Sunday, April 24, 2016

Crowded Nest

Mistress came home from her overnight visit to our state's capital Friday evening to find a somewhat more crowded nest.  My sister is visiting from the east coast to spend some time with my fading mother.  We've been spoiled with an empty nest these last few months. So adopting to an intruder could be a challenge, particularly when it came to scheduling some "reunion sex".

Rest assured, after 36 hours of denial, and Thursday spent in my cock cage, slave was ecstatic to see her, but actually showing my appreciation and earning my release required some delicate timing.  Would my sister return to the house at an inopportune time and interrupt our fun?

Mistress got home at around 4:30 pm, and the first order of business was a bike ride after a busy work day and her two hour drive. We showered together. But Mistress was sleepy, so there was a nap to fit in.

Fortunately, when we woke at around 6:30 pm, fully refreshed, my sister had still not returned to the house. Rest assured we took full advantage of that window of opportunity.

Plus Mistress had a chance to fill me in on her visit from Jay at lunch time, Thursday.

"It was brief, but nice slave.... but I have to say I was a little tired for the drive know how it is after some vigorous fucking...."

Poor Mistress. Maybe she should have Ubered?

Yesterday morning, we were back to a familiar routine.  Turning on some music to mask the sounds of furtive lovemaking in our room, as my sister was sleeping across the hall.

Fortunately, she heads home this evening....

Thursday, April 21, 2016

Cage Day for Slave

"So are you riding your bike tomorrow, slave?"

Mistress questioned me about my Thursday plans yesterday evening as we lolled in bed before dinner. I had not made the mistake of Tuesday night. Rest assured I had used my lips and tongue to tend to Mistress's needs with out a need for a reminder promptly on my return home.  No need to add to that demerit list.

"No Mistress.... I'm planning on visiting my mother at the end of the day."

(She's declining and needs some help eating these days).

"Well then, let's make sure you are in your cage...."

You see Mistress is on the road today, spending the night up the road in our tediously flat state capitol.

"When I'm out of town you know I like you on lock down."

"Your wish is my command, Mistress...."

 I already have the ring for my cage  in place, ready to enhance our morning wake up sex.

And there was another thing Mistress mentioned before bed time last night.

"When I mentioned to Jay that I was heading out of town, he said he might stop over before I leave, slave...."

So not only will I have a lonely bed tonight, it's possible that the bed will get "used" before I get home.

Busy Mistress.

Wednesday, April 20, 2016

Slave Earns a Punishment

At the end of the day, slave rode his bicycle home and discovered Mistress in our bed. She was resting after a busy day. I slid in next to her after a quick shower,  naked, sliding up against her lush body in a short nightie.  Soon we were both drifting off.

Our post work naps have become increasingly common it seems.

I woke around 6:45, and attempted to glean some hidden meaning out of the CNN exit polls, maybe a little too focused on the hotly contested NY primary. Mistress was waking too, and I announced I was heading downstairs to get dinner going.

Did anyone notice something there?

Mistress certainly did, pointing out while we were settling down for dinner that I had forgotten to offer to worship. Too focused I was on those pesky election results!


Of course I made good on my "rain check" before we drifted off last night. Attention to her clean shaven folds was given priority over the CNN talking heads.

But I do have a feeling that there is a demerit on an imaginary sheet somewhere in Mistress's head, and that a comeuppance is due.

Sunday, April 17, 2016

Back to Basics

It's always sad to be away from Mistress for two nights. The bed is cold and lonely, and its never a good night's sleep without her by my side.  So after two nights and three days in our nation's capitol, it was nice to be back in our cosy bed (we only have a double, no need for a king or queen for us) on Friday night.

I made sure to dip my balding noggin betwixt her firm and athletic thighs for a good night worship. But saved my own pent up demands for morning.

Things went rather quickly for our Saturday morning wake up sex.  Heck, it had been a couple of days for slave!

Then I was off to take care of some errands, grocery shopping for a dinner with two friends, and an outing with my cute grandsons in the afternoon. When I returned, Mistress, who had lunched with her mother, the Dowager Domme, was settled back into bed for our traditional late afternoon nap.  I joined her in bed and we both nodded off for an hour or so.

Fortunately, the dinner guests were not scheduled to arrive until 7:30 pm. Which led to Mistress's question when we woke at around 5:30 pm.

"Slave.... are we having sex this afternoon?"

"I was hoping, Mistress....."

Our afternoon encounter was a more drawn out and leisurely affair. It featured a prelude of worship, an interregnum of vigorous cock riding, and a dramatic crescendo with Slave on top, taking his own pleasure after Mistress had 2, maybe three cums of her own.....

I'm not sure whether our guests could detect the glow of well earned content when we both greeted them at the door.