Sunday, December 29, 2013

Mistress and Slave Undercover(s)

Here's the view from our backyard, on the edge of the Sangre de Christo Mountains.

We've been enjoying the sun, snow and family time these last few days. But since our little hideaway is a compact affair, Mistress and slave have had to squelch our more robust sexual activities, due to the close proximity of two daughters and one son-in-law.
Yesterday morning, as I slid out of bed to fix coffee for Mistress and myself, I discovered the son-in-law not far from the other side of our bedroom wall, reading a book by the fire in our "living room". So when I went back into bed with Mistress, we had the choice of either having our wake up sex with the radio on, or trying to stifle our natural enthusiasms and engage in stealth fucking.

The radio was the first option. But somehow doing it to the Grateful Dead and a 10 minute version of "Trucking" was not working for me. (I suppose Dark Star would have been more mood enhancing, but I didn't want to take the time to phone in the request).  So we kept things on the QT, Mistress whispering that she'd better not ride my cock because she gets too noisy when that happens.

So, we're enjoying the holidays, but also looking forward to the de-infestation of our cozy nest later in the week.

Hope all of you are enjoying your holidays too!

Thursday, December 26, 2013

MIstress Closes in on Her Mountain Man

We had a very lovely Christmas here at our SW hideaway, with our two daughters and one son-in-law cluttering up the nest.  On Christmas Eve, we all headed out to the nearby Pueblo, for their annual ritual, that has been going on in its basic form for centuries, complete with blazing bonfires, costumed dancers and an amazing sunset. And frybread too.

After that, we had some friends over to share Mistress's mystical chili. On Christmas day, after the presents were opened (and after our wake-up sex), we headed up to the ski mountain to get in some turns under the cloudless blue sky before the holiday tourist rush arrives in earnest.

It was up there that Mistress finally got some in person charm from her "dream date", the local ski patrol guy who in his spare time has climbed Mt. Everest more than any other American. Mistress face book friended MM last spring, after we saw him give a slide show lecture on his adventures. So she's been cyber stalking him for nearly a year as he has gone from Everest to Kilimanjaro to Rainier these last few months. She knew that he was headed back from guiding a group in Antarctica this week, and shared a few conversations with him on facebook about when he'd be back on "our" mountain.

He even told her to "slap him up side the head" on the mountain (i.e. say hello) so he could meet her in person.  So it came as no surprise that Mistress and our daughter decided it would be nice to drop by the ski patrol hut at the top of the highest lift to "visit the rescue dogs".

Some pretext.

Sure enough, just as the two ladies stepped inside, Mistress found her MM, with the easy grin and smooth lines about dodging K-2 because in that part of the Himalayas the mountains are "too pointy and the drone strikes in Pakistan a little too close for comfort."

Fortunately, Mistress kept herself in relative check during their conversation, probably because our daughter was standing there. I even snapped a photo of the three of them, giving Mistress a chance for further facebook chat last night as she shared the photo with her MM and asked permission to post it. (Not on her sexblog, just on more conventional social media).

So it's fair to say that Mistress got a very nice Christmas gift in the fantasy fulfillment category.

We'll see if she can close the net a little further when we are back here solo next year!

Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Happy Holidays from Molly and Mick

Molly and Mick are enjoying the holidays here at our SW hideaway with two of four daughters and one son in law. It's a little more crowded than we typically like, but the holidays are for family right?  We do enjoy hearing the holiday tunes on our local radio station, including this one. It made us think of Tammy, Suzanne and her family in their family gathering.

Does Tammy still get to wear his more lacey undergarments with all that family around. And does Sherry get a fashion show when the other "in the dark" family members aren't looking?

Merry Christmas to all!

Sunday, December 22, 2013

Banking Sex for the Holidays

Mistress and Slave made it safely to our SW hideaway just before sunset on Saturday evening. And with a houseful of daughters and a son in law jetting this way, we've had to take our sexual opportunities while we have them.

We had some hot and juicy sex in a Holiday Inn in Abilene KS Friday night, foregoing a dinner of fried chicken and blueberry pie at the family style restaurant next door, for a dip in the hot tub and some cock riding by mistress in our King Size bed. Somehow having torrid zex in Kansas seems all the hotter. I think Ike and Mamie would have blushed.

Then, on Saturday evening, we unpacked our provisions and headed to bed before heading out for dinner. But Mistress had a surprise:

"Go get the riding crop, Slave...."

I wasn't sure what had provoked Mistress's "wrath", but I knew not to ask that question.

Sure enough, Slave was on the receiving end of about ten sharp slashes with the leather crop tucked away in the closet for such occasions.

Afterwards, Mistress directed me to insert my "device" (the aneros), presumably because she was concerned that that long drive might make her work-a-day cock a little lacidasical. It turned out not to be something for her to be too concerned about.

This morning, before we headed up the ski mountain to take some turns on the bright sun, I "tortured" Mistress a bit with her favorite power tool.

Then, this afternoon, after enjoying some cold sunshine on the slopes, we did it all over again after a short nap at sunset.

But our privacy comes to an abrupt end late tonight when family invades the empty nest.

While there should be some opportunities for private time, my guess is Mistress will have to keep that crop parked for the next week or so..