Monday, February 18, 2013

Settled In in the Southwest

Mistress and Slave took their guests out for a nice dinner Saturday night, then saw them on their way Sunday morning, leaving us to our own carnal devices for the rest of the week.

It took a little adjusting with guests in the house though. I had to turn on some music to mask the sounds of Sunday morning wake - up sex, and Mistress got a free pass on Switch Day.

"If I used the crop on you do you think you could stifle those moans enough so as not to disturb our friends outside the door, drinking their morning coffee, Mistress...."

"I wouldn't count on it, Slave."

Well I suppose I could have contrived a gag, but then how would I mute the sound of the crop thwacking Mistress's delicious bottom?

Once they were off, we had a nice semi-full day of skiing in some bright SW sunshine.  But we retreated a little early to enjoy our empty cottage, and Mistress even caught some sun out on the deck, wrapped in a warming blanket.

After I made a run into town to fill up the larder for the week, we settled into bed, for some more reading, a nap and some delightful pre-sunset delight.

It's nice not having to stifle. 

We are counting in much more of the same over the next six days.

Saturday, February 16, 2013

Spanking Averted

Mistress and Slave made it to our mountain hideaway after a long trip last evening. When we arrived we had a full and dramatic view of the Milky Way on a moonless, cloudless night.


But Slave almost faced the possibility of two thrashings in one week.

You see its rare we travel on Southwest Airlines, with their infernal "festival seating" Q.  Several years ago, it was more frequent, and Mistress (who did not have that title in those days), knew it was necessary to check-in at the earliest opportunity to avoid being stuck at the back of the line and settling for a middle seat between two snoring, smelly lardasses.

But Slave had forgotten that lessen. I waited until yesterday morning at work to check in.  We were assigned slots B-52 and 53 in the line for a packed flight to Denver.

Mistress was not too pleased.

She gave me a withering look as we watched all the others load up in front of us.

"Slave, if we end up having to sit apart, you'll get a spanking tomorrow!", she whispered with an "evil" smile.

"I understand, Mistress."

Luckily, we did find an aisle and middle seat near the back of the plane. A little too close to a crying baby, but sometimes you have to settle, don't you?

And after a long drive, we've made it to our Nirvana,  the sun is coming up and we have a nice ski day ahead of us.

It's a little odd though, in that a female colleague and a client are also here for the next 24 hours or so, sharing the house. We'll enjoy a nice dinner with them tonight and then get our cabin back for the rest of the week.

But in the meantime, Mistress had some instructions.

"Slave, while the ladies are here, I don't want you going out to take care of your business on the snow."

It's a habit I've gotten into here.  I mean why waste well water. And the views are to die for.

"I Don't want any other women getting a look at my cock!"

Who could argue with that sentiment. Not this Slave.

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Happy Valentine's Day from UCTMW

Here in River City Mistress and Slave will be celebrating a low key Valentine's Day, in anticipation of our journey west on Friday for a week at our mountain hideaway. An empty Ski nest awaits, and we will take full advantage.

I have strict orders:

"Slave, I want that spelt pizza -- mushrooms and goat cheese - and an evening at home with you...."

I am sure that can be arranged.

Of course, I do have a little tribute gift for Mistress for V-Day. Some sexy underthings that I may be able to persuade her to model for you.

And I suspect there will be plenty of opportunities for some worship this evening, just as there was last night when Mistress returned from her spinning class after work.

"I'm probably a little gamey down there Slave.... it was quite a work-out".

"Since when did that every stop me, Mistress."

Here's hoping that our vast handful of readers also find some opportunities for pleasure this Valentine's Day!

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Cuckoldress in Training?

On Sunday afternoon we traveled up to our cute Co-Ed's bucolic college campus for a quick dinner to see how she's doing. We even brought along Mistress's mother, who dotes on her granddaughter and even made her some cookies to share with her roommate.

All very heartland, right?

But at dinner the conversation turned to her plans for Valentine's Day.

Her sorority, in a joint party with another sorority,  has rented out a local bar in this quaint midwestern college town for Valentine's Day. The cuties are getting all dressed up for the occasion. Apparently they aren't going to leave it to chance that they have Valentine's Day plans with their beaus. And I mean that in the plural.

"So do you have a date?", grandma asked.

She described some lad from upstate NY she had invited, but said she's having trouble coming up with another one.

This woke old Mick up.

"Isn't one good enough?"

She explained the rules.

"We're each supposed to invite two boys."


It seemed that the sororities are flipping the lyrics from that old Beach Boys' song, "Surf City".  The objective is to have 2 boys for every girl.  If our daughter doesn't pick another one lad soon, her roommate (purportedly the daughter of a Playboy Bunny) may have to invite three.

I had grandma laughing as I joked about the need for back-up guys at crunch time.

So, friends, watch out (or look forward).  There maybe a new generation of cuckoldresses on the prowl.  Next thing you know, they won't be using those sorority paddles for purely decorative purposes.