Saturday, June 14, 2014

Small Town

Here in River City the schedule has been turned upside down with my Mother in an extended stay at a local hospital. It's definitely cut into the time at the end of the day when Mistress and Slave like to spend a little R & R time in the executive suite, relaxing and kanoodleing.

Fortunately, we broke out of the dreary routine last evening. Mistress had spent some time with our older cute Co-Ed, and I broke loose from the hospital at around 6 pm, so that there was time to join her in bed. One thing turned to another - a short nap, some worship, and Mistress giving her work-a-day cock some much needed attention before it did it's own thing to her clean shaven folds.


After that, we pulled our clothes on and walked to a little bistro for some drinks and a light meal. The owner, who likes to flirt with Mistress, even treated us to a lovely soft shell crab.  By the time we walked home under the rising, full "Honey Moon", it seemed the stress of the work-week and dealing with my cranky Mother had lifted away, at least for a while.

The odder occurrence of the day related to one of Mistress's suitor's on AM.  This is a guy in his late 50's,  single, who was trying to set up a Starbucks meet to see if there might be any sparks flying.

When Mistress saw his photos, she had that "do I know this guy" vibe, but seemed unsure. They both had some professional commonalities, but no bells were ringing.

Of course, I am her official AM correspondent, monitoring messages, and responding as commanded.

This fellow asked to see a face shot of Mistress so they would be able to recognize one another when the big "date" happened. And of course, who wouldn't be curious after seeing those R rated shots of Mistress's legs in her AM "private showcase"?

After running this request by Mistress, she gave me the thumbs up.

"OK, Slave... you can send him one of the approved photos."

The one I sent does not show a particularly clear shot of her face, just her sitting under the portal at sunset at our SW hideaway.  With sunglasses on, its still not easy to get a full idea of her face. A bit of a tease, really.

But apparently enough for her new friend.

Hi Molly,
Well--dummy me --- I just figured out very SLOWLY that we have met. Oh, well …… pics are just better disguised

So, how awkward is this?

Mistress was a little baffled, and a little nervous when I read her this response.  Who could this guy be? Why couldn't the bell ring more clearly? She instructed me to express her own embarrassment and ask for his name.  But he kept up the tease.

Morning Molly

Soooo--are you really "playing dumb" that you don't know? Or, are you putting me on. I thought my pic was so obvious you knew and I was the one who didn't !! :-). At least you placed in photos that one could mistake for others and weren't so obvious.  Not so me :-)

When I responded, on her behalf, that no, she was not playing dumb, but was now really intrigued,he sent another hint:

Hi Molly,

I am up for still meeting as well unless you now think it's "too weird" ....... We were in a 2 hr meeting recently at a College  ........ :-)

So, now does it click? I obviously made an indelible impression :-)

You are allowed to change your mind --no pressure. Meeting regardless, now that the cat is out of the bag, would probably be good for some laughs at minimum

The bell finally rang. He was a guy at a recent client meeting. But Mistress had not placed his face. Mistress was clearly embarrassed: Not only because they had this "real life" connection, but because she had not made the connection herself when she saw his face shots. (Fortunately this is not a penis shot guy..... now that would really be embarrassing!)

And what are the odds that you can run into someone in real life in a work context, and then encounter them a few weeks later in this underground, AM context?

Mistress asked me to pass on her cell number so they could talk. So far that has not happened yet. And I suppose, since the potential for embarrassment is there for each of them in equal measure, there is no real risk of exposure of Mistress's kinky little "back story" to her work world. Just the potential for some potentially uncomfortable work meetings if she has to interact with this guy in that context again.

But as I said.... it's a small town.

Thursday, June 12, 2014

HNT / Ashley Madison Outtakes

Mistress and Slave are settling into our new / old house. Most of the boxes have been unpacked. The "art" is either on the wall, or stuffed into our ancient attic for budding young anthropologists to discover in some future century. When I updated our home owners insurance, they had trouble with my answer to the question about the age of the slate roof.

"Well the house was built in 1840. So I guess that's how old the roof is. But if a slate breaks or comes loose you just replace it....." Apparently their computer system didn't like that answer." But it does make for some interesting sounds up in the attic when it's raining.

With our move behind us and the summer before us, life is calming a bit (setting aside my cranky mother being in the hospital, but let's not bore you with that.)

