Friday, January 29, 2016

Super Showdown

Slave actually had an unusual abstinence day yesterday.  Mistress had an early morning meeting which precluded our usual wake-up sex. Although I gave her some oral attention when I woke her at around 6:30 am, as she had requested, there was no time for slave to have his fun.

So it goes.

Then, when I got home last night after a long work day, Mistress was pretty tuckered out from her own very busy day of meetings and other efforts on behalf of her clients.

"I think you're just going to have to wait until the morning slave.....:

"I suppose an unscheduled abstinence day can't hurt me Mistress."

"No I don't think so, fact it might be good for you."

I did persuade Mistress to let me worship her after dinner, and before bed time.


But the real topic of today's blog is the upcoming battle next Sunday between the Panthers and the Donkeys.  It turns out that this puts in conflict the rooting interests of Donna, our Senior Correspondent Emeritus (we haven't heard much from you lately, Donna), who is a Carolina fan, and our Western Correspondent Mike, who is from Donkey land.

After watching the Panthers demolish former Pussycat Carson Palmer last Sunday, I would have to say that the Panthers have the upper-hand in this contest. Their QB seems aptly labeled as "Superman",
combining impressive pinpoint downfield passing skills with a  punishing running style that had him air-born into the end-zone last Sunday. He seems able to defeat most teams with or without pads and helmet.  Word has it that he could show up in more exotic attire for Sunday's big game and still kick Donkey ass. And a little feminine flare might make him a fan favorite with a lot of fans in the City by the Bay.

On the other hand, the aging Donkey QB has little in the way of arm strength left. If he can reach a receiver more than 15 yards downfield it's only with the rocky mountain winds at his back. He makes jaws drop when he wanders out of the pocket and figures a way to stumbles forward for a first down at a stunning 17 mph.  Unlike Cam Newton, he seems to have the physique of a soccer mom, relying instead on his wily experience and numbing the minds of defensive linemen by yelling "Omaha" repeatedly before the ball is snapped.

So this sets up a potential bet betwixt Donna and Mike over the outcome of the big game a week hence in San Francisco. Can't wait to hear what stakes they propose as this titanic struggle approaches!

Thursday, January 28, 2016

Mistress Drops By...

Mistress hasn't been downtown to see me lately, so it was nice when I discovered her waiting for me in my office yesterday afternoon.  We had plans to go to a post-work political event, and she had some free time on her schedule beforehand.

You can bet I quickly took advantage of the opportunity to show her my devotion. The chair was pushed up against the door to afford us a modicum of privacy. The old blanket was put in place to absorb errant juices, and Mistress wriggled partially free from her clingy black tights to provide her kneeling slave with sufficient access to provide her a late afternoon cum or two before we headed off into the evening.

Hopefully the folks at the political reception did not notice the sheen of musky Mistress juice smeared on slave's face!

After the reception we went to catch some dinner at a local BBQ joint and ran into a large crowd from our local gay / lesbian community celebrating a birthday. Mistress and slave knew several of the celebrants from work or community activities, and somehow got swept up into the party. Slave particularly enjoyed several of the lovely ladies complementing Mistress on her general gorgeousness, and eyeing her with a certain curious lust.

On the way out, as we talked to the partner of the birthday girl. Another woman, apparently married to a guy,  joined the conversation, and commented on how her husband always wants her to have sex with a woman and let him watch.  Mistress gave me a look and commented "aren't all guys into that?"

Of course, slave enthusiastically agreed, and upped the anti. I suggested to the married straight lady,
"maybe your husband and I  should get you and Molly together to fulfill all of our fantasies!"

The ladies eyes lit up. "Now you're the kind of man I like!"

I hope Mistress got her number.

Monday, January 25, 2016

Tough Night for the Pretty Boy

I suspect our Western Correspondent was enjoying the thrill of victory last night, basking in the reflected glow of his Donkeys and their aging QB, who are heading for one more trip to the Super Bowl. The wily old veteran may have lost a step and a few dozen yards on his "long ball", but he seemed to have enough in the tank yesterday to eek out a victory.

But for every victor, there is someone coming to grips with ignominious defeat, isn't there?

 And paying the price for it with his erstwhile supporters.

And so let's all show just a little sympathy for the guy who had to go home last night and explain to his super model wife Giselle what exactly went wrong. I'm betting it wasn't pretty. At least he has until spring drills to let those welts heal.

Sunday, January 24, 2016

Dodged the Snow Bullet

Mistress and slave hunkered down here this weekend, heeding all the alarmist weather reports. Unlike the goof balls who seem oblivious to weather reports, we did not decide to take a ride down I-75 into Kentucky, where certain motorists purportedly got stuck in the snow for 24 hours.

I'm sorry, but what were you so desperate to see in Tennessee or Georgia that you decided to brave a blizzard to get there faster?

As it turned out, "snowzilla" was a bust in these parts. We got only an inch or two on Friday night, then the sun actually came out in the afternoon.

But that didn't really change our game plan. There was warmth sharing wake-up sex in the UCTMW executive suite yesterday morning.  We then went off on some solo missions - spending time with our respective Mothers - before we reassembled at around 2:30 pm - back in bed.

Mistress had a big shopping bag she brought home from her lunch with the dowager domme.

When I inquired as to its contents, she rolled her eyes.

"My mother's always off-loading stuff on me, slave".

The dowager domme is quite a shopper and collector, so you never know what might be involved when she makes more room in her closet for even more stuff.

"Kinky shoes, Mistress?  Or a designer strap-on harness?"

"No slave.  just a couple of cashmere sweaters."

I tried to hide my disappointment.

We then settled under the covers, turned on the heating blanket and read for a while before drifting off to a late afternoon nap.

And afterwards, well being suitably rested both Mistress and slave were ready for our "two-a-day" session.

"Why not put in your device, slave?"  (the aneros).

"Why not, indeed, Mistress....?"

Rest assured I made sure Mistress had a couple of cums with my highly skilled tongue before I took advantage of my opportunity for the second round of love making of our day.

Today we may not have time for that "two-a-day". One of my older daughters will be over to watch the pussycat-less NFL playoffs. And while I don't really have a dog in this hunt, watching what will surely be the last of the Manning v. Brady match-ups should be entertaining.

I will be rooting for our Western Correspondent's Donkeys. It's the sort of match-up where we will all miss the banter with Suzanne, our long lost blog-competitor at "All Mine".  Who can forget our speculation that, at heart, handsome Tom is actually a submissive to his super model Mistress, with some cute panties under that manly Patriots' costume.

The nightcap will feature a former Pussycats' QB, a guy who's career ended here prematurely, in my opinion. Gotta root for Carson Palmer, even if he may be a little inexperienced in the play-offs. I assume our fellow blogger Terri over at "A Married Sissy" will be pulling for the Cardinals.

Let's hope that wedding your attending will be over before the big game!