Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Science Wednesday: Dommes in their (Natural) Domain

Those of you with a scientific bent, might be interested in an article I stumbled on yesterday in the Washington Post (Lust, Monkeys and the Science of Human desire), which provides some validation for the Domme / sub lifestyle that is a theme that we write about here at UCTMW. Is it really so unusual? Or is a female led sexual dynamic more typical than conventional thinking might persuade us?

The article focuses on a researcher who has studied the behaviors of rhesus monkeys – the type we used to launch into space because of their proximity to humankind. It turns out that that male scientists who concluded years ago that in the primate world males were the sexual aggressors were not watching closely enough.

Instead, it was the ladies who ruled the roost, and they weren’t just satisfied with one “provider”:

There, in Asian mountains or lowland forests, adult males lurked at the edges of female-run domains. The females invited them in to serve sexually. The males remained — desirable, dispensable — until the females lost interest in them. Then they were dismissed, replaced. In his compounds, Wallen removed the breeders and introduced new males about every three years, the time it took for their charms to wane, for the frequency of their copulations — almost always female-initiated — to fade.

This sounds like a society that us submissive guys, and you Domme ladies, might relate to, doesn’t it?

And when the subject turns to what happens after the lady of the house gets her first round of fucking for the day, well, that just primes her for more – even if that first partner is now rolling over for a snooze:

Her fulfillment was short-lived. Within minutes, she was hounding him again. At other moments, she might have moved on to the other male. “She has sex,” Wallen said, about rhesus females on the whole, “and when he goes into his post-ejaculatory snooze, what does she do? She immediately gets up and goes off and finds another.”

Sounds like just another day over at All Mine, doesn’t it? I mean, just because one guy is now zoned out, doesn’t mean the lady of the castle needs to go back to her knitting, does it?

So does this research mean that every housewife is an inner Domme?

Tracking the action of the compound, he asked himself, as he had so many times, whether any of this applies to humans and whether “because of social conventions and imperatives, women frequently don’t act on or even recognize the intensity of motivation that monkeys obey.” His decades of study spanned the human as well as the rhesus realm. He answered, “I feel confident that this is true.”
He didn’t mean to imply perfect correspondence between Deidrah and the average woman. There was too much complexity for that sort of equation. Like lots of current research on human and animal sexuality, Wallen’s work with our close ancestors calls into question conventional assumptions, among them that women have innately lower and less raw sex drives than men, and that while men have been programmed by evolution to spread their cheap seed, to be promiscuous, women, relatively speaking, are genetically compelled to seek out one good man and are at least somewhat well suited to monogamy.
Such notions may be soothing for society — that half the population is somehow biologically designed to serve the interests of stability. But scientists studying female sexuality — from the lusts of Deidrah and other monkeys to the desires of human women, measured in laboratory tests of genital blood flow and explored in longitudinal research covering decades in women’s lives — are starting to suggest that maybe we haven’t allowed ourselves much knowledge about what women want.

So,  for all you sub guys still on the hunt for the Domme of your dreams, don't give up hope. It may be there are more of them out there than you think.

Tuesday, August 13, 2013


It's training camp time here in River City for our local PussyCats. Hope springs eternal, and Slave has particular interest in our first draft choice, who hales from my alma mater.  The new players' contract seems to have put an end to the macho two-a-day practice regime in the hot August sun. Instead, the practice is limited to three hours, with minimal contact, and lots of "classroom" work. Maybe my nickname for the team is even more appropriate. But here at the UCTMW World HQ we are on a streak of three two-sex-a-day encounters.

"You're kind of horny this weekend, Slave.... what's up?"

"Hmmm.... not sure, Mistress, I mumbled, after Mistress gave me permission to cum once again."

This was Sunday afternoon. There had been our typical frisky wake-up sex already that morning, with Slave treating Mistress to a little starter cum with her favorite power tool, before proceeding to the main event.

Then there was a bike ride, a lavish breakfast Mistress prepared, some time in the sun reading the NY Times, a trip by Slave to the grocery, and, back in the Executive Suite, by late afternoon.... well Slave was in the mood for a little more than worship.

Yesterday, Mistress worked from home, and Slave headed to the office after our wake-up sex rituals were complete.

I was home by 6 pm, but the good news was that one of the Co-Ed's had an appointment at the Apple Store (another replace my phone scam), which left a little time before Slave prepared dinner.