Mistress has a couple of AM suitors she is sorting through again. Nothing too compelling at this point. Weeding out the married guys who seem more interested in describing how lame their wives are in the sack, the pickings on AM are thin. But then Mistress is hardly desperate for attention. She does have the oral stylings of her devoted slave to tide her over.

And there are the guys who come knocking on her AM door who can still draw a chuckle.  Like this attractive character:
At 5'8" and 280 lbs he clearly falls outside of the physical parameters laid out in Mistress's posting. But then who could turn down a guy who says he's into "one night stands", and wants a lady who will "party and f**k all day long." And for good measure he highlights in Caps that he "LOVES BEER, SEX, WEED AND GOING TO BARS."

Who are you trying to fool WC? You have Mistress's email address and phone number. You don't need to hit on her on AM!

Monday, June 9, 2014

Re- Inaugural Switch Day

With our cute Co-Eds away over the weekend, there were no excuses when it came to re-inaugurating switch day traditions here at our new/old digs. And since the house has an equestrian theme, well why not break out the riding crop?

After some morning paper and blog reading, Mistress reluctantly allowed her slave (Dom for the day) to lock the red cuffs on her dainty wrists. I always like the way they match her elegant nail polish.

She was rolled onto her tummy, and her wrists were spread and secured in place.  When I saw how seductive she looked with legs eschew, I decided to ditch the spread eagle effect, and let her squirm away as I applied the crop to that creamy skin at her bottom. 

Of course, there is always a mix of pleasure with the pain on switch day. So - eventually - Mistress was rewarded with her favorite power tool, wedged between her thighs. She squirmed against it as I layered on some more slaps with the crop and swats with my palm as she worked herself into a frenzy.

Was it cruel of me to threaten to turn off the Hitachi just as she was getting close to a cum?

"Why would you do that Slave?"

The desperation in her voice was so compelling I decided not to throw that particular switch.

Soon she was begging for permission to come. And who would I be to deny her?

Her ass was so compelling that I elected to take her from behind, thrusting with gusto and enjoying those moans of delight from Mistress. We may have frightened the cats.

When the dust settled, the verdict was positive.

"That was a good one, Slave...."

Sunday, June 8, 2014

Mistress and Slave Resettlement

My how time flies when you're not posting on your sex blog!

I realized this morning that it's been a whole week since we updated our devoted readers on developments here in River City.

Moving really does suck. And the notion of "downsizing" is particularly challenging when you have two cute Co-Eds that are in denial about the whole thing.

What was it about: "sweethearts, your rooms are smaller and there is less closet space" that they didn't understand?"

Of course, I will not be critical of Mistress, because Slave will deserve a punishment.

Then there are two cats being "new house broken".  One definitely has to look where you are walking around here. There is nothing like the squish of a cat turd between your bare toes.

I was thinking about doing a top ten list titled "You know you have too much stuff when.....", but the process of editing was giving me a headache.

Not that I am an innocent bystander: I am already regretting not throwing away more of my collection of mismatched coffee cups. I'm the only one who drinks coffee here, and you only need one at a time right?  And  albums: who needs two versions of "Sergeant Pepper"? (The original scratched up one from 1967 or so, and a "remastered" English version?) Then there are family heirlooms: my grandfather's pictures of war torn France from WWI; a great grandmother's trunk from Ireland. Photos of my grandfather's farm in upstate NY. I've held onto them. But who the heck will want to retrieve them from this old attic when I'm tired of moving them? Or not moving at all?

It is nice to be in our new/old bedroom. Slave lived here 3-4 nights a week for a while when the rest of the crowd was in Florida. Mistress visited occasionally. But it was more  a bachelor pad then. Now it may be a tad more crowded with "stuff", but feels much more like home, particularly with Mistress beside me every night.

And it's a lot more tranquil than out old house/neighborhood, particularly this weekend. Cute Co-Ed #1 is on a round trip visiting friends; Cute Co-Ed #2 is on summer camp in NYC for two months. (She calls it an "internship"). So Mistress and Slave have time to unpack, as well as spend a little more time in bed, without concerns about thin walls and ambient noise.

Friday night we went to our old/new swim club, ran into old friends, who invited us over for an impromptu dinner. with kids away, no one was asking us "what's for dinner?", so we could easily change plans.

Last night it was a walk to the local ice cream parlor and the next door movie theatre, before heading home to our empty nest. Plus some worship before bedtime.

We definitely can get used to this.

So you will excuse me if I stop blogging and begin my preparations for a proper switch day. won't you?