Sunday, September 7, 2014

Our Western Correspondent Is Ready for Kick-off

Mistress and Slave enjoyed our Saturday with sex, cycling and music up on the Mountain. It seems that summer is turning to fall here this weekend. We are officially bummed that our time here ends tomorrow, and we head back to full calendars and the gloomy skies of the heartland.

We plan to enjoy our last day here with some solo time together, and maybe a long bike ride crossing between little towns on the New Mexico - Colorado border.

So we will turn the blog over to our Western Correspondent, for his timely update from the Mile High City:

Well here is a report from the Mile Hi City

We are having a big golf tournament  here this week

The BMW Fedex cup semi finals

It is at a course called Cherry Hills right near my house

Rode my bike over to check it out

Those guys hit it further than the poor old WC.......

And the fine members there have not seen there way clear to making the WC a member

Course I wouldn't be a member at a club that would have me anyway!

I did see the club pro from my club there

John Elway is a member and the club champion

Peyton Manning is a member and that is where Elway talking Manning into coming to Denver

Thank you John!!!

Speaking of Manning My beloved Broncos are playing Andrew Luck and the Colts here Sundaynight

Manning was giving the golfers tickets Tuesday at the golf course

Expect the Donks to cover for any gamblers out there

Denver has a brutal schedule this year playing the following playoff teams from last year

Cincy (Mick), San Fran, Kansas City twice, San Diego twice, Indy, New England, and Seattle

Around here we are particularly looking forward to going to Seattle the third week of the season

Time for some payback for the Supper Bowl

Besides everybody know Seattle is full of pot smoking left coast liberals

Thats why we like them!!!!

We are kind of sister cities

But their football team needs a good old fashioned beat down

And Pete Carol is an asshole!

But   Wilson played in the Colorado Rockies farm system

My daughter turns 16 tommorow

B is up in the mountains at a resort town for a conference

So I get the pleasure of hosting a sleep over and birthday party for teenage girls

Lucky me.................

Meanwhile at the Ranch tonight they are hosting a birthday Party for Kendal, the owner and giving away $5,000.00 worth of panties

As long as you put them on in public!

Well rock on U2 lunatics

You hard working reporter


Thanks, WC.  Maybe you can slip some of those THC laced gummy bears that laid Molly so low earlier in the week into Richard Sherman's pre-game smoothie. That might give your Donkeys a fighting chance against the Seahawks.  Though I agree with you about Pete Carroll! 

Saturday, September 6, 2014

Hunk Watch

Mistress and Slave have been spending a good bit of time up at our local Ski Hill, where a big regional music fest is proceeding under a "bigtop" in the shadow of the mountains. It's great music, and even better people watching, particularly for those of us from the more tedious and predictable heartland.

I believe I mentioned earlier this week an encounter we had down on the banks of the Rio Grande. Mistress was sunbathing topless, and we struck up a conversation with two middle aged women who were doing likewise. It turned out that one of them is the Mayoress of the little village where the ski hill sits, and there she was last evening (fully clothed) acting as ticket checker at the festival gate.

Mistress and I chatted her up, making only vague references to how we had met, avoiding embarrassment. But Slave did note that I deserved credit for recognizing her....

"See I must have been looking at your face, not elsewhere...."

 The Mayoress seemed impressed with Slave's discipline. (As was Mistress, who did not recognize her!)

Of course, Mistress had her own distractions at yesterday's event.  We were sitting near the entrance to the "backstage" tent, where the performers hung out and accessed the free booze and munchies through the show. So she had a chance to check out some of the "stars" up close as they sipped wine and lounged against a fence, watching the other acts.

A couple of local guys caught her eye, one who we had met here last year. The first (on the right) is a native American performer and artist who hales from the local Pueblo.

The second is a local Hispanic / Native American hybrid of sorts, who now performs more in California than in these parts.

Mistress had trouble containing her enthusiasm when they appeared near our seats, joshing with each other and the assembled semi-celebrities.

"Those guys are hunks, Slave...." she whispered to me, indicating with her eyes the gentlemen she was drooling over.

Mistress does know her eye candy.

I did admire her ability to keep her tongue in her mouth and admire from afar (or at least a few feet away).

But I will certainly understand if when I am performing my morning worship she elects to fantasize that these two fellows are tag teaming her instead of her pampered house slave.

Thursday, September 4, 2014

HNT / Hey, What is that Goop?

Shame on you!

Of course, it's just sun screen, spattered there by slave before performing my daily task of making sure that Mistress's lovely skin does not get too fried in the intense high altitude sun here at our SW hideaway.

