Saturday, March 11, 2017

Life On the Mesa

Mistress and slave have been enjoying our kids free time out here in the high desert. There has been plenty of skiing, beautiful sunsets, lots of wake up sex and evening worship, some afternoon sunning on our patio, and even a few opportunities for Mistress to receive the flirtatious attention of some locals.

Take Wednesday morning.  We were waiting in the ski valley parking lot for the "cattle car" to haul us ip the hill to the base area, when a short wiry fellow in a ski helmet walked by and said "good morning" to Mistress.

I heard the voice and spoke up.

"Is that Gary Johnson?"

He turned and confirmed that he indeed was the 3rd party Presidential candidate who had a brain cramp when asked about "Aleppo" back in the fall, a faux paux that probably helped put a certain orange hued pussy grabber in the White House. We chatted a bit with Gary - a low key guy who has climbed the Seven Summits and was an early advocate of legal pot.

"You have such white and shiny teeth", Gary told Mistress, clearly dazzled.

Then last night we went to a local "Hoedown" to benefit the Ski Patrol, those rugged guys who come to the rescue of stricken skiers or otherwise distressed damsels. While Mistress has never required "rescue" I suspect she wouldn't mind being strapped down to one of those sleds by some rugged ski patroller and hauled away to some mountain hut for a more detailed examination of her "injuries".

As we drove up to the high mesa brewery where the party was held, I asked Mistress if she wanted to enter on her own and have me watch from afar was she flirted with the assembled crowd of rugged mountain men.

"Oh slave.... that would be so slutty......"

So we entered together, and I offered to fetch us drinks ... as a good slave would do.  Mistress had on some flashy turquoise jewelry, a sexy black dress with tights, and boots. She was already turning heads as I left her to her own devices and headed to the bar.

  It took maybe 10 minutes for me to wade up to the bar and grab a beer for me and a glass of chardonnay for Mistress.  Glasses in hand, I turned back into the crowd to track down Mistress. Ultimately, I found her leaning against the sound board stand, being chatted up by --- you guessed it ---- a rugged looking bearded fellow in a ski patrol hat.  As I approached with her drink, the guy (sadly) took the message and backed away, joining some friends at a nearby table.  He was clearly disappointed, thinking Mistress was solo, and not tied down by some boring older gent.

As I stood next to Mistress, I raised an eyebrow.

"So what was that about Mistress...."

"Oh he was just making conversation slave.... said he'd never been to this event before....."

"I think he was bummed when I showed up....."

She just giggled.

"You may be right, slave....."

So dear readers, what's the proper cuckold protocol in that situation..... Should I not have interfered? Or would it have been rude to withhold Mistress's drink and leave her to her conversation with Mr. Ski Patrol?

Thursday, March 9, 2017

Sex Strike?

Mistress and slave had a bit of a contrarian reaction to yesterday’s “Women’s Strike”. Women were supposed to show their political solidarity by withholding their labor, paid or volunteer, to show the world how they’d be missed if not around.

Well of course, we know how much women would be missed. And, unlike immigrants, no one is trying to show them the door. But it seemed a little counterproductive to make the women who could not afford (or didn’t have) a sick day to stay home with their kids, because the local school district’s teachers did not show up for work. 

Should Ruth Bader Ginsburg take the day off on the Supreme Court for an important vote or hearings?  

What about those female immigration lawyers trying to protect moms from deportation by Mr. Trump’s newly empowered ICE goons? 

Or Moms making lunch for their kids?

Of course, Mistress could have afforded to take the day off. She has a slave to handle pesky household chores. Even making a cup of tea would seem to violate the bizarre strike protocol. But she did not avoid calls from clients yesterday who needed her help. And thank god for that. Now that I’m retired someone has to support me in the manner to which I have grown accustomed, right?

But there maybe something more sinister here. Are America’s women on a stealth sex strike?

I’m referring to a recent report in the Washington Post (linked here ) documenting an horrific decline in sexual activity by American adults, particularly married couples.

Among all American adults, sex was “had” 60-62 times per year in the 1990’s. But that declined to less than 53 times / yr. by 2014.  Barely once per week!

The rate of decline was even worse if you were married. You’d assume married folks had more sex than unmarried folk right? And they did in the 1990’s, at the rate of 73 times/wk. But by 2014, married folks were having sex only 55 times / week – barely once / week and not much more than the general adult population’s nookie rate of 53 times / wk.

It gets worse for folks in my age bracket. If you’re in your 20’s you have sex about 80 times / yr. But by the time you are in your 60’s the average rate is only a pathetic 20 times a year – only 1.6 times / month.

Apparently, Mistress and I are outliers. While we don’t keep a daily log like some of you, my “back of the envelope” estimate is that in the last year we’ve had full blown marital sex here in UCTMW land about 306 times (that’s about 6.5 times a week over 48 weeks, taking into account 4 weeks when we may have been away from each other, and maybe one day every other week when had an “abstinence” day for some odd reason or another.). Of course, that does not include times when Mistress had sex with another lover (maybe 10-15 times) or oral worship of Mistress, which certainly totals in the hundreds.

But what explains why the rest of you are so far behind our pace?

