Thursday, March 17, 2016

Rising and Shining

Mistress and slave made it safely to our little SW hideaway by late afternoon. It was a long travel day and a nap was in store after we put away our provisions.

But we surprised ourselves with the energy we had for some post-nap sex as the sun set over our mountain.  Another abstinence day dodged just in time!  And this morning, well.... there is nothing like some leisurely wake-up sex before turning our attention to the slopes, is there?

But  today's blog is really a shout out to my ancestors who took to the Dublin Streets 100 years ago in the name of liberation from the royal boot. It's no accident that my nomme de sex blog here at UCTMW pays homage to  one of those legendary men who stepped into history on March 17, 1916 to begin the bloody "Rising" that finally created the Irish Republic.

Men and women  of a variety of nationalities will find themselves quaffing a few too many across Continents today in the name  of that Saint who has come to symbolize the Irish nation But  it's worth recalling that some courageous ladies and gentlemen had other things than sipping a Guinness or Jameson 100 years ago today!

Wednesday, March 16, 2016

Early AM Flirt

Even as the dust is still settling from the hotly contested primary season in River City, Mistress and her devote slave are heading west for two (hopefullY) blissful weeks at our SW hideaway. The snow has been melting a bit in recent weeks, and there may be too many spring breaking Texans on the slopes for our personal taste. But what the hell! It's better than the office.

We had a way too early flight this morning and are now languishing in ATL. But when you are a cuckold you take little bits of pleasure in what some guys might consider "fighting words".  Here is an example:

This morning at our gate Mistress noticed a group of guys who had "professional athlete" written all over them, from their designer sweats to their highly stylized dreds. We quickly surmised that (for whatever reason) several members of the Pussycats, our local never quite get there NFL team would be on our flight.  We aren't the types who ask for autographs, and simply kept our noses on screen as we waited to board.

We were in steerage, so as we stumbled down the aisle carrying our bags, Mistress preceding me, the First Class cabin was already full. Although it was early, Mistress was looking her best, in a black dress and black cowboy boots. Travel wear, but hot travel wear.

In the last first class row, sitting on the aisle was a vary large bearded AfAm guy, who I recognized as one of the Pussycats rather aggressive defensive lineman, none for his pass rushing ability.

Mistress's eyes met his, and words were exchanged. Mistress paused, and I could hear Mistress giggle a bit, and saw him smile, as she moved down the aisle. It wasn't until we settled into row 23 that I was able to ask Mistress what had transpired.

"So what was that about, Mistress?"

"Oh he was just flirting, slave."

"What did he say?"

"He asked if I'd rather sit next to him instead of the guy who was already there...(another team member, though built more like a D back)."

So how would all you other cucks (and non-cucks) react to this early am come on?

Tuesday, March 15, 2016

Yes, Mistress. She's Hot.

It was an abstinence day for slave yesterday.

It was one of those days when Mistress had a ridiculously early Monday morning meeting. No time even for some wake-up worship.

At the end of the day the sun was out and we opted for a nice sweat inducing bike ride before dinner. Slave did apply his lips and tongue to Mistress's clean shaven folds before preparing dinner. But Mistress considered it appropriate to defer any sexual release for her slave until this morning.

As is her right? Right?

We did engage in a little post dinner TV watching before adjourning to the Executive Suite, catching up on the latest episode of Billions, on Showtime. We've mentioned that show here before. It's the first mainstream show I can think of which somehow melds a Femdom marriage into an otherwise conventional plot line. Maggie Siff plays the psychologist wife of Paul Giamatti, an otherwise nasty and overly aggressive federal prosecutor. But when the doors close at home, the tables are clearly turned.

Last night had the couple out to dinner with a saccarine sweet, lovey dovey vanilla couple. At home, Paul whines about how tedious their dinner companions were. Then Maggie lowers the boom:

A nice hard cuff gets Paul back into the proper mind set.  Then Maggie parks him on the bed and tells him with a gesture to "stay":

I think he got the message.  Sadly, the scene is just a tease. The action resumes in the morning, with Maggie waking late in a bedroom with all the toys of a night of hardcore D/s sex strewn about. Handcuffs in the bed. Crops and rope scattered about the floor.
With that suggestion of what transpired while their kids were sleeping, it was back to the main plot line about sleazy hedge fund managers and the abusive prosecutors on their trail.

Obviously, slave was impressed.  And disappointed that  so much was left to the imagination. Mistress took note.

"Do you think she's hot, slave?"

"Well she is hot, Mistress."

This was not a subjective judgment.  Maggie Siff is objectively hot in this role, don't you agree dear readers?

"But she's hot like you Mistress.... always in black.... dark long hair.  She's you, without the darker complexion!"

Mistress looked at me very skeptically.

But it's true.

Sunday, March 13, 2016

Breakfast With Benefits.

Saturday took an unanticipated turn here at the UCTMW World HQ yesterday morning.

It began like a typical Saturday morning.... some robust wake-up sex in Mistress's "executive suite". Then we were off to some of our typical activities.  Slave had time scheduled with my cute grand kids, then  visits to the grocery store and my fading mother at her nursing home.

Mistress had scheduled a breakfast meeting with her Lover Jay.... and I use "lover" somewhat conditionally these days. Jay's has a problem with his ankle, and ongoing problems arranging for child care for his son. So it's been a few weeks since Mistress and slave actually got together for anything other than a chaste meal or a meeting over some mutual business activities.

"He's dropping by at 9:15, slave and  we are walking up to [a local greasy spoon diner].  Then he's got to go pick up his son."  Mistress had lunch with her mother scheduled after breakfast with Jay.

I did my "fun with grandkids" routine. A trip to a local donut shop and then visiting a  playground downtown for a couple of hours. Then dropped them home and headed to my next stop. It was around 11:15 am when I called to check in on Mistress. But . . . no answer.

"Hmmmm..... I wonder if Mistress persuaded Jay to linger after breakfast?" I thought to myself.  That's the benefit of the empty nest. No daughter lingering around or potentially stopping by to interfere with unscheduled fun.

Confirmation of my suspicion came about 30 minutes later, when Mistress rang me back.

"Sorry slave.... but Jay and I were having a 'quickie' when you called....."

"No problem.... how did that evolve, Mistress?"

"He had a little extra time before picking up his son, slave.... so there was a little oral worship and then some actual sex before he left...."

"And where was all this happening, Mistress? "

"Up in our bedroom, slave.....I'm still a little pants or panties....just here in my top and bra."

"Poor Mistress.... that's a lot of sex for one morning."

"It was, slave....,"  Mistress conceded, with a little giddy giggle.

She explained the quickie unwound the way Jay like's it.... him standing and Mistress on the side of the bed, legs spread and available to him.

"I guess Jay's ankle is feeling a little better, Mistress?"

One does need some leverage using that position.

"It seemed to be working pretty well, slave...."

Later, once I was home, Mistress and her slave headed out for a nice bike ride on a spring like afternoon, and then lazed about in our bed before a neighborhood party.

But one thing was clear, Mistress had her fill for the day.

"I'm guessing that sex is off the table this afternoon, Mistress?  Sounds like you've had enough for one day."

"That was a busy morning slave....."

But she did allow her slave to gently  salve her well worn clean shaven folds with my skilled lips and tongue.
