Sunday, April 10, 2016

Cuckolding In the News

Mistress and slave have had a rather low key weekend so far here in River City. Friday involved dinner at home and an evening at a local jazz club, where my lovely Mistress caught more than a few eyes. In an odd coincidence she ran into a woman who was an underclassman at her small liberal arts college. I wasn’t flattering when I whispered that Mistress looked much younger than her supposedly younger friend.

Saturday I spent the morning with a cute grandson, and returned around 1 pm for an afternoon in bed….both of us needed the R&R. And we were thrilled to dodge a dreaded bullet. The couple who insisted we join them for dinner and a night at the symphony cancelled!!

(Happy dance from Mick, who is not much of a classical music buff!)

That left our evening open for a movie and a stop at Mistress’s favorite ice cream parlor, just a short walk up the street. Much more relaxing!

But today’s blog is not about Mick avoiding Segovia and dinner at a dreary country club. It’s about one of our little fascinations here at UCTMW – the science behind cuckolding!  And an article in yesterday’s NY Times shed some historical light on the phenomenon under the headline: “(Fathered by the Mailman?#55FFFE)  Fathered By the Mailman? Mostly an Urban Legend.”

It turns out some crackerjack scientists have done some intensive DNA and genealogical studies and discovered that the likelihood that someone else fathered a guy’s child are actually pretty low:

“In a commentary in Trends in Ecology and Evolution, Dr. Larmuseau and his colleagues argue that it’s long past time to toss out frequent cuckoldry as a myth. Studies relying on different methods in different cultures all point to cuckoldry rates of less than 1%.”

Apparently that’s not only true in the more “civilized” world, but also in less “developed” societies. (the difference is apparently based on the frequency in  neighborhoods with fast food restaurants and obese people). The tell is us pathetic human males have rather lazy sperm --

Beverly I. Strassmann, a University of Michigan anthropologist who gathered the data on paternity rates in Mali, agreed that widespread cuckoldry “was an urban legend. It seemed to have a life of its own.”
The evidence of low rates of cuckoldry comes not just from gene studies, she noted. In species where females mate with many males, the males tend to evolve sperm that are good at competing for fertilization. The males may produce large amounts of sperm, for example, and a high percentage swim well.
Humans, however, don’t rate in the sperm department.
“It’s of amazingly low quality,” Dr. Strassmann said. “Half the sperm can be duds; they can have two heads; they can be defective in all sorts of ways.”
The only way for men to have evolved comparatively ineffectual sperm, she added, was for them to have experienced high rates of paternity over time.

I’m having trouble getting my head around what my lazy, ineffectual, two headed sperm have to do with the likelihood that someone else is having fun with my wife.  Maybe one of our commenters can explain that to me. 

But I digress.  The more interesting factoid is that some human communities are more inclined to  cuckolding than others:

It’s not that widespread cuckoldry doesn’t exist in some cultures, Dr. Larmuseau said. Some South American tribes with high rates share a belief that more than one man can contribute to the formation of a fetus.

But Dr. Larmuseau suspects that these populations are the exception, not the rule. Humans have evolved to avoid cuckoldry, he said, because of our peculiar biology.
Human infants are born quite helpless, compared with the newborns of other animals, and they need a lot of food over a long period to fuel the growth of their calorie-hungry brains. Mothers needed fathers to help find the food.
“Babies really need good investment from the fathers,” Dr. Larmuseau said, “and the paternity has to be very sure in order for them to make those investments.”ckoldry rates of about 1 percent.

Of course, all of this is based on history, not the evolution of community values in the 21st Century. And it relates to reproduction, not recreational sex!  While the rate of cuckoldry may have been historically low for women in their child bearing years, it says little about women of a certain age who, like Mistress, have the occasional  itch for a little sexual variety that just needs to be scratched. Or husbands who get a strange thrill when their wives grab for a little extra gusto via a sidedish.

We may need some more social science research to get to the bottom of this phenomenon.

Friday, April 8, 2016

Fortuitously Free Range Slave

Slave got the day off from his cage yesterday.

I think Mistress was feeling sorry for me, because I was a little under the weather.

And thank goodness for her merciful beneficence.

I had a mid-afternoon appointment at our local City Hall. But what I was unprepared for was that the Mayor, out of some fit of paranoia, had instituted a new security screening system, complete with some rent-a-cops doing the TSA thing. They not only had a walk through metal detector turned up very high, but some guy with a wand which kept clicking as he passed it down my right leg, where there was no apparent metal.

