Saturday, October 18, 2014

Mistress "Entertains" One of Her "Backburners"

Slave wrote here last week about the social media phenomenon of many married ladies keeping on simmer one or more "backburner" relationships, just in case the guy(s) on the front burner (husband, boyfriend) suddenly peter out.

As I mentioned then, while Mistress  has her devoted Slave, along with a lover, Jay, on her front burners,  she has been in touch with several other former or prospective lovers over the last several months. Just the other day she showed me a "sext" photo her former college beau E sent her from an LA hotel, showing him in the buff via a bathroom mirror.

What could I say?

"He's looking pretty buff, Mistress."

"I suppose so, Slave."

Well yesterday, another back burner lover popped back up. We've referred to him here by a little nick name that apparently he does not appreciate. (He does read the blog from time to time), so in the interests of avoiding offense, Slave will just refer to him as K. As I recall, he first popped up here a couple of years ago during Mistress's "Cougar Week", when she was sampling several younger guys she met on AM. She's been in touch on and off with K, who serendipitously discovered the blog a while back, much to our embarrassment.

Not that Mistress's "review" was unfavorable. As I recall she had some very compelling experiences with K, and I enjoyed making dinner for him and serving him coffee one morning.

But the relationship was not sustained, primarily because K was involved with another woman and the complications of that became, well, too complicated.

But there apparently was an attraction that survived. The two stayed in touch. Enjoyed conversations and the occasional get together.  But it was still a bit of a surprise when Mistress phoned me at work yesterday and said that K had given her a call and was coming over for a Friday afternoon "visit".

When I got home - riding my bike on a beautiful sunny fall day here in River City - I discovered a well satisfied Mistress. Apparently there had been a hot and heavy encounter in the UCTMW executive suite.

"It was pretty intense Slave.... me riding his cock, a few other more exotic positions he likes....and he loves to use his tongue on me...."

"Sounds like a good way to end the week, Mistress."

"It was, Slave.....he actually came twice....."

"Yikes.....that's something your old Slave hasn't been able to do in one session in a decade or so...."

"Well he is about 20 years younger than you."

"I suppose that is a consolation, Mistress."

Of course, Mistress has no expectation that her encounter with K will become a regular thing.

"We get along well, Slave. He's fun to be with. And the sex is great. He said I looked great and felt great."

"A classic 'fuck buddy', Mistress. Who can argue with that...."

By now we were in bed, Mistress in her bike top, her bottoms off. Slave had also stripped away my riding pants and shirt.

"K did ask if I would let you fuck me when I got home, Slave."

"And what did you tell him?"

"I said I would let you use your tongue on me, but that would be all.  I've had enough cock for one day, Slave"

Of course, that led directly to me sliding between Mistress's firm and silky thighs, happy to soothe those well exercised clean shaven folds. I was happy to play my proper role, and could not help but taste the consequences of her afternoon with K.

Slave knows his place, and will patiently await my chance this morning.

Thursday, October 16, 2014

Savory Mistress

By the time I got home from work, getting a little damp on my ride home, Mistress was back from her own bike ride, which came after her "nooner" with her lover, Jay.

Slave took a shower, but I was grateful that Mistress saved hers until after my opportunity to worship.

"So how was your afternoon encounter, Mistress?"

"Very nice Slave.... lots of sucking and very vigorous fucking.... the usual...."

As I settled between her legs to sooth her well exercised folds it was hard not to taste and detect the flavors and aromas of her "vigorous" activities.  Was it her encounter with Jay, her bike ride, or both that added that tart aftertaste to her sweet juices? In any event it was a unique treat for her devoted Slave.

After I had delivered a late afternoon cum to add to her day's palate of delights, Mistress sighed with contentment.

"I wish I could offer to return the favor, Slave..... but my parts and body are pretty worn out by now."

"I wasn't expecting anything more, Mistress."

I am optimistic that she will be rested and ready for me this morning though.

Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Mistress and Slave Play Hookey

For reasons too complicated to explain, Mistress and Slave ended up at home together at around 3:45 pm yesterday afternoon. Sure, it was only about 2 hours earlier than the typical end of the work day, but it was as if we had discovered one of those mythological cracks in the space time continuum.  Two whole hours in our empty nest..... what ever to do?

"It's like we're having an affair, Slave....."

Sort of. Mistress generously sprung her work-a-day cock from its close confines. Slave showed his generosity with some enthusiastic worship. And before I was allowed to fuck Mistress, she instructed me to insert my "device" (the aneros), a special treat which certainly enhanced the experience of me taking my pleasure as afternoon turned to evening.

When the dust settled, there was a relaxing nap, then plenty of time for Slave to whip up some dinner and us to enjoy some TV. In the spirit of things we watched that new Showtime series, "The Affair" which shows some promise.

Of course, when Mistress "steps out" it's not really an affair in the traditional sense, since she has contractual privileges. In fact, today she's scheduled another "nooner" with her lover Jay. 

I suppose the lesson is that slave better take his opportunities when they are presented. I have a feeling Mistress's clean shaven folds will be a little too tuckered out by the end of the day today for me to expect a replay of our Tuesday afternoon fun.

Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Post Weekend Update

Here in River City we had a busy weekend.

Mistress got to spend sometime with our cute co-ed. They even went undie shopping together - sort of a female bonding thing?  Mistress was sporting these cute panties last evening when I got home as she prepared for a meeting. It's a new color choice for her and Slave had to capture it for our loyal readers, right?

I think it makes a nice contrast with Mistress's glowing pink skin, though it's clear that late summer all over tan has already begun to fade. How sad.

Sunday morning we woke up here wondering if our daughter and her friend from college had gotten home after a night on the town Saturday night.  I had not heard them, and was a little paniced. But when I stuck my head in her room I discovered not two but three bodies in her bed, including a guy on the far side of the mattress.

Of course Dad's who trumpet in sex blogs their open minded approach to all things kinky have a different attitude when it comes to their daughters. But as my eyes focused on the details of the bodies splayed before me - out like lights - I realized that they were all still in their street clothes. So if anything "untoward" had happened, at least they had the good sense to preserve plausible  denyability for the "puritanical" Molly and Mick,

Sunday afternoon I dragged the Co-Ed and her friend to the River City pussycats titanic struggle with the NC pussycats. It turns out our readers Lyle and Jillian (who are also dabbling in Femdom and cuckolding) are fans of those other pussycats. The game was certainly dramatic, and there were moments when Slave was prepared to throw in the towel.  But the two teams of felines scratched, clawed and hissed their way to an unsatisfying 37-37 tie.

Lots of drama signifying nothing.

But the sad part is that I did not put together that Lyle was a NC pussycats fan. If I had been thinking we could have formulated a compelling bet.... maybe he has sex with Molly while I watch if his team wins, and vice versa if his team won?  Or maybe Molly and Jillian would come up with something more compelling once they heard we were wagering with their bodies on the line?

Ah well, there's always next year.

As for me, it seems Mistress had developed a new way incentive system to keep her Slave in shape.

"I'm thinking that you should wear the cage on days you don't ride your bike to work."

"Yes, Mistress."

Of course I like riding to work. But it's hard to do when it's raining or too cold. I was hoping to do it today and avoid the cage. But last night the wind picked up, thunder was crashing, and rain was lashing against the window. Maybe there will be a break in the weather. But just in case, I slid that hard steel ring on this morning, scrunching my reluctant balls through the tight aperture.

I guess I have to be prepared too.