Thursday, June 27, 2013

HNT / Pre-Lunch Lick

Mistress's office is not as close as it used to be, so our chances for a little mid-day nibble have been limited. But today.... she had a meeting not too far from my office this am, and a lunch engagement a few blocks north. So she stopped by between appointments to allow her Slave the privilege of grazing through those clean shaven folds.

Hopefully, she left her a little more satisfied than when she arrived.

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Mistress Has Some Decisions to Make

We have gotten back to a more routine sexual rhythm here at the UCTMW World HQ now that the big wedding is over and all those out of town visitors have bolted. I've made sure to worship Mistress's clean shaven folds on our return from work, and we've enjoyed some robust wake-up sex this week as well.

But the next challenge starts Sunday - Mistress and the two Co-Eds are joining her Mother on a two week trip to Asia. Slave will be driving west, for some solo time at our Mountain hideaway. There are some chores to do, a prairie dog problem to "solve", and  Mistress figures I will get into less "trouble" out there than in River City.

But one issue we have not resolved is whether Slave will be taking his cage, how and when it will be worn, and what the protocols will be with respect to the conventional "no touch" rule.

"Two weeks is a long time, Mistress."

"True, thing for sure.... Saturday you are going to get some serious ass fucking to remind you who's in charge."

So as Mistress contemplates how we will handle this two week separation, I (somewhat reluctantly) solicit any reader comments or suggestions on what the protocols should be.....

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Shipping Snafu

We've been so busy with the nuptials here this last week that your Managing Editor let the UCTMW company credit card go unpaid which has created somewhat of a crisis. It seems our Western Correspondent, Miguel had ordered a replacement vat of his favorite lubricant and, as typical, put it on the company plastic.

But when it came time for shipment, Mon Dieu! The company that Miguel was relying on ran the card and.... well ... No cash, no slippery good times for the Western Correspondent. Maybe that explains why the WC has been a little miserly with his words this last week or so.

But hang in there, dude. Relief is on the way. A barrel of your favorite friction reliever is now in transit. No doubt you've got a little pent up demand. Direct the discharge properly and  you can help those firefighters quench those western forest fires!

Sunday, June 23, 2013

The Deed is Done

Mistress and Slave returned to the UCTMW World HQ at around midnight last night, the accumulated weight of that Big Fat Celtic family wedding off of our load bearing shoulders.

Fortunately, there were no major social conflicts through a long and (ultimately) enjoyable evening. Despite my anxiety about thunderstorms interrupting an event that was staged outdoors, the dark clouds that loomed throughout the ceremony never opened on our little corner of the heartland last night, and Dad, who had lobbied unsuccessfully for a tent, could be safely dismissed as an old worry wart.

Maybe the deities do still smile on young love. Either that, or the Obama administration really does have a secret way to manage bad weather to its political advantage, as some Tea Partiers were muttering in the wake of Super storm Sandy last fall.

By the time a blazing sun had finally set, and the "Super Moon" was rising over a patio full of 20 and 30 somethings, incredulously dancing and singing along to 80's classics, it was clear the night was a great success - a nice mixture of an earnest tribute to the power of love and general silliness. It could even make a cynical old fart like your executive editor shed a tear.

As predicted, Mistress and our two daughters looked lovely and drew many comments of admiration. There were only a couple of old crones among the crowd who remained grumpy and distant, based on grievances now 20 years in the past.  They could easily be ignored. My grumpy mother made her appearance, and was surprisingly pleasant, though she headed for the exits not long after dinner was served. Maybe she had another engagement?

Once I got through my toast to the newlyweds, I was able to change from my sodden dress shirt and (finally) enjoy the comforts of the bar and a little Jameson.

Sunday starts with a sense of relief for the FOB, and, I am sure, for the newly weds.  Let's hope they enjoy the adventures ahead of them as much as Mistress and I have these last 20 years.

But of course, our adventures have many chapters ahead of us..... so, back to our regular programming.