Sunday, June 5, 2016

Two Lovers and a Funeral

Mistress had a busy Saturday.

It started the way a typical Saturday does at the UCTMW World HQ. Slave wakes early, but at the appointed hour (around 7:30 am) I went back up to the marital bed for some worship and wake-up love making. Nothing flashy, but quite fulfilling. (Certainly more fulfilling than those of you who are stuck in those infernal chastity devices for weeks at a time!).

We took a bike ride in the neighborhood after the dust settled in our bed, then had a sad obligation to fulfill : a memorial service and reception in honor of an old friend, a little younger than me, who had passed away a few weeks ago. It was a sad, but also joyous occasion as we remembered the life of a true bob vivant, who enjoyed entertaining his friends and colleagues at pool side in the summer months. I suspect I've written here about afternoons or evenings enjoying his food, beverage (many) and gathered friends on sultry summer days here in River City. He would always tease Mistress that her deep tan was found in a tanning booth. She always insisted it was quite natural. And, of course, Mistress was always right.

Mistress was dressed as a sexy mourner, in a black summer dress with a hemline that gave us all a nice view of her muscular legs. I suspect she was a pleasant distraction to some of the older men there to mourn the passing of our friend. And don't you like those semi-kinky shoes?

We were home by mid-afternoon, and while there was some talk about Mistress deploying her strap-on, the mood of the day, and the tequila sipped by both of us at the reception had both of us in the mood for a nap.

When we woke at around 4:30 pm, there was a little time left for slave to worship Mistress, giving her a little starter cum before her next engagement: a rare Saturday night out with her lover Jay. I was having dinner with my sister, daughter and cute grandkids. That gave Mistress a chance to schedule  a "date" with her side-dish.

Not surprisingly, I was home earlier than Mistress. She found me in bed when she got home at around 11 pm.

"Jay wanted me to spend the night slave, but you know I like to wake up in bed on Sunday morning's with my slave by my side...."

And I was happy to have her back.

Mistress only gave me a brief after action report.

"We had dinner out. and then some pretty hot sex back at his house, slave.....lots of cock riding and cock sucking....."

I knew that meant Mistress had more than her fair share of cums for the day.

"Does that make you horny slave...."

"I can't deny it Mistress....."

"Well you'll just have to wait until the morning.... I think my body is done for the day."

Fair enough.  I'm personally looking forward to some more details as I worship this morning.

Friday, June 3, 2016

Weekend Planning

The bad part about those 3 day holiday weekends is that when Tuesday comes around the work has piled up turning the days left in the week into a bit of a harried cluster fuck. The good part is that the end of the day comes blurringly fast!  Heck, it's Friday already!

Slave's sister is in town this weekend to visit my fading mother.  I'll be spending Saturday night entertaining my sister.  But Mistress has the night off from hanging with an in-law.

She and her lover Jay haven't had much quality time together lately. He's had more work travel and some daunting child care issues to deal with. But there is hope for a dinner out together Saturday while I'm with my sister. So maybe Mistress will finally get a chance for some extra-curricular nookie after a long dry spell?  We've been getting lots of sex on our own these last few weeks. But every good Mistress deserves a little variety, right?

Stay tuned.

Now I'd better get upstairs and provide the services that are expected of me.

Wednesday, June 1, 2016

The Deterrent Effect

We had a wonderfully low key 3 day weekend. Just enough family time.  Plenty of time together, particularly in bed.  My tongue got a lot of action, and I even broke out Mistress's favorite power tool Monday morning for a memorable Memorial Day morning here at the UCTMW World HQ.

But we were back at it yesterday, me chained to my downtown desk, and Mistress balancing a variety of clients and spending too much time on the highway.  You pay for those 3 day weekends on Tuesdays.

Making things worse,  we had yet another political event at the end of the workday, at a palatial home in our old neighborhood. After the trouble for my tender ass that arose from last Monday's political event, I would have suggested that we simply send our check in the mail and beg off the soggy finger food, plastic wine glasses and cheese trays. But Mistress and the Dowager Domme for "hosts" of this event, so it would be uncool to take a pass.

