Monday, April 21, 2014

The Resurrection of Switch Day

No, we're not a particularly religious household here at UCTMW.

We let both of the religious holidays from our respective traditions go unhonored this week. When Mistress's sister once again asked her whether she could borrow the "Passover Plate" gifted to her some time ago, she had to explain (0nce again) that she had given it away to a friend who invited us over for Passover years ago.

And Easter? Well, let's just say that it's honored only in the secular sense: when our divas in training were young there were the Easter Egg hunts, with little plastic eggs filled with candy or spare change.
And of course, the Easter baskets filled with unhealthy confections.

Yesterday, it was Mistress Mother (the senior Domme of the family) who came up with the baskets - at a brunch at her house that, fortunately, was scheduled late enough for us to indulge in some wake-up sex and a bike ride before we got down to some serious face stuffing.

The baskets for Mistress, her sister and our Cute Co-Ed were filled to the rim with the traditonal staples: Reese's eggs, pink M&M's, chocolate eggs, and the indispensable Peeps.

What is it with Peeps?  They taste like plastic to me, and are even less digestible.  But Mistress and our daughters live for those nasty little suckers.  At least someone had a better idea for their use this Easter:

After our big brunch, the plan was to adjourn to the UCTMW World HQ, kiss our cute Co-Ed goodbye as she drove back to campus, and then adjourn to the Executive Suite for some hot sex.

But the cute Co-Ed lingered, giving Mistress more time on our deck in some early spring sunshine, and Slave time for some field Slave duties in the yard. It wasn't until 4 pm or so that the Co-Ed finally drove off, meaning it was nap time for Mistress and her Slave.

I suspect she figured that I'd be too lazy for anything particularly kinky when I woke from my slumber. But she had a surprise in store. What better time than Easter to "Ressurect" our Switch Day tradition?  It takes a little more effort, but it's usually worth it.

Soon Mistress found her self stretched wide on the bed, with Slave alternating between spanks and some teasing tickles with an ice cube on her sides, toes and ass.  Her involuntary squirming certainly tested the bonds that held her ... but they were more than ready for the challenge.  I did stop to snap some photos though, and one handy prop was very helpful to avoid a XXX rating:

 It's a shame we don't have any pinks cuffs to match the peeps.

Saturday, April 19, 2014

Mistress's Fantasy Date Lives to Climb Another Day

Here at the UCTMW World HQ it's a little too busy this weekend. Our cute Co-Ed is home for a few days. Mistress is throwing a fancy birthday party for her aging Domme of a Mom, and Slave is dealing with his own cranky mother. 

Saturday is likely to me over-programmed, and not much fun.  Then there is "Easter Brunch" at the birthday grandma's house.

But once we work our way through that, the Co-Ed will be heading back to campus, and Mistress and Slave have scheduled some quality time here in the Executive Suite. We may have to relaunch the tradition of "Switch Sunday".

"You've been a little lazy on that front lately, Slave."

Hmmm. Maybe if I find that bamboo cane she may regret what she's asking for?

Yesterday Mistress did have a bit of a jolt.

When news broke about the deadly Avalanche at Mt. Everest, she realized that her fantasy mountain man from our SW hideaway was there leading  a team of climbers. Not long after the news broke, MM posted on his facebook account that he and his team were safe and well, though mourning the loss of too many Sherpas doing the dirty work of preparing the ropes and ladders for the deep pocketed foreigners who come each year just to make another check mark on their bucket list.

When so many people die playing a game of Nepalese roulette on an avalanche prone  swath of that mountain, just to create photo ops for wealthy Westerners, one has to wonder about the sanity - or morality - of the enterprise.

But at least Mistress's fantasy date is still around to keep her hopes alive.

On a blog housekeeping matter, Slave has now opened a UCTMW Tumblr account, where I will be posting some of our favorite photos of Mistress accumulated over the years, and sharing other photos that may draw my attention. It's listed on the blog roll of you want to check it out.

Hope all of our readers find each and every egg the Bunny may hide in your household!

