Thursday, May 23, 2013

HNT/ Consequences for a Surly Slave

I thought I had been a good Slave this week. Of course, there was probably a little grousing about the intrusions upon our previously empty nest, and the incontinent cat that recently has substituted a favorite couch for her littler box. But last night I apparently crossed the Mistress's theoretical line when I said something snarky after she put two of our bicycles on the disabled list over a rather short time span last evening.

(One had a flat tire; the other a slipped chain.... what are the odds of that?)

So I suppose I said something inappropriately sarcastic, like "two in one night, Mistress.... now that's a record.....", probably motivated by the fact that it would be Slave's duty to don my "bike mechanic" persona and fix both of them before a big ride we contemplate over the weekend.

Yes, I suppose it was that imprudent comment which tipped  my secret accumulation of demerits for the week that Mistress had been adding up into the red penalty zone. (It made me wonder what's been going on over in Suzanne's domain this week, and whether Tammy has done anything of equal impertinence to justify a month in that infernal chastity device.... but I digress.)

In any event the consequences were swift.

"I've had enough of the surliness, Slave.... you deserve a punishment."

Mistress, still in her wet biking attire (did I mention she was riding in the rain.... or rather walking after the chain came off), closed the door to the Executive Suite, and told me to roll over and pull down my shorts. She groused a bit more as she searched for the riding crop in our closet that had accumulated a bit of dust over the last few weeks of my "good behavior".

"I hope the girls don't hear this Slave."

I suppose it was possible, since they wer just down the hall, watching some reality show on their computers, but I tried my best to stifle my own pathetic cries of distress  as she gave me about ten hard whacks with her crop, as my ass bounced off the bed with each blow.


Then she snapped this photo with her I-phone and emailed it to my account.

"I want to see this posted in the morning, Slave."

"Yes, Mistress....."

Afterwords, I redeemed myself with some worship to Mistress's damp and well exercised clean shaven folds.

At least then I did not have to  worry about "holding my tongue" for that task.

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Everyone Needs a Critic

Here in River City, Mistress and Slave are doing their best to get used to the intrusion upon our privacy by two young women who have "made themselves at home".

The older one really isn't much of a bother. She's taking a Science class this summer, and tends to keep to herself and her cats.

The younger one, however, likes to make her presence known, usually by finding  things to criticize her parents about.  Sunday it was her interrupting my breakfast out on our deck to ask when I was going to the grocery store to pick up some food items she required, then adding "you've got food on your face...." Well I was eating breakfast, and Mistress didn't seem to be offended if there was (literally) a little egg on my face.

Yesterday she was taking issue with Mistress's shoes (they make your feet seem too small?); legs (too tanned or slippery?) and dress (too bright?).

Then for dinner last night, the non-meat eater took issue with the lox I had purchased to put on a salad. "I don't like that type". When I pointed out it was basically the same stuff she had ordered on ehr $10 bagel Friday morning in DC, she acted like I was insane.

It's going to be a long summer with them.

Fortunately, they have gotten used to the fact that we seal ourselves off in the Executive Suite here at the UCTMW World HQ for long unexplainable periods of time, as we did last night after a long work day.

Mistress was due some worship, and Slave was happy to play his proper role in releasing a little of that long Monday stress.

But no sooner had she finished with her little orgasmic hors deurveher text message chime went off.

"When's dinner."

Well, at least she hadn't barged in to ask the question.

Sunday, May 19, 2013

Coming Back to Ground

It's been a rather crazy week for the cast here at UCTMW HQ.

Mistress got home Wednesday evening from her trip to the Islands with the cute Co-Ed.

Then the next morning, I was driving East to collect our 2nd Co-Ed.

It was a long drive, repeated the next day for the return slog, after a little sidetrip to our nation's capitol, where we shared dinner with one of my older daughter's and her fiance.

Fortunately, on Wednesday evening, Mistress gave Slave a little reminder why I missed her over the 5 long days of her trip. Although the no touch rule had been lifted while she was gone, I did not abuse the privilege. So when we climbed into the sack, for a little welcome home / bon voyage sex that night, there was ample worship, cock riding and all the bells and whistles that come with it, and a good deal of sexual tension was lifted, at least for a while.

Then I was off. And after two days on the road, back again on Friday evening, a station wagon of college girl detritus and one sullen girl in tow, already whining about how bored she would be back here in the heartland.

Since then we've been readjusting to the presence of two extra, intrusive bodies here at the UCTMW World HQ.  Until you actually get to enjoy the empty nest after (for me) nearly 35 years of child rearing, you don't actually realize what you've been missing.

But now, believe me,  we do.

All the extra mess, the need to adjust a "feeding" schedule, and accommodate the diets, schedules and quirks of those extra mouths and bodies.

And the change in privacy settings, well that's a whole other matter.

I had to remind Mistress last evening that she may want to slide into some of those sexy panties before she parked down on the couch with me to share some pizza and watch a movie, since our two daughters were likely to raise disapproving eyebrows if the caught sight of those lush, clean shaven folds. Yes, I know, that sounds like a Slave who is getting too "uppity", but hopefully Mistress saw it as just a friendly reminder, not me being too bossy.

Sadly, we will have to go back into stifle and conceal mode through the summer here. Either that, or follow the advice that Donna gave me a few weeks ago.

"Maybe you just rent them some cool pad somewhere across town for the summer."

Not a bad idea, Donna. Or maybe we send them your way... how about an unpaid internship on BDSM?  Could they get credit for that in College?

Monday, May 13, 2013

Move On. Nothing to Read Here.

Slave has little to report on from the UCTMW World HQ, where we are short staffed this week.

Mistress remains in an exotic locale with our cute Co-Ed. Today she reports swimming with sharks! (Isn't that what she does every work day, you ask?)

Slave followed orders and scrunched into my cage this morning, sending a little photo of her cock off for her to inspect and approve.

She texted back her approval of the package in its little steel container.

When we talked this morning she was curious to know whether I had exercised my "privileges" and I had to confirm that, in fact, left to my own devices and without the burden of the "no touch" rule, well.... you can only imagine what happens.

Mistress gets home Wednesday night. But Thursday morning, I am driving off to the East Coast to collect the 2nd cute C0-Ed who is finishing up her college year this week.

So there will be some mean, nasty, urgent and desperate catching up to do Wednesday night here in River City.

Hope we don't disturb the neighbors on the other side of the river.