Saturday, November 5, 2016

Tights Fetish Nirvava

Mistress and slave are still on our EuroJunket, having covered three countries over the last three days. We slogged thru the trenches in Loraine, spent a final night in Brussels, then toated our daughter down to Spain for a weekend of art and pinxos.

But the constant distraction for slave has been the preference of so many European women for tights, whether for work or a night out.

Brussels has a growing bike culture, and my head was turned more than a few times by lovely ladies rolling by - day or night - in short skirts and dark tights.

Theree were tights in the train stations:

And more tights in window displays:

Fortunately,  Mistress also got into the mood in the evenings for dinner:

Turns out the ladies of Basque Country have gotten the memo:

And while I've run into this movie star in the tiny grocery near our SW hideaway, she's usually in jeans, not dressed like in this window here:


Hopefully I won't get run down by a Tram while gawking!

Tuesday, November 1, 2016

Kinksters Still Abroad

Mistress and slave have taken their travel on the road, ditching our daughter back in Brussels and traveling south by car into France to visit locales where my Grande Pere fought in WWI. (Well he was in the ambulance corp, so I guess he didn't fight. And, no, he wasn't Ernest Hemingway).

While it was nice to spend time with our daughter - who always seemed to catch up with us at meal time- we are enjoying our solitude at a charming Inn along the Meuse River, where Quiche Loraine was born. And since I'm just a slave, I don't have to worry about that line that "real men don't eat Quiche", do I?

Rest assured that there has been some robust wake up sex and post-nap afternoon worship, as well as some tramping through the woods to check out the holes left by artillery shells 100 yrs. ago.  Romantic, right?

But of course we've kept our eye open for "blog worthy" items.  Like these lovely ladies at the Magritte Museum:

Apparently the lady above did not get the "clean shaven folds" memo.  Otherwise, she looks a lot like Molly with her hair up.

But as cute as they are, they really aren't that kinky, are they.  But don't worry, we did find something for those of you into breath play:

Sunday, October 30, 2016

Kinksters Abroad

Mistress and slave have been enjoying some time with our daughter - who is struggling to squeeze us into her exhausting social life - and also seeing the sights here in Belgium.  The weather has been surprisingly dry and warm, allowing us a nice day touring on Saturday in a nearby town known for it's art, Cathedrals and canals.

But when kinksters are sight seeing, it's always funny what catches the eye. In an old 11th Century Castle yesterday we stumbled about a small "Museum of Torture" that had me clicking away on my I-phone.

There was the poor fellow to the left, restrained in repose on some sort of rack, ready for some water boarding.  I wonder if this is where Dick Cheney got his inspiration?

Then there was a more mobile restraint system, helpful in transporting your slave without the threat of escape.

What would a robust collection of restraints be without a straightjacket or manacles:

These collars (right) lined with nasty, rusty spikes would certainly be useful for punishing a recalcitrant slave, making me particularly grateful that my Mistress limits her punishments to the occasional cropping:

But a sure sign that the designers of these implements back in those distant centuries were males was something that was glaringly missing: not a single cock cage!  I'm sure if Diane had been about in those days that glaring omission would have been corrected quickly!

Friday, October 28, 2016


Hello all.  Mistress and slave are off to Europe to visit our studious daughter. The one who told us last night over dinner that "my social life is kind of exhausting".

Poor girl.

We were able to overcome jet lag and the overnight flight here long enough yesterday afternoon for some later afternoon, pre-dinner sex.... so give us bonus points for avoiding an international travel abstinence  day.

Once we get our orientation here we hope to provide more coherent updates.  In the meantime, it sure feels good to be an ocean away from the yammering talking heads and nasty exchanges about the Presidential election!

Have good weekends devoted readers!