Saturday, November 19, 2016

Back to the Drawing Board....

Here in River City, Mistress and slave have been slowly adjusting to the 6 hr. time shift and the notion that our nation will soon be under the thumb of a narcissistic blowhard with an itchy trigger finer and a penchant for locking up folks he disagrees with.

So at least one distraction has been dabbling in the quest for a new (or additional) side-dish to amuse Mistress and cuckold her slave.  There was a prospect- an outdoorsy type about Mistress's age who lives up the road a bit.  We had exchanged emails while we were overseas, and Mistress set up a lunch "date" with him yesterday.  But the report was not so good....

"He's nice enough slave....but a little dorkier than I would have expected...."

"Any spark?" (i.e. that de rigeur spark of attraction that must accompany any suitable side-dish).

"Not really slave....he clearly liked me... said I looked hotter than my pictures....but I must say there was no spark on my side of the table for him...."

"How did you leave it with him?"

"Told him that I'd have to 'think about it'".

Not what one wants to hear from the Ashley Madision hotty he's been courting, is it?

Ah well.....  there were a few "Plan B" suitors we may need to consider.  Then there was some 37 yr. old who got in touch via our "Slave on the Lam" twitter account... He asked if we wanted to "hang out" some time, and aspires to be a cuckolder. I politely responded to him that we were probably too old for him....But he was non-plused:

"Age is a number to me. I love older folks".

Why does that sound like he enjoys visiting the elderly at his local nursing home to sing Christmas carols?

In the meantime, Jay has made up with his Trump voting Mom and apparently has arranged for child care on Sunday evening.

"He asked if he could come over for dinner Sunday evening. Sounds like he wants to stay over...."

I guess slave has some menu planning to do.

Tuesday, November 15, 2016

Cuckolding Cums to PBS?!?

Mistress and slave have slowly re-entered the ugly brew of post-election recriminating here in the states. It's a pretty toxic mix when combined with jet lag and the sagging fortunes of one's local NFL team.  It means you spend a lot of time in bed, and avoiding the hard news sections of the papers or CNN all together.

The upside is that there's more time for sex. On Sunday we actually had a two-fer: with some robust use of Mistress's favorite power tool and some cock riding in the morning, followed by some more conventional worship and fucking in the late afternoon.

Sadly, the election has had some unexpected fallout for Mistress's side-dish hanky panky.

"I tried to get Jay interested in a little birthday action this week, slave....but he says he's not talking to his mother because of the election and now he has no one to watch his kid!"

(Jay voted for Clinton. Apparently his Mom voted for Trump, reversing the gender stereotype that the polls had predicted).

This sounds like a bad episode of "All in the Family", doesn't it?

With Mistress left to only her slave's work-a-day cock for solace, we found some amusement by catching up on some episodes of "Indian Summers" on Masterpiece theatre, which has two separate cross- racial cuckolding themes going this season ---- clearly it's not your grandmother's PBS anymore.

On the one hand we have your aspiring young Indian bureaucrat - dabbling with both the independence movement and the wife of some creepy and sadistic English dude who has a skinny moustache and plays the ukulele.

The husband does not actually know much about his wife's idealistic and earnest side-dish until the two lovebirds try to go on the lam to Australia.

Here is a picture of cuckolded husband # 1.  Any guy who wears an ascot all the time deserves to be cuckolded. right?

In the meantime, another more intriguing cuckold situation broke out involving the ambitious, aspiring English Viceroy wannabe, and his oddly foxy American wife.

The husband needs the political support of some Indian "royal" for his scheme to give the Indian people some sort of "democracy light". But the Majarajah, who controls some small corner of the country, doesn't like the idea of giving up any of his power, But he proposes a deal:

"Give me your wife for the night, and I can find my way to support your plan....."  On the left is the English twit and his wife before the deal goes down.

The Majarajah, an older and supercilious fellow,  has several wives. And one of them - an Australian - is there and apparently all in on the transaction proposed.

The aspiring Viceroy acts "shocked, shocked" about such an "outrageous" proposition, but finds his way to explaining it to his wife. The wife though .... seems intrigued. As the evening develops, she makes it clear to both the Majarahah and his wife that she is "available" as consideration for this political bargain, particularly after the old Indian royal throws in some flashy jewels he wraps around her neck like a collar over dinner.

Of course, this is "Masterpiece",  so there is no actual footage of the Majarajah collecting his prize... just the sounds of the wife's moans of passion heard through the bedroom door by the cuckolded husband.

Allister Cook must be rolling over in his posh, mahogany  grave somewhere.

Sunday, November 13, 2016

Getaway Boat Available

Mistress and Slave made it back to River City Friday evening. It was a long travel day, made even longer by the dread of returning from our idyllic holiday to a land where our next President is an ancient, bigoted blowhard who brags about groping the ladies and not paying taxes.

So we are still trying to focus on the other things that can make life entertaining. There was some bracing wake up sex in Mistress’s executive suite Saturday morning, a robust bike ride before noon, and then some catching up with family and work before an evening at home, catching up on “Indian Summer” while Mistress allowed me to fondle her to another end – of – day cum.

On the cuckolding front, I have continued to maintain Mistress’s AM account while over seas, being fairly brutal with eliminating pretenders from a tiny portion of actual contenders.  For every one potential candidate, there are about 20 guys like the “gentleman” below, who clearly had trouble passing his 6th grade grammar and spelling test:

 hello im divorced 4 years . im a granpaw of 3 , lLove boating , racing and playing in my hot rods . im well endowed , love sex , had vasectomy and can go for hours , if u like it quick and easy , dont contact me ! i need a woman with stamina that can rock my boat ,my kids are grown , I rent my houses to my kids and live on my huge houseboat docked in Cincinnati , love the Marina life , when I want go fast I jump in my speed boat parked outside my patio door in Marina

While this “boating enthusiast”  may not be at the top of Mistress’s dance care, at least we know who to contact if we need a quick get-a-way boat should President Trump’s new deportation force comes knocking.  It may take a village to survive the next four years.

And if he have to go into hiding for a while until this passes, maybe he can lend us a spare compartment in that "house boat" of his at the marina.

Friday, November 11, 2016


Mistress and slave are headed back into what one of my friends referred to as "this massive shitstorm...." Then there was the other correspondent reporting news from the front, who described the election and it's outcome as a "cluster fuck".  (You can say that in a sex blog, right?)

We are still in denial, which has been aided by a 6 hour time shift, and our disciplined refusal to monitor the US news sites.  But time is running out. Here we sit at Madrid Airport, hoping against hope that Trump will close the borders and shut is out....but then I guess he can't do that until January!  Bad timing once again.

Fortunately, we did have time for some robust wake up sex this morning, before our desultory routine of packing up for the long journey to the new, post-election world, where "Pussy Grabbing" is now the sport of wood- be kings.

So let's just share a few more images from our travels and call it a day.  See you all on the other side.

It seemed that in Madrid there were fewer ladies taunting slave with their tights. Mistress specualated that it's warmer here than in Brussels.  Or maybe the town is more casual than Brussels. But here is an image I secretly copped at the aeropuerto.

The street life in Madrid is vibrant.  All those tapas bars and Cervezarias serving their customers late into the night.  So normally, I'm not looking up.  Surprisingly, it was Mistress who pointed out this roof top vision to her tights addled slave. 

It's a neck craning way just to get a glimpse of stocking tops.

So Adios for now, amigos. If you don't hear from us again, assume that the Trump deportation force has aprehended us as "social degenerates" and that we are languishing in a secret prision, awaiting our turn on the water board.