Saturday, October 19, 2013

Sex and a Movie

Our empty nest has been invaded once again here at the UCTMW World HQ.

Naturally, you can't expect two colleges to have the same bogus "fall break" that I was bitching about last weekend. No, the girl who goes to college on the East Coast has hers this weekend. And after years of her whining about how pathetically dull River City is, she bought a plane ticket to come home and see her boring parents and her loyal cats.

Fortunately, she went out to see some friends last night, leaving her parents to their own sordid devices. By the time I got home from work at around 6 pm, we were too lazy for the bike ride we had planned. Instead there was some lolling about in bed, a short but revivifying nap, and some nice "comfort sex". I made sure that Mistress was tended to by my lips and tongue before imposing on her for a nice healthy fuck.

By then we were getting hungry -- it was "picnic food", suitable for watching a movie. It is nice that so many indie films are now available on your home screen at about the time they hit the cinemas, particularly since our indie screens are limited here in "flyover" country. And why drive to the theatre when you can hunker down, with little clothes and a glass of wine on your own couch?

Slave found a movie "on demand"  that had just the right amount of appeal to our prurient interests: a sort of "Summer of '42" X 2, called Adore (link to a Times review and trailer here).  Directed by a French women, set in an idyllic Australian beach town, and starring the ever so foxy Robin Wright and Naomi Watts.

It's a rather fantastical tail of two best friends in their 40's who grew up together on the beach, and now each have hunky surfer sons of about 20. One son hits on his friend's Mom after a night of a little too much beer. The other son, upon discovering this horrifying indiscretion, hits on the other Mom. Both Mom's "succumb", after only a bit of the necessary "resistance". (Conveniently, they live across the street from one another, one is a widow, and the other has a boring husband who takes a teaching job down in Sydney).

Then, after the initial horror of what they had done, the two Moms discover ----"hey, this ain't so bad!" Instant double dating at the beach!  Several soft core sex scenes ensue, where you get to enjoy these lovely women cavorting with their young, devoted studs. I think Mistress was having cougar week flash backs as she lay next to me on the couch, sipping her wine, squirming ever so subtly as my fingers stroked her clean shaven folds.

Of course, there is a brief nod to a come-uppance ending. Something bad has to happen to these evil "sexual predators", right? The affairs last several years, but ultimately the boys end up married to girls their own age , bestowing on the ladies  cute granddaughters to take to the  beach. But then.... it turns out the old embers never died, the tedious daughters in law discover the "sordid truth", and the grannies get their young studs back!

It's like one of those old "Beach Blanket Bingo" movies, but with  Annette's Mom doing  Frankie Avalon.

Despite the less than credible plot line, who could complain about the gauzy beach scenes and the semi-nudity of Watts and Wright? Not this pampered house Slave.

And it got me thinking..... were there any of my Mother's friends at the Jersey shore I had fantasies of boinking?  Sadly, No.

But Annette? Yeah, I could have done that.

Thursday, October 17, 2013

HNT / Reopened for Business

So someone blinked.... in this case it seemed to be the Republican leaders in Congress who were getting a little nervous about the long term effect on their "brand", and the cash flow from their Wall St. contributors. And now we go back to business as usual.... long weekends for Congress, and blaming the Park Service for not keeping all the parks and monuments open when forced to lay-0ff 80% of their staff while the rest worked on IOU's.

But rest easy .... they can do this all over again in January, after a three week paid holiday "recess".

It makes me yearn for a simpler life, without cable TV talking heads and endless updates on Twitter. Time to refocus on what counts.... like luring Mistress into my office for some mid-day worship.

Plus I have tights season to look forward to!

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

When Things Look Bad.... Go to the Movies

If that's an adage that still sticks, the movie industry should sell lots of tickets this week here in the US, at least until the bank runs keep the ATMs from working.

Our foreign readers are probably continuing to scratch their heads about the apparent chaos in Washington, as a perfectly good nation decides to deliberately throw itself off a fiscal cliff in a fight about whether folks who don't have health insurance should be told to deal with it on their own. 
Yesterday, the "People's House" in our legislature elected to seize chaos from the jaws of compromise, kicking the can over to the "World's Greatest Deliberative Body". Over there, they have a rule that says one crazy dude with an on-line fundraising scam can hold things up for days by reading from Dr. Seuss.

The question is whether by "HNT" day, the United States will be the first major nation to default on its debt since since the inimitable Adolph Hitler did it in Germany in 1933. And, by comparison, he seemed to have a good excuse. Chances of default now stand at 60% in my book, though there remains a glimmer of hope.

So what to do? Empty your bank accounts and buy gold?

Fill the tank and drive to our SW hideaway?

Buy guns, ammo and lots of canned goods at Wal-Mart before they run out?

No. Mistress and Slave  are still in denial ....... so we've been watching movies.

Monday night it was Concussion, one of those indie flicks just opening at the movies, but also downloadable in I-Tunes. You can tell Slave picked this one out: it's a rather smutty movie about a 40 something and buff lesbian mom from the Jersey suburbs,  bored with a wife disinterested in sex, who decides to add a little spice by selling her services for $800 a pop (or multiple pops) in a trendy loft she has renovated in the City.  Lots of hot lesbian action, and even a little wink at bondage.

Mistress was on the couch next to me, legs spread, her clean shaven folds all too available. It seemed she had at least a couple of cums stimulated by my teasing fingers and the scenes unfolding on screen before the movie wound down to a rather unsatisfying ending. At least for the frustrated suburban Mom.

Last night we went to an actual movie theatre to see Enough Said, which was Mistress's choice. Another indy movie with Julia Louse Dreyfus (always cute) and James Gandolfini, playing mismatched divorced singles dealing with whiney kids heading off to college. Cute, funny, but a little sad too, considering this was "Tony Soprano's" last movie before his untimely demise. It was hard to watch this big, talented guy and not think about the heart attack that took him out.

Since this was in a public theatre, and there wasn't anything particularly sexy about the flick, Mistress did not get any cums during the actual screening. But I did make sure she got sufficient worship before bedtime.