But slave was fortunate. It was an older crowd of the usual suspects. There were no women who Mistress could - even in her wildest imagination - speculate that her slave was "flirting" with, or otherwise think were interested in the pleasure of my charming company. If anything, the ladies were of the angry feminist generation who look disdainfully at some guy known for not drinking the Clintonian Cool-Aid. Mistress was far and away the hotest chick on the block last night, in a form fitting black dress that ended above the knees. Yum.

The downside was that the Dowager Domme was wearing another pair of kinky black shoes and slave was unable to come up with a good excuse to snap of surreptitious photo.

 Bottom line:  Slave did not earn anymore stokes from Mistress's riding crop, at least as far as I can tell. And to make sure the evening ended with me in Mistress's good graces, I made sure to offer some ardent worship at the end of the night.

I guess this just shows that Saturday's cropping and pegging had the desired deterrent effect!

Sunday, May 29, 2016

A Domme-ey Launch To Our Holiday Weekend

A Memorial Day weekend in our empty nest here in River City seems a rare but enjoyable opportunity for some laid back time together. More typically, we've been away for this weekend, or kids and family activities have gummed up the works. But not this year....

Friday night was the annual opening night "adults only" pot luck dinner at our local swim club. And although ours is really an urban neighborhood, there is something about all those middle aged or older white folks walking in with their plates of summer salads, or store bought buckets of soggy fried chicken that screams suburbs in the 60's. We enjoyed spending time with another couple about Mistress's age, drinking wine and sharing summer plans.

Saturday morning arose, and we pushed away the mental fog of a little too much vino at poolside for some rather feisty wake-up sex.  Mistress was in the mood for some cock riding after I started things off with some devotion from my needy lips and tongue. And who was I to deny her?  I confess I enjoy the passive role I play when she rides my cock to a cum or too. If she wants to do the work, who am I to complain?

We then went our separate ways for a while. I spent time indulging by cute grandsons. She had lunch with the Dowager Domme. I wanted to take a photo of the kinky boots she arrived in (some strange combination of open toes and leather cuffs at the ankles) but I had no good excuse to fumble for my camera as she read a magazine on our living room couch waiting for Mistress to primp a little before they walked up the block.

With family duties over by around 1:30, Mistress insisted on a trip back to the pool, where she swam some laps and slave read the paper. We sunned ourselves for a while, before heading home for a late afternoon nap, with plans to walk up the street to a movie around 7:30 pm.

We woke with some time for a 2nd round of love making, and Mistress was in no mood for vanilla.

"Get my supplies, slave....."

Of course, she meant her strap-on and harness, which I scrambled to assemble.

"And the riding crop too....."

Oops.  She was in a Domme-ish mood.

It took me a while to find the crop, which somehow had worked it's way to the back of the closet. But I knew if it could not be found, Mistress had other implements at hand. Some fresh bamboo from our garden? or maybe that wicked wooden back scratcher.  At least the crop has a bit of give in it.

At her command, I assumed "the position" on our bed.  And Mistress began to not so gently lay into my aging butt.

"I think you're encouraging some of those women who flirt with you slave....."

She seemed to be referencing that lady at the political event Monday night.   I knew there would be no point in arguing on my own defense when she had a crop on her hand.


"Stop squirming slave.... you'll only earn yourself more...."

Fortunately, it seemed my "flirting" had only earned me 10 or so firm swipes of the crop. No doubt my ass was red, but the paid receded soon enough. She left me in my indignity to go feed the cats. But Mistress had other plans for me, and when her task was complete, she slid on her leather harness with its firm, protruding accessory.

"You know what to do, Slave....."

I rolled back over, a pillow under my pelvis, and soon she was pressing into me.

It seemed like she took longer than usual, pumping into her complaint slave with increasing gusto, until she spent herself with a rather impressive cum, maybe her 4th of the day? But who's counting.

And fortunately for me, she was not so spent as to deny her slave the chance to for a a 2nd round of sexual release of the day.

So while she was firm yesterday afternoon, no one could argue that she wasn't fair.