Friday, February 26, 2016

Looking for Ideas

Sadly, Mistress and slave are back to their midwestern drudgery, trading gloom and chill and nose to the grindstone for sun and slopes. Be assured that we've been able to enjoy some maintenance sex, despite the annoyance of being "back at it" and away from our SW hideaway. I've made sure that Mistress has had at least a couple of cums a day since our return.

Having our empty nest back is certainly a bonus, though there is a certain wistful regret that this is "for good". Mistress seems to be feeling the separation anxiety that comes with the realization that her little girls have really "flown the coop."

Of course, that empty nest does provide some opportunities for "mischief".  Over the last few days Mistress has been sexting with her back-up side-dish K.  He has this fantasy of arriving here some work day morning as slave goes off to work, to enjoy the bounty of Mistress's lush and oh so desirable body.  And they've agreed that next Thursday morning will be the moment when K's fantasy turns to reality.

But we've not figured out exactly how this will work.

Should slave and Mistress have sex first, meaning that K gets "sloppy seconds"?

Or should slave simply "fluff" Mistress, making her particularly horny when K arrives, and allowing him to push her over the edge a time or two?

And should cage be in or out of his cock cage when K arrives?

We have a few days to figure this out. Any thoughts, dear readers?

Monday, February 22, 2016

High Up Holiday

Mistress and slave have been enjoying some lovely sunshine and abnormally toasty weather this week at our little hideaway.  Over the last year the local ski area installed a lift to the peak that used to require a 90 minute hike by flatlanders like us, giving us much easier access to the high altitude wonderland where views go on forever and the big horn sheep loll about, looking at the goofy humans and their funny "legs".

But of course, you can only ski about 4 hours in any given day (if you want to preserve your legs) leaving lots of time on Sunday morning for lying about and engaging in some unruly sex after e-perusing the papers.  I deployed Mistress's favorite power tool (we have one tucked away here) and she had a remarkably quick and enthusiastic cum in what seems seconds after it made contact with her clean shaven folds.  Some robust cock riding ensued, giving Mistress several marks on the "cum count" if there was one.

And after we put in our requisite hours on the slope, there was still plenty of time left for an afternoon laze in the warm sun, a nap, and even some pre-dinner worship before heading to some friends' home for dinner.

Sadly, it's a "work day" today, meaning we have to monitor our in boxes, even from the slopes.  Then tomorrow we head back to the gloom of the heartland.  At least our solar batteries will be fully charged.

Saturday, February 20, 2016

Deferred V-Day Dinner

Mistress and slave got rolling a little later yesterday due to some work obligations.  But we definitely made up for some lost time: who needs to stick to a schedule if that gets in the way of your morning wake-up sex.

It actually occurred a couple of hours after waking up here, and dealing with annoying clients vis conference call. But when things got going, Mistress was in a feisty mood, enjoying some bonus cums when she rode her slave's work-a-day cock.

We finally made it up the mountain by 10 am, but that still gave us time for plenty of skiing, a nap at home and then some later afternoon "two-a-day" action back in our bed.

Out only scheduled evening event was a deferred Valentine's Day dinner at a muy romantico restaurant down the road a bit, set in a tiny road side chapel built in the late 19th Century.  Mistress decided to get all "gussied up" for our night out, so broke out some sexy black tights and a mid-thigh black dress to go with it, that caught more than Slave's eye at dinner.  (Although I probably should offer to polish Mistress's boots!)

Our fellow blogger Terri, over at "A Married Sissy" would have enjoyed one development at dinner. The female servers all wore over their otherwise black garb very colorful aprons with a variety of vivid designs.  The table next to us consisted of a youngish man in his 30's or so, a woman about the same age and an older man (maybe a father).  The younger man must have taken an interest in the colorful aprons and discovered they were for sale. One of the waitresses brought over a plastic tub with 10 or so to choose from, and the guy proceeded to unfurl each of them, finally settling on two aprons to purchase.  One depicted a canary in a hanging cage across the front.

This little display had both Mistress and slave giggling a bit, imagining this guy back at home, fully domesticated, in his apron and little else.

Not that there's anything wrong with that, right Terri?

Friday, February 19, 2016

Mistress "Hooks Up" with Her Mountain Man

Mistress and slave had a chance last night to listen to a local legend who, when not blasting potential avalanches as part of  the local ski patrol, leads expeditions up the highest peaks around the world.  His slide show takes his fans on a world tour from the Antarctic, to Denali in Alaska, to Tanzania and Mt. Kilimanjaro and, of course, Nepal and Everest. We got to hear his first hand account of getting his team off the mid-mountain camp at Everest last April amidst those horrific earthquakes.

Of course, I've teased Mistress in the past about her obvious "crush" on her MM.  We've seen him from time to time on our ski mountain and they've become facebook fans. But this week slave got in some trouble with Mistress when I jokingly mentioned to some friends, in anticipation of his annual slideshow/lecture,  that Mistress "had permission" when it came to MM. (I didn't mention that Mistress has permission, via our contract, with any guy she fancies.)

"Slave, don't act like I'm some sort of stalker....", Mistress admonished.

"Yes, Mistress.... I stand corrected. Henceforth I shall refrain from any public comments about your apparent lust for MM."

"You know sometimes you can admire someone and not have some covert sexual motivation, slave..."

I stood corrected.

We both were enthralled by MM's slide show and humorous lecture. And afterwards, after he invited folks to come up with any questions, Mistress moved over to talk to him as I diverted a few friends who wanted to talk to Mistress.

Out of the corner of my eye, I noticed MM give Mistress a big hug of greeting, and saw them engaging in an engrossing conversation for several minutes.

When Mistress returned to me, floating a few inches above the hard concrete floor of the brew pub where MM made his presentation, she seemed very pleased.

"He remembered me, slave...."

"I could see that, and the big hug he gave you...."

"He hugged me again, when we said goodbye, slave."

So two hugs.

"I'm not surprised that he remembers you Mistress.  You are very memorable. "

Unfortunately, I didn't have a chance to test whether those hugs produced any evidence of something more than dispassionate admiration for her MM.