Thursday, October 17, 2013

HNT / Reopened for Business

So someone blinked.... in this case it seemed to be the Republican leaders in Congress who were getting a little nervous about the long term effect on their "brand", and the cash flow from their Wall St. contributors. And now we go back to business as usual.... long weekends for Congress, and blaming the Park Service for not keeping all the parks and monuments open when forced to lay-0ff 80% of their staff while the rest worked on IOU's.

But rest easy .... they can do this all over again in January, after a three week paid holiday "recess".

It makes me yearn for a simpler life, without cable TV talking heads and endless updates on Twitter. Time to refocus on what counts.... like luring Mistress into my office for some mid-day worship.

Plus I have tights season to look forward to!

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

When Things Look Bad.... Go to the Movies

If that's an adage that still sticks, the movie industry should sell lots of tickets this week here in the US, at least until the bank runs keep the ATMs from working.

Our foreign readers are probably continuing to scratch their heads about the apparent chaos in Washington, as a perfectly good nation decides to deliberately throw itself off a fiscal cliff in a fight about whether folks who don't have health insurance should be told to deal with it on their own. 
Yesterday, the "People's House" in our legislature elected to seize chaos from the jaws of compromise, kicking the can over to the "World's Greatest Deliberative Body". Over there, they have a rule that says one crazy dude with an on-line fundraising scam can hold things up for days by reading from Dr. Seuss.

The question is whether by "HNT" day, the United States will be the first major nation to default on its debt since since the inimitable Adolph Hitler did it in Germany in 1933. And, by comparison, he seemed to have a good excuse. Chances of default now stand at 60% in my book, though there remains a glimmer of hope.

So what to do? Empty your bank accounts and buy gold?

Fill the tank and drive to our SW hideaway?

Buy guns, ammo and lots of canned goods at Wal-Mart before they run out?

No. Mistress and Slave  are still in denial ....... so we've been watching movies.

Monday night it was Concussion, one of those indie flicks just opening at the movies, but also downloadable in I-Tunes. You can tell Slave picked this one out: it's a rather smutty movie about a 40 something and buff lesbian mom from the Jersey suburbs,  bored with a wife disinterested in sex, who decides to add a little spice by selling her services for $800 a pop (or multiple pops) in a trendy loft she has renovated in the City.  Lots of hot lesbian action, and even a little wink at bondage.

Mistress was on the couch next to me, legs spread, her clean shaven folds all too available. It seemed she had at least a couple of cums stimulated by my teasing fingers and the scenes unfolding on screen before the movie wound down to a rather unsatisfying ending. At least for the frustrated suburban Mom.

Last night we went to an actual movie theatre to see Enough Said, which was Mistress's choice. Another indy movie with Julia Louse Dreyfus (always cute) and James Gandolfini, playing mismatched divorced singles dealing with whiney kids heading off to college. Cute, funny, but a little sad too, considering this was "Tony Soprano's" last movie before his untimely demise. It was hard to watch this big, talented guy and not think about the heart attack that took him out.

Since this was in a public theatre, and there wasn't anything particularly sexy about the flick, Mistress did not get any cums during the actual screening. But I did make sure she got sufficient worship before bedtime.

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Lost Weekend

No... Mistress and Slave did not over indulge this past weekend. But we did get a little overly scheduled, and had the pleasant company of our older cute Co-Ed, who fled her bucolic campus for "fall break".

(As an aside, WTF is a "fall break"? Was it intended to coincide with Canadian Thanksgiving, as Sin was celebrating over the weekend, complete with an overdose of nipple pain for her to be thankful for? When I was in college (back in the stone age before the internet) the "fall break" WAS Thanksgiving (the real one, not the Canadian one). So I guess now we have two fall breaks. This is the sort of thing that gives higher education faculty a bad reputation, and may explain why Suzanne over at All Mine has been on hiatus the last few days.)

By  Saturday evening we realized the day had gotten away from us.

I was snuggled up against Mistress, reading a book, after a long dinner with my whiney, elderly Mother. Mistress had a separate dinner out with her mother and sister and the Co-Ed, and we finally were home at around 10 PM.

"Do you realize the only time we spent together today is in bed, Mistress?"

There was wake-up sex, some afternoon sex and a nap in late afternoon, but other than that we were off on errands or dealing with other family members.

"True, Slave.... but there are worse places to spend time."

Very true.

Sunday was better..... some hot wake-up sex, a bike ride, then Mistress made her Slave a nice breakfast to fortify him for a little yard work and wasting a perfectly nice afternoon watching the Pussycats figure a way not to loose to the mighty Buffalo Bills, who could have used the ghost of Jack Kemp in the first half. Mistress even did some grocery shopping while I was watching the game.

When we landed up back in bed after the local team won in what should have been an unnecessary OT, when ended up back in bed again. Slave was sidling up against Mistress, sliding my hand up her thigh, and under her black skirt,  when I discovered that something was amiss.

"No undies, Mistress?"

"Does that surprise you, Slave?"

"Was this the way you went Krogering?"

"Sure..... can't think anyone would notice...."

Somehow, the thought of Mistress's uncovered and clean shaven folds wandering through the meat department made me realize there are better things to do on a Sunday than watch football.

Saturday, October 12, 2013

To Cage or Not to Cage?

In response to Thursday's blog, the WC left a lengthy comment summarizing his take away from all these years of following us here at UCTMW....

Apparently he's been keeping track of all of Slave's many excuses for persuading Mistress that this is not a good day for confinement in my cage. After all, there are circumstances when wearing that tight steel cock cage is inconvenient, hazardous, or just too uncomfortable for a pampered house Slave to bear.

I'm thinking that someone with a clever capacity for rhyme could turn this litany into a kinky Dr. Seuss knock-off, but that is not my forte. So here it is:

Not too hot

Not too cold

Not too wet

Not too busy

Not while sleeping

Not while traveling

Not while bathing

Not while biking

Not while fucking... duh....

Not while being fucked in the ass.

Not while swimming

Not while waterboarding (or being waterboarded)

Not while hiking

Not while skiing

Not while bowling

Not while golfing

Not while skateboarding

Not while snowboarding either......

Not while exercising

Not on weekends

Not in any month that ends with an y

Not in any month that ends with an r either......

And I'm pretty sure

Not any month that ends with an h l e or t too

Not while doing ballet

Not while doing any other kind of dancing either

Not while thinking

Not while reading

Not while walking

Not while sitting

Not while driving

Not while rock climbing

Not while hang gliding

Not while parasailing

Not while gambling

And especially

Not while pontificating .............

Suzanne, Harry

Did I miss anything?

I must say that this takes things a little too far, WC.  But you did forget to add "not on days involving air travel or entering buildings with metal detectors".

For the record,  I'm not into gambling, so that one hasn't been tested yet. I did wear the cage this week while lecturing and fundraising. And I've certainly worn it while worshiping. So those are off the list.

But this got me thinking about good candidates for cock cages..... maybe, for starters,  the entire Congress until they decide to re-open our gubmint. Here are too candidates in particular, who have the sort of Shutdown bromance going that would make Bill and Monica (the last big Shutdown romance) blush.