Saturday, July 20, 2013

Details Embargoed

As Slave was finishing up his business here in the Land of Enchantment, and headed for a night at a dreary airport motel for my early flight this morning, Mistress was exercising her contractual rights.

But for reasons that are a little embarrassing, there was a surprise in store for her. Let's just say I didn't here from her until around 2 am her time, when she and a person not to be identified called it a night.

"That was quite a night Slave... I feel like I just rode a camel."

And Mistress, after her trip to the mysterious east, knows of camels. Well not "knows" in that sense, but you get my drift.

This morning as I updated her on my flight, she sent this photo of the detritus left behind after her very busy evening. Tequila for two. Plus some powered assistance.

Seems like Mistress found other ways to amuse herself with Slave off on this too long and poorly timed business trip.

But, at least until the embargo is lifted, what happened in the UCTMW Executive Suite, stays in the UCTMW Executive Suite.

Let's just say I'm very much looking forward to my time to share the same bed this afternoon.

Friday, July 19, 2013

Wherefore art though, Suzanne?

We've been wondering where our friendly  competitors over at All Mine have been lately. Their posts have dwindled to a slow trickle. We miss them. 

Then last night as Slave was walking back to my lonely room here in the Land of Enchantment  I stumbled on this image. Could the mysterious Suzanne have given up her promising academic and blogging career simply to become a model?

Thursday, July 18, 2013

Slave's Feeling Guilty; Mistress Home Alone... Isn't there an App for that?

Normally Slave would have been happy for a relatively low key business trip to the land of enchantment... but not with Mistress home alone after our painful two week separation.

The bottom line is that we had about 48 hours together before I had to head out again. And because of lousy air connections I won't get back to her until Saturday afternoon.

Even worse, she's suffering from a cold or some other post travel maladies that have her crashing back at our empty nest.

She needs some serious pampering, and her Slave is two time zones away.  It had me feeling so bad that I almost picked up the "toy" I saw in a local gallery, so she could properly punish me for letting her down.

It's a shame I can't send over some Slave surrogate, to fill in when I'm out of town, just like it would be nice for Mistress to have a key holder surrogate when her Slave travels and she wants to make me wear my cage, but still give me the freedom to get through TSA screening, or maybe get some exercise.

Come to think of it, maybe there is a service industry just waiting to be born here. Sounds like a project for one of those hip business incubator's, with an attendant APP:

"Your Slave is on the road.... use this APP to find a nearby and trust worthy Domme willing to make sure he's safely locked away at bed time.... "

"Mistress traveling or home alone.... this APP quickly sends out a casting call for trust worthy submissives who will pop over for some stress relieving worship, a relazing massage or foot rub...."

At the least, can't some dork do a TED presentation on this unfulfilled marketing opportunity?

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

I am Not Worthy

I'll bet many of you thought Mistress and Slave just disappeared.... the last you heard from us, Slave was driving east across Missouri and Mistress was jetting back from South Asia with the Mistresses in training and her Mother....

Well we all made it home safely. And between catching up for lost time between the sheets, adjusting to the time changes and reminding our offices that we still did work there, it's been pretty hectic.

Rest assured that Mistress did "twist my arm (or was it her cock?)" to hang out with her in the Executive Suite for about an hour of carnal delight Monday morning after I collected her and her entourage from the airport. Since then there has been some robust cock riding and clean shaven fold worshiping.  Mistress was in withdrawal after two weeks of sharing a bedroom with her Mother, and Slave was more than happy to help her resume her habits.

In particular, I had the opportunity to worship her Monday morning, after that long overnight flight from Delhi. It gave me a chance to savor all those exotic spices and residual flavors that originated half a world away.

It was almost as good as being there! (Actually better, considering the absence of jet lag).

But sadly, we are now disunited again. I am at the airport, headed west again. Work has called me back to "Breaking Bad" Country, and on a very special day, which makes it all the worse.

You see, it's a big birthday for Mistress. And also our 20th Anniversary.

She's been supportive, knowing that this sort of inconvenient travel is part of the deal. And once I'm back.... we'll there will be catch up time.

It certainly is a bad time for Slave to leave town. We should be celebrating 20 years of adventures together... kids that have grown and blossomed.... good times, challenging times. And lots of sex.  I've known all along that this pampered Slave is most fortunate to have found the love of my life.  Two weeks of separation made it all the more apparent.

And it's particularly sad that this weekend both of the Co-Eds will be away.... a brief period of empty nest time starting tomorrow evening that Slave will miss sharing with Mistress - at least on Thursday and Friday night.

But when the Slave is away....

Mistress got a text from Mr. Perfect Cock, wondering if she wanted to meet for a drink. They've set up a "date" for Friday night. He does have some explaining to do .....he was the guy with the stalker girl friend from a few states away. He claims she's been dumped. But whether Mistress will invite him back to our empty nest for a night-cap Friday night. Well that is a question that only she can answer.

"We'll see how it goes Slave...."

Well at least she won't be lonely when she gets home to an empty house in Fiday.

In the meantime.... I encourage our readers to wish Mistress a happy birthday. Hopefully I won't have earned a punishment as a result of this unfortunate and untimely absence.