“The report did not list causes for the decline. But it cited possible factors including increased access to entertainment and social media, a decline in happiness among people age 30 and over, higher incidence of depression, and use of antidepressants associated with sexual dysfunction.
“Are they less happy and thus having less sex, or are they having less sex and therefore less happy? It’s probably some of both,” said Jean M. Twenge, the study’s lead author, who teaches psychology at San Diego State University and wrote “Generation Me,” a book about millennials. “We do know that sexual frequency is linked to marital satisfaction, so overall if you have fewer people having sex, you could have people who are less happy and less satisfied with that relationship.”

The decline in sexual activity was sharpest among people in their 50s, people with a college degree, people with school-age children, people in the South and those who do not watch pornography. It was less pronounced among younger people, men, nonwhites, people with children under 6, people in the West and those who had watched a pornographic movie in the past year.”

So maybe one prescription for this malaise it to move to a western state and watch porn?

But as I think about it, there may be another explanation for this seemingly sad decline in marital intercourse.

Could the popularization of the  cock cage as a way for a wife to better control her husband account for the decline in sex among married folks?  Are there hundreds of thousands of married women who keep their husbands on lock down for most of the month? Certainly our friends Terri and Diane have found a fulfilling sex life that features very little actual marital intercourse? Maybe the study doesn’t count it when a wife has sex with her bull side dish?  Or include a wife’s deployment of a strap-on on her caged hubby for her own satisfaction and amusement?

Clearly, some deeper  research may be required to get to the bottom of this apparent “sex strike”. I find it hard to believe that it’s all about too much Netflix and too many “devices” to watch it on.

Tuesday, March 7, 2017

New "Career" Move?

Mistress and slave have almost completely dropped off the grid since arriving at our SW hideaway on Thursday night. We were able to enjoy the bounty of a big snow dump that preceded us, so Friday-Sunday was spent on the sunny  slopes when not napping, and enjoying our daily wake up sex.

Mistress even got the thrill of seeing her "Holy Grail", the Mountain Man who works on the local ski patrol when not climbing some of the world's highest peaks.  He was tending to an injured skier. Fortunately, she was not so distracted that she ran into a tree.

But yesterday we woke to a wickedly cold windstorm. The daily snow report from the local ski mountain warned that the opening of the lifts could be delayed until who knows when.

"Sounds like a good excuse to hunker down here, Mistress."

I heard no objection from her. So we spent the day lazing around the house, doing some oft delayed chores, and catching up on some work and reading. We ventured out at lunch time, braving the freezing winds to a local "cantina" where Mistress enjoyed some homemade tamales and slave ordered a (not just for) breakfast (anymore) burrito.


But as we were waiting for our order, we couldn't help but listen in on a local hunk, with a wiry build, and a bearded face burnished by the sun, who described to a friend his "gig" for next week.

"Some Texas family has hired me to ski with their kids all next week....they're 10 and 12.... I get $150/day per kid. Plus they pay for food.... All I have to do is keep them out of trouble and out of their parents' hair."

This is a gig economy, with most folks stitching together a variety of part time jobs to keep the heat on in the winter. His pal was duly impressed. A cool $300 a day just to ski around.

This got Mistress and slave thinking....

"We've been talking about some sort of consulting business out here Mistress, to use our professional skills, but what if we just became ski guides to folks who could use some "company" on their trip here."

Mistress picked up my drift....

"Hmmmm..... we could show them around the mountain. But then maybe spend some time with them apres ski?"

"I could be a ski gigolo, Mistress. Showing some lonely ladies how to improve their turns?"

"I wonder how you advertise for some engagements as a ski escort, slave..... is that how you would describe it?"

Mistress would be very skilled at showing some clients how to warm up after a long day on the slopes.

Maybe there's a way to market these types of services on line. There are plenty of qualified ski instructors here. And while we may not be the first folks to turn to to enhance your ski abilities, we certainly know the mountain like the backs of our hands. And also all the cool night spots and watering holes.

But if we move in this direction, Mistress may need to upgrade her ski outfits, which now focus more on the functional rather than the alluring.

That shouldn't be a problem.

Thursday, March 2, 2017

Post Cuckold Maintenance

Pardon my failure to update our readers about how our Saturday night "double date" ended.  It's been a busy week as we polished off some work projects and prepare to head back to our SW hideaway later this morning.

It seems as if Mistress and Jay did not waste any time once they went to bed after our night on the town. While they both "hit the sack" initially, Mistress confirmed that there was some middle of the night nookie....

"I think it was around 4 am, slave....we both woke, and well....."

Well, indeed.

And there must have been another round before on Sunday morning before Mistress sent Jay on his way at around 9 am.

"I hope he didn't mind me showing him the door, slave, but I have a busy day....."

Jay didn't seem to mind. He had time to chat with me about our evening. But as always, he steered clear of the elephant in the room. No comment at all about his "all access pass" to my wife. I suspect Jay thinks I have a screw loose by "allowing" my wife to sample other cocks. But he isn't looking a "gift horse" in the mouth.  Would you?

Fortunately, Mistress left some time in her busy schedule for slave to return to the semi-marital bed.

"I'm pretty tender now, slave.... so no sex for you.....but you may taste...."

Of course, I was more than happy to be of service. And as my tongue dipped into to those tender, clean shaven folds it was easy to detect the mingled flavors of her arousal and Jay's more athletic sexual stylings.

"Can you taste him. slave....."

"Yes, Mistress....."

Fortunately, Mistress is resilient. Any embargo was lifted by Monday morning. I remain a pampered house slave.