Sunday, June 1, 2014


Mistress and her humble Slave have been resettling this weekend after our big "downsizing" move, back to an historic home closer into town than the original UCTMW World HQ. It's a place we've owned for about 10 years but had rented out for a while. But not as spacious or as accommodating for a family of 4.  Cute Co-Ed #2 (who turns 21 in a few weeks) got the message as she was unpacking all her stuff before heading to a grown up summer camp in NYC for the next 2 months:

"This really isn't a house for 4 people, is it?"

"No honey, it isn't. Do you really plan on living with your parents much longer?"

The move was arduous. 8 men and 4 trucks. Really. But they weren't big trucks, if that counts.

And we moved more stuff than we really needed. But as the Neil Sedaka oft sang: "breaking up (with stuff) is hard to do...." So we have it all a little longer, and our seemingly spacious attic now looks like a cramped consignment shop.

Today we headed back to the swim club we habituated many weekends between 1998 and 2004. Creatures of habit, we spread our towels in the same corner of the sunning patio as we had 10 years earlier. Sitting next to us were the same folks we last saw there 10 years ago, and they acted as if we just saw them last August. Very Deja Vu. 

With both daughters home over the weekend, and a thin wall separating us from the daughter who Mistress embarrassed last week with her "let's have sex" announcement, Mistress and Slave had to develop more stifled sexual stylings. That involved playing some music and suppressing our moans of passion this morning.

But it was good to break in the new / old bedroom once again. And as you can see from the photo, it's nice to get back into the habit of our pre-dinner Sunday afternoon nap.

Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Mistress Steps In It.

It's our last night in the UCTMW World HQ. At least the original one. After the blitzkrieg drive back from DC on Monday, it's been non-stop packing, working, and shuttling our delicate items to the new, semi-downsized pad in a more central and hip part of town.

Our cute Co-Eds have been relatively co-operative, though the younger one still has a whole lot of packing to do in her disaster of a room, with the movers coming at crack of dawn tomorrow.

Sadly, Mistress and Slave have barely had time for sex these last few days. Other than a stop at my office for worship on Tuesday afternoon, things have been pretty dry since we climbed in the car in DC on Monday morning.

But things were looking good this evening, after we attended a closing and made one more shuttle to the new house with a variety of items, including our bag of "toys" that I discretely slid into the back of our new closet.  At around 7 pm, the girls announced they were filling up the station wagon with some of their own items and driving over to the new house.  Finally,  it seemed as if a window of opportunity had opened.

But Mistress was a little too cocky when she called out from downstairs to her slave....

"Amazing. Both girls gone.... let's have sex.....!"

Then there was another voice - cute Co-Ed #2.

"I haven't left yet."

I'm not sure who was more embarrassed. Mistress. Or our daughter.

Can you imagine the conversation the two of them had once they pulled out of the driveway?

Don't worry. Despite the walk of shame Mistress had up the stairs after she realized her blunder, once we confirmed that both were gone, we did not let the opportunity pass us by.

Sunday, May 25, 2014

Weekend Wedding Road Trip Update

Mistress gave me  a chance  for a "photo-op" as she was primping for last night's wedding. The engineering on this little device seemed confusing, until I realized there was some sort of adhesive that stuck to her cute but sturdy nipples, which was just slightly painful when she popped them off to readjust her cleavage.

 Amazing what women do to enhance their appearance, isn't it?  But then again if our blogger friend "Fury" had designed this device, it probably would have little clamps inside to make sure it didn't pop off.

There is always room for design improvement!

Road Trip With the Divas

Our life back in River City just wasn't complicated enough - busy at work, dealing with the return of our cute Co-Eds, and getting ready to move the UCTMW World HQ to a smaller footprint in a trendier neighborhood. So what better time for  a mandatory appearance at a family wedding in DC for the Memorial Day weekend?

Since air connections from River City these days are less convenient and more expensive, we opted for another car ride to the East Coast, Yes, the 2nd in a week if you are counting. Mick is thinking about changing careers to over-the-road trucker!

Suffice it to say that with the two Divas kibbutzing from the back seat, there was not much time or space for sexy talk between Mistress and Slave during our drive . Fortunately, Mistress's  unsubtle message to suitor Steven to cut off the constant barrage of texting worked it's magic. Mistress did not have to explain who kept texting her to our nosy daughters.

Suzanne will be happy to know that we upgraded from the Super 8 to a "Microtel" in Hazelton, WV on Friday night. Nice rooms out in the middle of no where, but reasonably priced. Maybe its fortunate location was chosen because of the proximity  of the Hazelton Federal Penitentiary, just  next door, something we did not notice until we departed on Saturday morning. Fortunately, there were no prison escapes during our brief visit.

And we did make sure the ladies slept in a separate room, giving Mistress and slave some time for our morning wake-up sex ritual before hitting the road for DC.

Our arrival here was uneventful, and we did some touristy things yesterday afternoon -- dodging a few hundred Vietnam Era bikers here for Memorial Day,  before doing a brisk walk through the National Gallery.

We made sure there was time for a "nap" before taking our Divas in Training out for a high end dinner at a restaurant Mistress and Slave have enjoyed for many years. One daughter used her fake Texas ID to order a desiginer Gin and Tonic.  Yes, friends, we confess to bad parenting.

This morning we are "sleeping in" before heading to a Georgetown Brunch. The wedding is this evening. I can already sense the need for a late afternoon nap. By tommorrow at noon we will be back on the road, hightailing it back to River City to finish our packing.

We hope the rest of you are enjoying a more restful Memorial Day Weekend, closer to home!