Tuesday, December 8, 2015

14 Days of Denial? Really?

Mistress and slave are in their final hours at our sublime SW sanctuary.  We head to the airport after some brisk wake-up sex in a little while.  Yesterday we took a break from skiing (well the lifts were closed as is typical on a Monday this early in the season), and headed into town for some Christmas shopping. It was a restful final day, that included our morning sexual adventures as well as a late afternoon bike-ride.

And while we did not engage in a two-a-day as we had earlier in the week, our morning sex was particularly energetic, with lots of cock riding after slave deployed Mistress's power tool for an exuberant "starter cum".

But what if slave's sexual activities were one sided, like our blogger friend Terri over at "A Married Sissy", who seems to spend weeks at  a time on lock down while Diane enjoys both his oral attentions and the benefits of her lover Paul's cock.

According to this video seminar I stumbled upon (Sexual Denial Makes You Happier), men who have their sexual climaxes rationed are actually happier!  Of course, it's not clear what the scientific basis for this guy's "formula" is, but let me explain.

He claims that the  pace of sexual release to assures a male's optimal happiness is determined by the following formula: (Age - 7) / 4.  That is take your age, subtract 7 and divide the result by 4.  For me that comes out to a cum every 14 days and 4 hours.


Of course, this guy is substantially younger than me - maybe 40?  So he's worked out a formula that would allow him to cum once every 8 days or so.  Ageist Bastard!

If you check out the video you will see that his formula for computing his "happiness" is very subjective. I would love to see this theory tested for replication and reliability in an independent laboratory, as any sound scientific theory should.

Interestingly, he is NOT saying a male like me attempting to optimize happiness should not engage in sex for 14 days.  Just not sex taken to orgasm.  So presumably I could deploy my humble work-a-day cock for Mistress's riding pleasures on a regular basis, but just retreat into frustration once she had her fill.

Nor does he mention the need for a cock cage, though I must say I would be tempted to "risk unhappiness" if not secured away during the moments when Mistress was not requiring her cock's services.

Finally, I have operated on the theory that there are health benefits to frequent sexual release?  Aren't their studies that regular usage of all those organs down there helps keep prostrate cancer at bay?  Or have I been making that up?  Doesn't all that release of sexual juices make me a more docile and complaint slave, anxious to please Mistress? Or a t least cook her a nice dinner?

So what do our readers think? Is there any scientific validity to this theory?  Would pacing my sexual releases to once every 14 days make me happier, as well as a more devoted and loving slave?  Or would it turn me all cranky and discontented?

Monday, December 7, 2015

Day in the Sun, Night On the Town

Mistress and slave are winding down their pre-Christmas getaway. On Sunday we packed lots of action into our day: robust wake-up sex with the rising sun shining over the mountains into our bedroom window; lots of skiing on slopes that have more than the typical share of snow this early in the season; then back to our little hideaway where Mistress enjoyed some blazing afternoon sun.

Don't you like the tights she wore under her ski pants?  I know her slave did!

After a nap to rally our strength - with a little worship thrown in - Mistress and slave headed out for a night on the town.

At a "silent auction" for two local charities, we sipped wine and mixed with some of the locals, particularly a recently married f/f couple who seemed taken by Mistress and a little disappointed when they discovered that the balding guy standing next to her at the bar was actually with her. Nevertheless they provided lots of entertainment.  They described themselves as denizens of these parts as well as LA and Denver, who appear on a TV show which is a sort of "Shark Tank" for the burgeoning cannabis industry prompted by the legalization movement in CO, CA and WA.  The two were probably in their early 50's, leaned to the femme side of the spectrum, and were charming in a brash Hollywood sort of way.

Somehow the conversation turned to how welcoming the local community, which might otherwise seem rather traditional,  has been  to lesbian ladies and gay marriage. The blonde of the couple speculated to me that it may be that the western culture was well tuned to strong, independent female "pioneer" types, who could raise a barn, rope a steer, or put a man in his place, if need be.  I happily agreed.

"And that's exactly how Molly and I are", using my best deferential tone.