Thursday, April 17, 2014

HNT: Flash Back Thursday

Those of you on Facebook likely have noticed the gimmick of posting old photos of family, friends, or particularly oneself on "flashback Thursdays". The "selfies" from kindergarten, high school or college are particularly cute, or narcissistic, depending on your point of view.

And of course there's long been "HNT", here in the sexblogosphere. Yesterday Sin commented that photos are what really drive page clicks, not fabrications by lady sex bloggers, noting that smutty Instagram or Tumblr pages seem more popular than blogs these days. I've even placed a few of them on our blog role here at UCTMW. My favorite is Temptation Row, which collects steamy BDSM photos from a variety of sites, paired with cheeky comments from an English author who also writes smutty little BDSM novellas and stories she sells on Amazon.  Check her out. (Maybe Donna can do a review?)

I'm still waiting for Sin and Suzanne to post some "selfies", like we have done here over the years. But it may be a long wait!

But in the spirit of combining HNT and Flashback Thursday, here's a little flashback of Mistress in some cute undies that by now have probably seen better days:

Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Who Can You Trust?

Just when it seemed that spring had finally arrived here in River City, we actually woke up to snow here yesterday morning - yes, April 15th!  Would the IRS give us a snow day?  Unlikely.

In a comment she left on our last post, Sin mentioned that Tights season was still alive in Canada, where it also was still snowing. No surprise there. Doesn't Dudley DooRight wear tights year round?

When I got home from work I checked with Mistress to see if the snow had changed her approach to proper attire. (She had left so early for one of those god forsaken 8 am meetings that quite frankly I forgot what she was wearing when left the house.)

"No Slave. Despite the snow, it's April. No tights. I went bare legged today."

Yikes. I guess that makes her a real "slave to fashion"?

Rest assured I wore long pants to work.

By the time I got home, I could not check her attire because she was already in that silky black nighty. Our plan was some rest after a long work day, then some overdue sex in the UCTMW executive suite. Fortunately, with our empty nest still intact for just a few more weeks before the end of the college year, there was no one to interrupt our plans.  We'd better enjoy while we can!

But today's blog is really about an article I noticed yesterday - someone must have earned her Ph. D. on a "study" of college student sexting behaviors, which suggests that they must be running out of bona fide topics for academic research. A summary was posted in Slate, here: Study Finds That Women Tap Out Lies More Than Men. These "researchers" found that a good percentage of folks who send sext messages about what they are doing to their "tender bits" or "massive woodies" are really just making it up, either because they are trying to stoke someone else's fantasy, or, even more sadly, because they are bored. But the key part is that babes lie in their sexts more than guys.

Researchers also unmasked a gender difference in deception, finding that 45 percent of women bent the truth in their sexts, compared to 24 percent of men. Most of the surveyed students (67 percent) claimed they fibbed for their partner’s benefit, presumably to fuel the daydream, while a third copped to fibbing because they were bored.

I can't say that I'm too surprised by this.

It maybe that college girls have been programmed by the media to believe that guys need this sort of rich fantasy life to keep their motors running, or keep them from wandering off to the next sorority girl who will send them (made up) sext messages describing what they are doing in their bunk bed before bedtime.

Sad but true.

But it got me thinking: Does the same tendency to make hot stuff up apply to lady sex bloggers?

Is playing fast and loose with the truth why lady sex bloggers tend to get more readers than  guys who write these things? Are all those nasty little vignettes actually fabricated to boost their rating, or because they know there are guys out there dipping into their high end lubricant vats, one hand on their special occasion cocks, the other hand on the mouse?

Here at UCTMW we believe in telling hard truths. (What would be the point of telling flaccid truths?).

But what about all you female sex bloggers, like Suzanne, Sin or 'Nilla?

I must say I've speculated about how often and long Suzanne really makes Tammy wear that cock cage. And how big  "Big Blackie" really is?

Does Sin really  flaunt her naked body and those nasty nipple clamps via  Skype chats with her alleged Big Bad?

And are those Thursday breasts really Nilla's? Or are they photo shopped? Or yanked off of Google images?

Could it all just be a big lie?

Maybe we need some "Sex Blog Fact Checker"  to get to the bottom of all this.  WC, are you still on sick leave?