Thursday, February 26, 2015

Mistress Can't Catch a Break

Poor Mistress.

She was all primped up.

Her clean shaven folds freshly tended.

Slave was all caged up for the day.

When she called before heading over to her Lover's house for a "nooner" she even reminded me of my status, as she typically does.

How's the cage, Slave?"

"Tight, Mistress...."

But at least a relative heat wave here (up into the 20's.... woo hoo....). NO need for the "peter heaters" that Fury was recommending, at least not until the weekend.

But as I was eating lunch, asking the maitre de to move my table so I would not have to sit next to our insufferable, diminutive Mayor, I got a text from Mistress....

"At Jay's, Slave.  But no sex. will fill you in later....."

I was certainly crestfallen on her behalf, despite my caged status.

Later she filled me in on the sad details.

"Jay has some guys replacing his furnace.... they said they were going to be working outside today.... but it turned out they were in and out all lunch was a real cluster fuck....."

Poor Mistress. All dressed up (or ready to undress) and no one to fuck!

"We had some lunch, talked a bit, but the guys never finished before I had to leave...."

"I guess it was still a little too cold for some snow drift nookie, Mistress?"

She gave me a frustrated snort.

Of course, back in the UCTMW Executive Suite, I  did my best to replace with avid lips and tongue what Mistress had been anticipating. Sadly..... sometimes "home cooking" comfort food cannot make do when you have your heart is set on something a little spicier and more robust.

"So how did you leave it with Jay, Mistress?"

"Maybe next week, Slave....."

Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Slave Caged While Mistress "Lunches" With Her Lover

Mistress let me know yesterday that she's finally been able to coordinate her schedule with her lover Jay. After a few weeks of out of town travel, and a frustrating week of school closings here in the frozen heartland, the stars have aligned. Mistress will be joining Jay for some lunch and other "amenities" at his home out in the 'burbs at noon today.

"And I think that means it's a good day for you to dust off that cage, slave...."

I suppose it is. Slave has been a bit of  a cage slacker these last few weeks. And certainly the cold temperatures have not made me too efficient about asking Mistress whether I should wear it in the morning.

Yesterday, as an example, it was minus 11 when I wandered out onto the tundra to warm up my car for the ride downtown. I don't even want to think about how quickly that metal would have chilled down to an uncomfortable level. Would my tender parts have stuck to the steel cage like a tongue to a proverbial flag pole in those temperatures?..... yikes!

So it's fortunate that today it may actually get up into the 20's. There shouldn't be too much risk of permanent damage to my work-a-day cock as long as I don't walk too far to lunch, right?

Regardless, I think Mistress has been missing time with Jay. Although I've done my best to fill in these last few weeks, an hour or so of hard core fucking is surely a good remedy after two weeks of chilling snow and cold here in River City.

Hopefully she'll let me soothe those well exercised folds with my devoted tongue when we get home this evening.

Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Is the Google Curtain Falling on UCTMW?

In the midst of a busy work day yesterday, Slave got an ominous email from our “host” here at UCTMW:

In the coming weeks, we'll no longer allow blogs that contain sexually explicit or graphic nude images or video. We'll still allow nudity presented in artistic, educational, documentary, or scientific contexts, or where there are other substantial benefits to the public from not taking action on the content.

The new policy will go into effect on the 23rd of March 2015. After this policy goes into effect, Google will restrict access to any blog identified as being in violation of our revised policy. No content will be deleted, but only blog authors and those with whom they have expressly shared the blog will be able to see the content we've made private.

I guess I should not be too surprised that a gigantic corporate entity that has provided cyber-space to us gratis for all these years has suddenly woken up to the idea that there’s nothing in it for them in providing a free home for the semi-explicit ramblings of the likes of me.  But what was confusing to me is whether UCTMW really does face the google axe.

Is this place really a home for “sexually explicit or graphic nude images ”?

There are the occasional images of Mistress’s lush and seductive curves and soft, oh so touchable skin. Those very soft core types of  images are part of what UCTMW has been over these last nearly 7 years of  postings.  We’ve gone through 1547 posts, and more than 1,400,000 page views here. And, at least as far as I can tell, Western civilization has not crumbled any more expeditiously than before we arrived here in our little corner of the internet.

I'd like to think that we fall into the category of "artistic" presentation of nudity. And couldn't it be said that the presentation of a near retirement age guy getting as much action as I do provides the sort of inspiration that is a "substantial benefit to the public?"  But how do I find the faceless drone at google who decides whether or not to pull our plug, so I can explain that "benefit". Google probably already has launched an algorhythmn to handle that task. It knows it when it scans it!

I suppose it's possible for us to re-launch at another host – some of you transitioned to Wordpress some time ago. We do have a UCTMW site over at Instagram where we’ve posted images from this blog and shared others. They don’t seem to have a problem with racy photos, let alone Mistress’s lush and tempting curves.

 I really do need some advice here. I would love to avoid the hassle of starting over in some new “home”. Slave is too old to be a refugee, carting my laptop and all the belongings I can carry over some cyber world version of an  icy mountain pass, like Julie Andrews and those annoying brats  in the Sound of Music.

Here’s what I want to know:

-       what exactly constitutes “sexually explicit or graphic nude images”? Does it include a tastefully depicted image of Mistress’s rump, as long as here clean shaven folds are not tossed in for good measure? What about a nipple or two? And when I posted those lovely photos of Mistress modeling her V-Day undies…. Did that cross the line?

-       We’ve always foregone images of actual sexual coupling here. And lord knows I have not shown any photos of Slave’s “work-a-day” cock. (Except a couple of times when shielded by its cage). So what constitutes a “ sexually explicit  or graphic nude image”?

-       If Slave wakes up on March 23 – the day when google's new policy goes into effect – and discovers UCTMW is shut off except for special invitees, is it too late to promote some alternative venue?

-       Is there a way to move existing content from this blog to a new host? Or will the world forever be deprived of all this valuable “content” once the google curtain falls?

Please share any thoughts or ideas !!!!!

Saturday, February 21, 2015

Hunkered Down For the Weekend

When the temperatures are hovering south of the + sign, the best thing to do is huddle beneath a warm blanket and cling to your Mistress.

That may be our philosophy this weekend, particularly because the snow is coming down again.  I am already coming up with excuses not to leave the house, at least until this afternoon.

It certainly worked last night, when Slave came home from work to find Mistress in an alluring black nightie, already warm and toasty under our life saving electric blanket.

What better way to start the weekend than with some early evening nooky with your loving Mistress.

She did have lunch with her lover Jay yesterday afternoon.  But because of cold weather school closings here in the frozen heartland, Jay's house was unavailable for any mid-day delight....

"It was nice to see him Slave, but it's been nearly three weeks now...."

I can tell Mistress is missing her alternative and ultra-buff lover. Hopefully the weather in the coming week will get back to something more normal for a number of reasons, including opportunities for Mistress to engage in sanctioned extra-curricular activities.

Meanwhile, she will have to make do with her Slave's more traditional sexual stylings.

Hopefully I can rise to the occasion.