"Do you have some metal in your leg, sir?"

"Hmmmm.... not that I know of...."

"Do you mind if I run your hand up your thigh here...."

"Go for it."

One can only imagine what would have happened if I had my hard steel cock cage on. Alarms sounding! Real cops called! And if I had retreated once I noticed the metal detector, would that have set off alarms too?
I suppose I could have just gutted my way through it, offering to "drop trou..." and demonstrate that I was not the 2nd coming of the infamous underwear bomber. Now that would have given the rent-a-cops on duty something to talk about.

So it was very good luck that I had been a "free range" slave for the day.

And I had a special treat after my run in with security at City Hall. Mistress stopped by after her own downtown appointment for some late afternoon worship.  It had been a while since I had a chance to take a break from office drudgery and lavish Mistress's clean shaven folds with my avid lips and tongue. And although tights season is now over, much to my own disappointment, it does make it easier for Mistress simply to slide off her black undies and spread her legs for the attention she deserves.


Tuesday, April 5, 2016

Back in the Cage

Slave played a little prank on our readers on Friday, portraying Mistress as turning a new leaf when it came to perpetual cage time. At least one of our readers "blew the whistle" on what was an April Fool's Day deception.

But there was a kernel of truth to the little tall tale told.

Mistress has pointed out that slave seemed to have completely shirked "cage time" in recent months.

"So many excuses slave...."

So we've agreed to a new protocol which I started yesterday.

If I'm not riding my bike to work, then it's cage time.

That way I have an incentive to get some exercise. Only bad weather, or maybe the need to use my car for a mid or post workday engagement, should be a good excuse for avoiding my cage.

So yesterday, after our wake up sex with my steel ring already in place, Mistress seemed pleased to shut my little lock in the morning and send me off to work in a more "high security" state of dress.  From time to time she would text me--

"How is my caged slave doing?"

So she seemed much amused by my status.

And when I got home, before collecting my cute little grand kids for a dinner engagement, she was happy to inspect my lock and then spring me loose for the rest of the evening.

So at least there was no "overnight" cage duty.  Being sprung loose made me all the more earnest as I provided some pre-dinner worship.

Today-- well it's barely 30 degrees out. But should be sunny.  Sounds like a good day to ride my bike!

Saturday, April 2, 2016

Sentence Commuted

Mistress and slave are now back in River City, after two long days on the road. Fortunately we had the mobile wifi cranked up, with lots to entertain us on the long slog home. (It always seems longer traveling East than West. Go figure!)

 Our Friday started very early, with all of that new (and frustrating) snow, which covered the high desert with a magical glow at dawn:

By mid-day we we were working our tedious way across Kansas, past the little town that Truman Capote made infamous in his book "In Cold Blood".  Mistress has a strange attachment to the scene of that gruesome crime, which now seems mundane in an age of mass shootings and terrorism.

We finally stopped our exodus in Independence, MO. ,  home and final resting place of our beloved 33rd President. After a late dinner, slave was a little too tuckered for full blown sex, but made sure that Mistress did not have a big goose egg on her hypothetical "cum chart" with some pre-sleep worship.  And fortunately, there was ample time for some wake-up sex in our hotel room before we got back on the road to finish our journey.

And for those of you worried about slave's condemnation to an indeterminate sentence in his cock cage, at least one of our discerning readers put together the entry with the date. I will repeat his very perceptive comment here, in case some of you less than diligent readers missed it this morning:

I  think that Mick has pulled an April Fool's Day Joke on all of you. He will probably be punished by Molly if he did not get permission since it implied several things.

1. This posting hints that Molly has been too soft and lax in enforcing the rules which we all know is not true. Slave just told a lie about his Mistress...WHACK !!

2. This posting gives the impression that Molly wants the sensation of cold steel pressed up against her in the middle of the night. Not being there to snuggle and cuddle properly to keep Mistress warm and cozy in bed is a dereliction of duty....WHACK !!!

3. Lastly, Molly would never give up the "morning wood" or wakeup sex. Mick has a responsibility to be there at the ready and on command to serve Molly's needs.....WHACK !!!

I am sorry if I have burst your bubbles on the fantasy of Mick living life in the cage 24/7 but this is not about Mick after all. It is about Molly and serving one's Mistress. You all should be punished for forgetting that.... DOUBLE WHACK !!!! :-) 

Someone has been doing his homework!