the last 24 hours. Of course, there was  two-a-day sex yesterday. Once in the morning, and again after our late afternoon siesta. Mistress did some rather fancy cock riding on the latter occasion.

"We have to stock pile that sex because we'll be apart for so long, slave."

True.  This may be a record for us.  Three weeks with no copulating.

Well it will be a little longer for slave.  Mistress has a "date night" set up for Saturday evening after she arrives home. I will confess I've been stoking that prospective coupling a bit via text message.  Yesterday Mistress was collecting rays for the last time on this trip and I snapped this photo and sent it to JJ.

Slave:  "Last minute sunning."

JJ: Very nice. Looking forward to wrapping my hands around her tan parts."

I suspect Mistress is looking forward to her Saturday night with Jay, but with just a little trepidation.  It took her a few days the last time to bounce back from a pounding from his super-sized cock.

"I don't want to be all sour and achy on that long flight on Monday, slave."

Poor Mistress.

As for me, I don't think I will have too much to blog about over the next three weeks.  Hopefully there will be a bit of blow by blow from her to share before she gets on that plane.  And maybe I can get JJ to share a little from his perspective.  Other than that things could get a little dull here.  I may have to resort to movie reviews again.


Tuesday, June 20, 2017


Mistress and slave have been enjoying our respite from River City, with lots of sex, dinners with friends, and nights out for music.  But she heads back on Saturday morning, and before heading overseas with the Dowager Domme, she has a "date night" scheduled with her new and cocky lover, JJ.

He's been in touch with her daily, stoking their mutual anticipation. And Mistress and I have discussed what the "back story" might be if their night on the town involves an encounter with a friend or acquaintance.

"He wants to take me out to dinner, slave.  But I feel a little weird about being there with some other guy when you are out of town..... what do I tell someone we know?"

"Maybe that we are all met via work.....something like that....."

"But it's a Saturday night......"

"We are all grown-ups Mistress.  You are entitled to be out at night with friends if I'm away...."

It's not clear where they plan to have dinner or drinks, but River City is a small town.

"Just avoid PDA's Mistress and you'll be fine....."

Of course, I've had more limited texting exchanges with JJ this week, usually triggered by me texting him an alluring photo of some of Mistress's body parts.  Sunday, while we were on a hike into the mountains, I snapped a photo of Mistress's shapely legs while we took a lunch break.

Mick:  "Out hiking Mistress".

JJ: "She's keeping that body toned so that she can play with my big cock."

Mick: "No doubt."

Sunday, June 18, 2017

Father's Day FemDom

Here at our SW Hideaway we celebrated Father's Day one day early.  There was our typically satisfying wake-up sex, and a promise of more to come.

"Slave, I'm using my strap-on this afternoon.  So save your energy....."

In truth it was a relatively relaxing day.  A trip to the farmer's market. Lunch and reading out on our patio. And then a late afternoon nap.

When we woke at around 5:30 pm, Mistress was prepared to deliver on her promise.

"Get my supplies, slave...."

I rounded up her harness and it's phallic accessory. And some lube, of course.

Mistress found the riding crop on her own.  Although she had some hesitancy coming up with suitable grounds for punishment.....

"Hmmmm..... let's go over the rules while I'm away, slave....."

Slap.  Ouch.

"Uhhhh...... I wear the cage when I go out, Mistress......"

Slap. Ouch.

"That's right.....and what else?"

"And I masturbate once a day and  send a photo to you on snap-chat...."

"That's right."

Slap. Ouch.

"And what if some woman comes onto you, slave?"

"No sex with them Mistress....but if I'm n my cage, is it ok for me to use my tongue on them?"

This little provocation on my part was probably inspired by what I read yesterday over at "A Married Sissy".  It seems that Terri has been allowed to add a little oral devotion to his Saturday afternoon ritual of tending to the nails of his wife Diane's pal Linda.  Though it sounds as if the cage stays on throughout.

But my cheeky response  earned me a volley of blows from Mistress with her crop that had slave cringing and squirming.  I guess she didn't realize I was joking?

After making it clear that I had no Terri-like license to please any other woman, Mistress put down the crop and got down to business. I was on my tummy, a pillow under me to make my ass "rise to the occasion".  Her aim was true and soon she was thrusting with mucho gusto filling me and ascending to a rather dramatic cum of her own.

Once she was done with her "hubby invasion" I was allowed to satisfy her one more time with my tongue before exercising my "all access pass" to her clean shaven folds.  And as we were engaging in a more traditional form of love making I asked her a question that came to mind whilst she was deploying her faux phallus.

"Does your new friend know that you fuck me in the ass, Mistress?"

"I've discussed it with him, slave.  He asked and I told him that 'of course I do'.....He says he wants to watch me do it to you......"

"What do you think about that, Mistress?"

"It might be good for you, slave....."

Well that would be interesting.  Have any of our readers been exposed to that sort of experience?

In any event, Mistress assured that her slave had a very sexy Father's Day, with more to come today.

And I want to wish a pleasant father's day to those of you out there who read our blog. On the other hand, there are some creepy dads who come to mind that I am less enthusiastic about.  I'm thinking of Trump attorney Michael Cohen, who recently tweeted to the world this photo of his Ivy League daughter that he must have found while trolling through her Instagram account.

Lesson One: Sure your daughter may be hot. But good Dads don't use sexy images of their kin to help build their twitter account followers.

Lesson Two: Never get caught rebroadcasting photos from your daughter's Instagram account.

But maybe we expect too much from Mr. Cohen.  Think of who he hangs with:

Saturday, June 17, 2017

No Shirt. No Shoes. No Tattoos.

After our Friday morning wake-up sex, Mistress and slave were out and up to a long hike that topped out at around 11,800 feet in the mountains above our little SW Hideaway. It was the best place to avoid the smoke from a fire smoldering in some forest about 30 miles from here, which can water the eyes depending on which was the wind is blowing.   Up at higher altitude we can get above the smoke, where snow still lingers in our local ski valley.
After a late afternoon nap and some worship, we walked down to an unlikely appearance by a New Orleans funk band in out quaint neighborhood business district. Mistress was festooned in some pst-hippos tie-dye for the occasion, and was showing off some rather appealing leg.

But, unlike some in the crowd, she wasn't dancing. 
And no, that's not the WC.