We wouldn't want Mistress to get too leathery, a threat out here in the high desert. And so far Mistress's regime of goop smearing  has had good effect. Not only does slave relish placing his hands on Mistress's lovely body, but it seems that members of the fairer sex have the same impulse.

Last night we were at a local restaurant where a group of musicians were performing on an outdoor patio. A group of our friends and their friends were sharing a table and the space around it when one of the women mentioned how lovely Mistress looked in her short black dress, showcasing her tan and muscular legs.

"I'll bet they're really smooth", she said.

But she didn't leave her observation to mere speculation. She was sitting. Mistress was standing next to her. The lady reached over and rubbed her hands along Mistress calf, up to the knee and confirmed.

"Oh yes.... very smooth."

The lady sitting next to her couldn't resist, joining in on the tactile fun.

She reached over too, running her fingers up Mistress's leg from ankle to knee, relishing and confirming her friend's observation.

"Oh my..... so smooth....."

All the while slave was standing there, enjoying the female fawning.

Then there was the hunky guy sitting next to Mistress as I stood there, chatting her up in what could only be described as a flirtatious way.

I think Mistress was enjoying the attention.

But even she was a little surprised when the lady who had felt up her legs earlier leaned in and kissed her on the mouth as she bid her adieu.

I think the lady surprised even herself.

"Ohhh.... did I just do that?"

Uhhh, yes, you did.

Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Mistress Explains It All For You

Hello dear readers…it has been a while.  In a bout of insomnia (from paradise) I nudged Mick and said, “I will write the blog today.”  While my written energy would be more appropriately directed to my clients – this seemed more in line with what (while we are here) has become the daily exercise in determining just how much paid work we can avoid.

As we approach year five of the contract and the blog, one thinks about why we do this – the short answer is that we like sex.   The longer answer gets a bit more complicated, which is likely why it is so difficult to find the “right” person to be part of this “triangle.”  We miss the team over at “All Mine.”  They have had what has seemed to be a perfect situation.  Yet we all know that while relationships with two can be a challenge – three is in a league of its own.

Suzanne once told us that she and Tammy had met many suitors and had all but given up, until Jay came into the picture.  We wish them all well and are hopeful that their unique situation prospers.

And then there was the WC – our friend – and potential “partner” from the Rocky Mountain West.  We love you WC – and respect that your personal situation does not lend itself to what Mick would call our “hijinks”. 

Otherwise, we have had a trail of albeit interesting – but not the perfect suitors.  Yes, we have met some great men.  Yes, I have had some mind blowing sex – but regarding one’s decision to be part of our lives – has not happened.

Marc D: why are you so far away? We could work something out.

So today we sit on the precipice of someone whom we plan to get to know a bit.  While he is reading, he has not commented.  In (what I have deemed our final attempt) to use AM as a suitor location vehicle – he was able to connect the dots …find the blog and figure some things out about us. At the same time that we connected with “D,” I also interviewed some suitors – call it pheromones – but several are fairly insistent – and I have sent some pretty specific “not interested” messages to them .

What I don’t want:
1)   An affair because your wife has not slept with you for six years.
2)   A booty call at 6:00 am in the morning (that is when I have sex with Mick, exercise, play on the internet, and pet my cats.) No thanks.
3)   To hear about your horrible divorce – while I am sort of a psychologist – not looking to be your counselor.
4)   To go with you to Europe (while I love Europe), I don’t know you yet, and am not impressed that (over dinner) you ask me to join you on a trip  and then you send me the travel itinerary the next day. Makes me wonder….

What we do want:

1)    Someone who has the patience for us.  We move fast.  We are sarcastic. We like sex. We love each other.
2)    Someone who has fun with this, but does not play games.
3)    Someone who has a high energy level – we do.   Remember Mick and Molly have sex at least once (sometimes twice per day.) The only deviation is when we are in different cities. Those of you who have been fans – know that when I am seeing someone – the count increases.
4)    Someone who is smart, with a sense of humor that does not take us (or themselves) too seriously.
5)    Compliments – I will admit this – I am 51 and want LOTS of them. I wish that I could be more cool about it – but let’s face it—the glamour girl years may be fleeting – bring them on and bring them now.
6)    Someone who communicates.  Mick and I both are high on the communications scale – while we prefer proper spelling and grammar – we are willing to trade for other redeeming qualities. (WC is still our buddy.)

D:  you may well be this guy – and if you are not – can you use your intelligence gathering to find him for us?

The other option is for Mick and I to “mail” in our retirement letters, wire cash to the kids and retire (out here) like most people our age do.

Happy Wednesday to all.