I slipped out of my work attire, as Mistress was finishing up a document.  She had on one of those mid thigh, bare back tie-dye dresses she sports on a day at home, and looked particularly fetching.

"Anything on your calendar right now, Mistress?"

Soon we were back in beg.... Mistress had lost her tie-dye dress, and some fervent worship was rewarded with a little late afternoon indulgence.

"What's with you Slave?  all this energy?"

"Maybe I'm just whipping myself into shape for the re-emptying of the nest, Mistress.... "

It's nice that it coincides with football season.

Sunday, August 11, 2013

Our Dinner with Francois

You may recall Francois... he still appears on our masthead, though it's been a while since we've engaged in any of his zany sexual adventures.... you may recall the Home Cummimg Weekend nearly two years ago, which led to a worrisome security breach that forced us to go "On the Lam" for a while until the threat passed.

Well he and his co-habitant (we'll call her the Lovely D for this purpose) came to Mistress's birthday party recently, and last night we joined then with another couple on their boat, moored down on the big river about a 40 minute drive from us in a more rural area. The boat is cozy, with sleeping quarters below for at least two couples and a nice deck for partying either where it is moored, or out on the big river.

There was plenty of wine and other food, a bit of dancing, some funny conversation, and an invitation to spend the night, but nothing kinky to report. And the humidity and the thought of waking far from home on what should be a pretty relaxed Sunday got us to leave at dusk, rather than sleep over.

We did get to check out some of the local boating color, including this fellow, who participated in a "yacht club" dinner with a group of families that we joined:
No, friends, the local river boating scene is not in the sophisticated realm of barging in the Loire Valley that Francois favors.... but it has its simple pleasures. I did note that there was a box of rope on Francois's deck, purportedly for nautical knot tying instructions. No one opened it up while we were there, but who knows what happened once the guest went away and Francois and the Lovely D were left to their own devices.

As we were leaving, Francois  was encouraging Mistress to come back and join him some weekday to just "hang out" and use the boat as an alternative workplace..... there's even wifi!  I wonder what he has in mind?

And speaking of devices with wifi, you can bet Slave was a little surprised to see and ad for one pop up on his workplace inbox the other day. "Vibease" It's some new high-tech device that links a lady's insertable vibrator to her I-phone, and synchs the "good parts" of streaming audio books to the vibrator to allow for varying intensities. It says it can even be remotely controlled by your distant partner. It's something to put on your Christmas list for the "Mistress who has everything" (or submissive too, I suppose....)

Not sure what the male equivalent of such a device would involve.... but it's good to know that the creative minds out there have something more than violent video games and drones to work on!

But here it's almost time to wake Mistress from her beauty rest on what should be a lazy Sunday for some low tech wake-up sex!

Friday, August 9, 2013

Running out the Clock

Here at the UCTMW World HQ we've been in a bit of a holding pattern this week...

The end of the summer is in sight.... and although we may miss the warm weather, we're (with just a smidgin of guilt) looking forward to dropping the Mistresses in training off at their respective campuses in just about 2 weeks time. We've been spoiled by our empty nest!

In addition, Mistress is making a workplace transition, and is anxious to get that over with.

Then we have two weeks in early September planned at our SW Hideaway, just the two of us!  It won't come soon enough.

So what do we do to "pass the time"?

.... There has been our usual wake-up sex.

(Though I've been warned that this morning we have to leave early....."Slave.... you're just going to have to contain yourself Friday morning... can you handle that....."

"I suppose I will have to Mistress...."

Not that we won't be able to squeeze in some blog reading worship.)

And in the evenings, there has been some bike riding.... worship..... family dinners when the kids get home.... and Breaking Bad binge watching on Netflix.

When we're watching the big computer screen, Mistress settled onto the couch next to me, feet extended onto my pap, she's usually in one of her sexy nighties, the lights low, just in case on of the cute Co-Eds walks through the room and gets "grossed out" by a scantily clad Mom.


Well, of course not.

"I wear them all day Slave.... I need a little airing out....."

Sometimes those clean shaven folds spread so close to me can be distracting, and Slave's hands wander about, delivering a bonus cum or two during slow points in the story line of Walt and his meth lab.

There's something about Mistress shudders and soft moans of delight as she is splayed out next to me that give a Slave some extra fulfillment  after a busy work day.