"So she wears the pants in the family", the blonde said, nodding toward Mistress, with a raised eyebrow. Her eyes seemed  focused with more than a little interest on the fit and sensuous body filling the short skirt and black tights that Mistress was wearing for this "fancy" holiday event.

"You could certainly say that.... absolutely.  I try to be of service to her in whatever way I can....cooking, whatever...."

I'm not sure she got the point about my role here in the UCTMW household, but she and her spouse seemed very interested in getting back in touch with Mistress in the weeks to come.

Saturday, December 5, 2015

Mountain Man Sighting

Mistress and slave have been enjoying some plentiful early snow up on our ski mountain this week. The holiday crowds have yet to arrive, giving us the feeling of having our own private ski resort with open trails for getting our legs back in shape for the season.

And with the much missed privacy, we have also had the chance for more raucous and sustained encounters betwixt the sheets.

Of course, one thing missing is that Mistress does not have a side-dish lover in these parts (yet) in order to fully exploit all this privacy.

As if to highlight that one missing piece of the puzzle, she spotted HIM.  It was a post lunch lift ride that traverses a steep double black downhill run, not open yet for need of a few more feet of snow. Below us was a tall, rangy ski patrolman, side stepping down the steep pitch, compacting the first layer of snow with his skis.

"I think that's HIM, slave, Mistress whispered to me."

Sure enough, it was Mistress's "fantasy date", the mountain man of her dreams, who has climbed Mt. Everest more than any other American climber (which guy in this photo do you think HE is?).  Mistress's mountain man  lives somewhere in  our neighborhood here and when he's not leading climbers up Denali or Everest, he spends his winters working the ski patrol to keep in shape and acclimated to high altitudes. Mistress has been drooling over him ever since we saw one of his lectures/slide shows of his adventures. And all week she's been speculating aloud about whether HE is in town rather than climbing some mountain in Antarctica as he is wont to do at this time of year.  Mistress was able to confirm from HIS facebook and instagram posts that he was, indeed, on our mountain this week. She's been craning her neck every time a red jacketed skier passes by.

I yelled an hello to HIM as we passed overhead, and he yelled a jaunty hi back.  But Mistress, blushing a bit, remained silent. No doubt she was distracted by her quickening pulse and the sudden slickening of those clean shaven folds induced by the sudden appearance of her mythic crush.

Of course, Mistress has talked to HIM before. And they are even facebook friends, exchanging a few flippant comments from time to time. But Mistress has never had any extended opportunity to work her lethal charms on HIM.

Alas.   Maybe someday.  Until then, slave will have to do his best to keep Mistress's engines running.

Thursday, December 3, 2015


Mistress and slave headed west early yesterday morning and are now safely ensconced in our SW hideaway. It's great to be here, as the milky way sparkles overhead, and the temperatures dip to 10 degrees.  There is even a little snow pooled around the house, with more up on the mountain where we intend to get the first turns of the season in this morning.

While our early departure precluded wake up sex yesterday morning in River City, we made up for lost time yesterday afternoon as we settled into our bed.

"It's nice not to have to stifle, slave", Mistress said as the dust settled following some robust post sunset coupling.

"No doubt, Mistress....."

While all that TG family time was fun, we have missed our empty nest.

Another person who seems to miss Mistress's empty nest is K, her side-side dish.

As we drove to the airport yesterday, Mistress noticed some text messages from K.

"He knew we were leaving today, but wasn't sure when.... he wanted to come over first thing, while you were still here, and have a little fun."

"Bummer you missed that chance, Mistress."

"Not sure what got him going so early in the morning , but I told him I'm happy to be used  in that way, slave....."

On the ride up to our house later in the day, it seemed that Mistress and K kept up some ongoing text banter about plans for when we get back, which will be all too soon.  And let's not forget J.  He's had some hard family issues to deal with lately, but the two of them had a chaste lunch on Tuesday, and he apparently indicated a desire to get back to basics with Mistress.

At least Mistress has some extracurricular action to look forward to after we return to family and friends for the Christmas holiday.