Monday, July 8, 2013

Mistress Calls Her Slave to Account

Poor Mistress... she was rousted at 4 am out of some romantic (if you can call sharing quarters with your mother romantic) high altitude
lux-o-rustic tent somewhere too close to Pakistan for my taste last night. Her guide reported that because of a likely shut-down of highways after a terrorist bombing of a sacred Buddhist site, they should bust ass back to the hotel they had been staying had and sequester themselves until a day of angry monk protests had subsided.

That explains why she surprised me with a call last evening, when I thought she was "off the grid". After she filled me in on the latest developments in this 21st Century  odyssey of the white chicks through the near east, she came to the subject of most concern to her:

"Well Slave.... thanks for that cockshot"?

(Did I mention that she had required me to send a cock shot before I "took matters into my own hands" on Sunday.)

"You're welcome, Mistress.... though I felt a little weird about it... you know how hard its been for you to erase all those cock shots you got from the WC ... with photo stream they just keep reproducing themselves.... and what if the kids get a glimpse on your i-phone...."

Sounds like I'm whining right? But I am a little bit of a worry wart on the display of her work-a-day cock.

"Oh Slave... it was nice to see what I'm missing.... and it kind of got me hot."

Well that's a plus.

Then she started asking more questions:

"So what were you thinking about when you did it, Slave...."

Now that's an even more put your dude on the spot question than that tried and true standard:

"Tell me what you're thinking about..."

The one that makes most guys cringe. But  when it's that general, its usually easy to come up with something. Say you were thinking about why your favorite sports team fucked up last night... or maybe the lyrics to a Bruce Sprinsteen song.  But you can always ad lib with something like "how hot you look today, babe."

Am I right?

But when your Mistress / wife asks you: "what were you thinking about when you jerked off on my orders yesterday after emailing me a photo of your engorged cock with a mountain vista in the background".

Well that requires a little more .... dexterity. Truth be told I really couldn't remember....but I tired my best:

"I was thinking of some buff young Buddhist Monk.... saffron robes, bare feet, powerful thighs ... cornering you in a secluded chamber at one of those Temples you've been visiting and tossing aside his decades long vow of chastity just for a moment with you, Mistress. You were on your knees, unwarapping his loin cloth to see if he was "cut" or not when I reached the point of no return."

So, how did I do?

Saturday, July 6, 2013

Better Fashion Choice

Slave found some baggy grandpa jeans in the closet. Maybe not much of a fashion statement. But not a threat of decockatation when combined with my cowboy boots for a night at the local Cantina. 

Mistress Checks In ... and Up On her Slave

Mistress has figured out how to get a wifi connection at their exotic location, and we've talked a bit over the last day. She's 11.5 hours ahead of me, and spent the day celebrating the Dali Lama's birthday. (No doubt our cute Co-Eds were rolling  their eyes, and longing for some trashy "Housewives of Las Vegas"  time).

She did check to make sure I was performing my daily task, and wanted to verify that my attention was focused on her when I "did the deed".  Of course, I reassured her that she was at the center of my thoughts.

As for Mistress, well it sounds like the opportunities have been thin.

"Have you been able to take personal liberties, Mistress...."

"Ha... not with [her mother], rolling around in the bed next to mine...I'm like those Tibetan monks.... I've taken a forced vow of chastity for the duration...."

No I guess its unlikely that I will be cuckolded by a Buddhist monk. I suppose there is a chance she will run into some Indiana Jones type character who will take care of her needs on expedition. But I doubt her Mother would let her slip out of her eye-shot for very long.

She did send me some photos via Viber (a miracle App as far as I am concerned) which confirms how exotic the locale is.... looks like those roads are scary. ANd she describes sometimes unnerving military checkpoints along the way.... though everyone so far has been polite.  Nevertheless, I will be glad when they are home safely.

And I suspect I will have one horny Mistress to take care of when I pick her up at the airport a week from Monday.

Friday, July 5, 2013

Slave's Bad Fashion Choice

Here in our little corner of the Rockies, the locals put on a festive 4th of July, with our funky little parade drawing "floats" and spectators from far and wide.

I hosted a little "pre-gaming" get together for some of our friends before the parade, but without Mistress to co-ordinate the spread....  all they got was some chips, salsa and beer. So much for my "Hostessing" skills. We did make a little video that I emailed to Mistress to show we all missed her presence.

Some of the floats picked up on recent headlines in the quirky way that you come to  expect here:
 But to this guy, among a crowd supporting leakers Bradley Manning and Edward  Snowden, I only have a two word response: "Nathan Hale!"

After the parade, there was the big pig roast in the orchard of a local restaurant. Live music, pork, beans, cobbler, all capped off my the big jalapeno eating contest!  The winner ate 32 in 3 minutes.

Glad She wasn't staying at my house.

I wandered back to our hideaway at around 3 pm for a much needed nap, planning to go see some live music at a local brew pub down the highway a bit.

Naturally, since members of the opposite sex were likely to be about, I followed instructions and smushed my balls and cock into that infernal steel cage.  But this is where I made a poor decision:

I picked a pair of jeans out of my closet. Now these are kind of old, relatively tight fitting jeans. Well at least they've gotten tight. Do you think high altitude and low humidity shrinks cotton?

In any event, by the time I had zipped up and buttoned, things were a little tight in there.  But manageable.

Then.... I reached for my cowboy boats... leaning over to pull on the boots.... ouch. The combination of tight jeans and that quick bend down to slide on the boots and pull my cuffs over felt like someone was grabbing that cage and twisting.... hard. 


Next time.... slip ons!