Wednesday, December 24, 2014

Bon Noel!

With limited privacy in our little pied a tier here in an old neighborhood of Paris, we've had little time for sex, let alone posting about having sex.

Yes, we've been squeezing in some wake-up rendezvouses between the sheets, trying to stifle as best we can, while still asking for Mistress's permission to cum.  But I am a little concerned that our cute Co-Ed can hear us, considering her recitation at dinner last night of all the things her parents repeat to one another when we organize ourselves in the morning.

"I'm going to eat some yogurt and then put my clothes on, Mick" was a particular one that she jerked her mother's chain about.

"You don't want your mother to get sticky yogurt on those nice clothes, do you?" I rejoined.

Our other Co-Ed, the one who considers herself a real Parisian by virtue of a 6 month study abroad adventure, has shown her disdain for her gouche Americans parents and sister whenever possible.

Order coffee with your lunch?


You get the picture.  But she does seem to show up at meal time, before retreating to her private quarters for "personal space".  You can note that we are not complaining.

Of course, none of us are going hungry here. And Mistress is particularly attached to the giant merangues and the colorful macaroons.  I for one am partial to the baguettes.

There has also been some interesting art to see. This image reminded me of Mistress visiting my office for worship:
And lots of interesting windows to enjoy.  One daughter referred to a kinky leather good store as "weird", so I had to resist the temptation to check out the leather cuffs and collars. But I did snap a shot of the window and it's assortment of holiday latexwear:
Of course, Mistress does miss being in more regular contact with her lover, Jay.  They've been able to trade text messages by viber, but she's only had enough privacy to call him once, when our daughter stepped outside to call her boyfriend.  It was cute to hear her engage in romantic chit chat, while I stood guard to make sure our daughter was not able to listen in.  Moms with lovers a la carte are not  something most American girls can handle well, are they?

We hope all you devoted readers and your families enjoy peaceful and joyous holidays, and have more sex than we can this joyous season.

Monday, December 22, 2014

Femdom Night at the Museum?

Yesterday, while the cute Co-Eds were sleeping in, Mistress and Slave took in a nearby museum devoted to Jewish heritage and life in Paris. After we wandered through the impressive (and heartbreaking) exhibits, we stepped into the Museum book store. My search for a gift to bring home to my grand-kids was quickly diverted when I noticed a book that seemed to focus on the idolatry of the female gender - or at least their feet.  Here's the cover:
And here are a couple of other illustrations:

Maybe someone more facile at French can interpret the cover for me?

But your correspondent is having trouble figuring how this inspiring guidebook ended up in the museum collection.

Now I'm going to get back to sucking on Mistress's toes.

Sunday, December 21, 2014

Dispatch From the Right Bank

Mistress, Slave and their two cute Co-Eds are enjoying some family time here in the City of Light, which has been all lit up for the holidays.

We have been able to squeeze in some wake-up sex, but have had to be particularly stealthy about it so as to avoid annoying / embarrassing one daughter sleeping in the next room. Mistress seems pleased with my ministrations, but she's had to keep those deeply felt expressions of delight undercover.

"It's kind of sexy to do it so quietly for a change, slave, isn't it?"

I can't disagree.

The sights and sounds of such a bustling city, amidst all the trappings of history, are particularly appealing this time of year, with all the shoppers in the sidewalks, and folks trundling home with their little Christmas trees.

Of course, Slave enjoys seeing all the Parisian ladies in their tights and short dresses, even riding bicycles or motor scooters. And I can't help but be distracted by all of the high end lingerie stores and their windows.

It's been nice to spend some time with our two daughters together for a change. And partake of all the sensual delights of what may be the world's most beautiful city.

In the meantime, we hope all of our devoted readers are beginning to ease up and into your own holidays, with families, friends, lovers, slaves, mistresses and masters!

Friday, December 19, 2014

Western Correspondent Action Figure On Market Just in Time for the Holidays

Mistress, slave and the two dommes in training are now safely ensconced in our little apartment in the Marais district of Paris, dug in through Christmas. We are overcoming jet lag by gorging on chocolate mousse and two much coffee.

The holiday lights are a delight here, as the Parisians ward off the gloom of winter.

You will be glad to know that Mistress's clean shaven folds have been welcoming to her slave. Although the close confines of our little walk up in an ancient building required us to stifle our expressions of mutual delight this morning.

"At least the bed doesn't squeak, slave...."

While strolling last night after dinner, we did notice an interesting action figure in a window displaying holiday gift items.

"Look Mistress..... our Western Correspondent must be marketing action figures? It's got a special occasion cock!"

I may have to review his employment contract with UCTMW World Media Enterprises to see whether we are due royalties.

"It would make a nice stocking stuffer, slave....". Mistress noted.

And I will let that line speak for itself.