Sunday, January 26, 2014

Free at Last

At about 6 am this morning, we finally dropped off our beloved cute Co-ed off at the airport for her return to campus. The interminable winter break is finally over, and Mistress and Slave have their empty nest back.

We wasted no time - dedicating our day to connubial bliss in all it's forms. Back in bed before the sun ever came up, we snoozed a bit, indulged in some play with Mistress's favorite power tool, read the papers, etc.

Mistress whipped up some breakfast for just the two of us, then we headed to the gym for a mid-day workout. The exercise got us in the mood for a little more time in the sack. And a second round of sex after a little late afternoon nap.

Without our cute Co-Eds around there was no whining about the dim candlelight of our dinner for two. Or the fact that Mistress wore one of her more revealing nighties to the dinner table.

Things are definitely looking up. 

Saturday, January 25, 2014

The great white north whine

It's yet another snow day here in River City. On a typical Saturday it would be a great excuse to stay home, tangled in sheets, forcing yet more cums from my beloved Mistress.

Instead I am out in the cold having played taxi driver for our whiny daughter to her hair cut appointment. 

Of course she bitched the whole way about me not turning over the keys in this storm.
Favorite line:
"When I get in an accident with my children because I don't know how to drive in the snow it will be your fault!"

And "I wish I was going back to school today. All my friends are there already". 

You mean that was an option?

Instead, we'll be driving her to the airport at 5:30 am tomorrow morning.

Donna, time for that "happy dance" you talk about.

Thursday, January 23, 2014

Important Scientific Breakthrough

Here at the UCTMW World HQ we are at our wits' end.

We are now into our 6th week of "Winter Break" for our two cute Co-Eds filling our dishwasher, clogging our washing machine and dryer, demanding meals at their particular feeding times, and soaking up band width on our wifi with constant streaming videos and downloading of who knows what. 

When you pay exorbitant fees for dorm rooms and off-campus apartments, no one warns you that the "breaks" actually add up to more days than these campuses are actually in session.

Worst of all, all this family togetherness is definitely cramping Mistress and Slave's style. No time for pre-dinner worship when someone is saying "I'm hungry" the minute Slave drags his droopy old ass home from the office. No lounging about the couch semi-nude for Mistress, so I can coax her to a lazy cum while we catch up on old TV episodes.  And certainly no lunch time visits by Mistress's lover Jay for a quick bite and snog.

Allegedly the ladies of leisure both start class again on Monday, though they are already lobbying for travel arrangements for spring breaks that seems just over the horizon. Maybe we need to move out this spring and not leave a forwarding address?

In any event, I did want to mention a new product and APP on the market that our readers and staff may want to try out.  It's written up here:  creepy new porn app.

We've all read about Google Glass: the computer disguised as eye glasses that allow you to peruse the internet with only the benefit of a tiny headset. Well I suppose it was inevitable that the porn industry would be one of the early adapters of this new technology.

The new app allows partners having sex to see the dirty deed from the perspective of one another. In other words, while I am fucking Mistress, I get to see me fuck her through her eyes, and vice, versa.

This brings a whole new meaning to the phrase "Go fuck yourself", doesn't it. I mean, you actually can, at least virtually, with this new tool.

Of course, that raises the question: what sort of narcissist would want to watch themselves being fucked, when they can watch their partner in real time. Would it turn me on to watch a balding, kind of chunky 63 year old white guy fuck me, when, in fact I have a hot and shapely babe to look at in real life. Uhhh, no.

I can see why this might have some appeal to our Western Correspondent though. He spends so much time working his special occasion cock, all lathered up with that high end lubricant it might give him some extra perspective if he could mount Google glass on its tip. Or better yet, if he could persuade B to give him a blow job (maybe if the Donkeys win the Super Bowl?) she could wear the glasses and he would get a bird's eye view of the big unit about to explode. Mt. St. Helen's would likely seem an ant hill by comparison.

And think of the potential use for those who get their buttons pushed by the cuckold dynamic. What if Mistress is being fucked by her alpha lover, Slave is toiling away at his office, but I can check out the action because both of them are wearing the Google glass, allowing me to toggle back and forth for their different perspective. Watching your wife get it from another guy would never be the same, would it?

Monday, January 20, 2014

On His Knees

Mistress and Slave had some time over the weekend to "catch up", with some nice two-a-day sex on Saturday, and some play with her favorite power tool on Sunday morning. Though she was a little reluctant to get on top and ride the work-a-day cock.

"My body is still pretty sore from all that action with Jay on Friday, Slave."

Well it was certainly mot my position to complain. Mistress deserves a little extra working of those Ab, thigh and ass muscles from her younger lover from time to time. And that requires a little body recovery time afterwards.

Speaking of a need for recovery time: Mr. Glamor Boy, aka Tom Brady of the New England Patriots, has an entire off-season to recover from his mistreatment by the boys in orange yesterday. Our Western Correspondent was in the stands with his sometimes ass fucking wife B to watch PFM get a little vengeance for his prior meltdowns against the Patriots and Brady. And with all the chain yanking that Glamor Boy gets from his super model wife, you have to admit he looks like a natural on his knees in this photo.

But now that her team has been eliminated, maybe Suzanne over at All Mine can come out of hiding, with or without Bob Kraft's Super Bowl ring. We did get a furtive email from her yesterday, possibly from some distant gulag, where she claimed it was 1 degrees and the game was not to be found on TV.

Suzanne, that's a long way to go to dodge a wager on your favorite closeted submissive QB!