Friday, May 13, 2016

Catching Up For Lost Time

Though Mistress was away last weekend, our little junket to the Windy City has allowed us to make up for the sad vacuum  her absence created in her slave's life.

We've spent some time walking around the City, fine dining and riding the L... the new Millenium Park has some features I hadn't noticed before, including this odd fountain that may spark some dark cuckold fantasies for some of you out there:
I will leave that one to speak for itself.

In addition, rest assured we have fully exploited the king sized bed in our lake view room with some vigorous "two a day" action that might well be prohibited by the current NFL Players' Association collective bargaining agreement. There has been some cock riding, and lots of worship. Sadly, I had to leave Mistress in bed looking quite fetching this morning to attend some work meetings:

Luckily, our weekend is just beginning, to adjourn to a quaint lakefront Inn on the other side of the lake from our current location. By the time the dust (or sand) settles, we should have more than made up for our lost Mother's Day weekend.

Wednesday, May 11, 2016

Road Trip

Mistress arrived home safely Monday night after her brief European hiatus with our daughter. It was strange not being able to properly pay tribute to her on Mother's Day, but at least she got to spend some solo time with her youngest daughter, he is so far away.

Her plane was delayed Monday night, and she was pretty exhausted after that long trip back. The only benefit of her delay was that I was done with a business meeting in time to pick her up myself. It would have been pathetic to make my Mistress take uber home from the airport when that's what slaves are for, isn't it?

Rest assured that despite her long trip home she was willing to allow me to show my devotion with avid lips and tongue. She had been on a longer abstinence streak than her slave, after all, so no doubt was in need of some sexual release.

It wasn't until yesterday morning that slave was allowed to enjoy the full sexual benefits of her return. After a good night's sleep Mistress was fully invigorated, and rode her slave's cock to a rather robust cum before allowing me to enjoy the full fruits of having her back in our bed.

But we won't be in that bed for long.

This morning we embark on a road trip to the Windy City for a few nights. Slave will be attending some meetings. Mistress is coming along for the ride.

We will update you on our travels, as we enjoy a few evenings of hotel room sex!

Sunday, May 8, 2016

Paint It Black

Slave has been left to his own devices here in the heartland, as Mistress and our youngest "Domme in training" graze their way through one of Europe's capitols this weekend.

You will  be relieved to know I followed Mistress's instructions to the T (or would that be "O") twice: once Friday evening and again on Saturday morning, not wanting to get punished for failing to discharge those dangerous natural juices.

As Mistress warned: "I don't want you running around all horny on your own this weekend, Slave...."

What a wise and benign Mistress. So many others would have simply locked me up and given some trusted neighbor the key in case of an emergency. Or had me use one of those numbered locks that Diane is partial to.  But if I had been locked up I would not have been able to ride my bike, as I did to work on Friday, and then again on Saturday.  What good is a slave who does not remain cardiac hearty to best serve his Mistress?

And I realized that despite her sight seeing with our daughter, Mistress still had me in the back of ehr mind when she texted me this photo apparently taken in a shop window this morning:

Last night I did go out to listen to some music at a local watering hole.  Mistress made clear that I should be caged for the occasion, and I even sent her a "snap chat" to demonstrate my compliance with her wishes.

But let's get to the subject of today's illustrations.  On Friday I posted a photo of Mistress in a fetching white get up.  But all of you know that Mistress usually sticks to basic black.  She even left one of her lacy black nighties, resonant with her perfume, natural and otherwise, to fuel my sanctioned "touching" this weekend. I went back through the moldy photo archives here at the UCTMW World HQ and found some choice examples or her preference for black.

Enjoy!  I know I enjoyed thumbing through this collection!

Friday, May 6, 2016

Flashback Friday

I dropped Mistress off at our local aerodrome yesterday afternoon, and woke this morning to a text that Mistress had arrived safely at her European destination.  Photos of her and our youngest "domme in training" are already popping up on facebook as they graze across one of the vaunted capitols of Europe.

Meanwhile, slave is back here in River City contemplating my day.

Mistress laid out some basic rules:

1) cage if I go out, other than when I ride my bike. It's a nice day here today, and there is a powerful incentive to ride that bike. Should I bring my cage and put it on at work?  The rules are ambiguous on that.
2) the "no touch" rule is suspended until Sunday night. Indeed, Mistress has instructed me to "touch" daily on Friday, Saturday and Sunday. But photographic evidence is required.  That means the uncomfortable taking of the "dick pic" which is them texted to Mistress.  Sounds like the snap chat app will be dusted off this weekend.

But for those of you looking for some "touch fodder" of your own, here are a few from the vault.

I recall this photo on the left from a trip Mistress took several years ago when she traveled to Europe with her mother and sister. Was it Our Western Correspondent who was pulling the strings back then, and told her to afix this clothespin to her nipple prior to some finger fiddling?

And (below) here's another photo from the vault. This is when Mistress and I were commuting betwixt River City and Orlando, before the blog started.  Mistress tended to greet me on my arrival in something alluring. And while this get up is a change of pace from her traditional black, it certainly is tongue tempting, isn't it?