Saturday, December 8, 2012

We Are the 1%

Last night, Mistress and Slave "dined" at a funky local Northern New Mexican diner, then went to a recently renovated old dance hall to hear a friend's band play and do a little "boot scooting". The lady who lovingly renovated the place brought out all the old adobe charm. Imagine an adobe walled auditorium the size of a basketball court, but with "vega" beams of old pine logs a yard in diameter and 50 feet long. It made old Mick wonder how the workers who built the place around 1900 lifted those suckers into place.

  During a break, while Mistress was "powdering her nose", the band's leader sidled up to me, on his way to his van for a little mid-set pick-me-up.

"Mick.... Molly sure is looking young out there. For a moment I thought you were dancing with your daughter....."

True, Mistress is looking hot, as a local hunky "potter" mentioned earlier in the day. He told Mistress she looks better than most 40 year olds here in town. (This quickly got Mistress to add him to guys she might like to fuck someday, an ever growing list, I might add.)

Yes, dear readers, I  regularly pinch myself for my good fortune, knowing that I've got a feisty filly by the tail and have to cling tight to keep up. (Is all this one of those loathsome "humblebrags"?  Not sure, but what the fuck, it's our blog and you can always click to the next one if humility is what you seek).

This brings me to the article I stumbled on while clicking through the Times on line yesterday, to get my news fix. Sex, Drugs, Rock & Roll, and More Sex?

The article reports on a survey of Americans' sexual activities, and includes a link to the survey and its various amusing graphics.  But here's the passage I found intriguing :

Seventy-one percent of men 30 to 39 said they’d had sex in the last month, versus 61 percent of those 40 to 49 and 44 percent of those 50 to 59. With women, 64 percent of those 30 to 39 reported having sex in the previous month versus 56 percent of those 40 to 49, 40 percent of those 50 to 59 and 29 percent of those 60 to 69.
Sex, drugs, rock ‘n’ roll and more sex? About 10 percent of men and women 50 to 59 said they had sex two to three times a week, about a third the rate for those 25 to 29. 

Of course, the article just ignores those guys, like me who have turned 60.  But checking out the survey, I find that about 45% of my contemporaries reported no penetrative sex with another person in the last year. Of course, some of those folks could be caged cucks or submissives like some of you out in blog land who have been disciplined into denial. But I suspect that is a very tiny chunk of that 45%.

On the other hand, the number of 60 and above men who have sex 2-3 times a week is less than 10%.

And what about those like old Mick, who has been on a 7-10 times a week schedule most recently, with lots of two a days with the time and privacy we have out here in our Mountain Hideaway.

I guess I am one pampered house slave....

Friday, December 7, 2012

Fifty Shades of Chicken

 In case you need something to spice up your dinner table this weekend between sessions in bed with your cuck and or Bull:

Fifty Shades of Chicken

Thursday, December 6, 2012

Together Again for the First Time

Molly and Mick finally made it to our mountain hideaway here in the shadow of the Sangre de Christo Mountains not long after dusk last evening. We were treated to an amazing sunset over the last hour of our drives bathing the mountains and sky in the colors of a rusty rainbow.

The drive reminded us of our early days when we started this blog about 3 years ago. Pictures we used then led to some comments from Miguel, our less than productive Western Correspondent, with a masturbatory bent that leads to purchases of lubricants in bulk quantities.

f you followed us here, you know that over the months that followed, Mistress and our WC developed a bit of a thing for one another, featuring much abuse of Mistress's hitachi, and lots of fantasies about whether she would ever become personally familiar with his special occasion cock, and its legendary dimensions. It was a unique "romance" spawned and nourished by the blog-o-verse.

She wheedled him with various offers to visit us here, only 5 hours down the road. Or maybe "hook up" in some neutral location.  But Mike's sense of honor and a busy gold and home schedule always seemed to get in the way. So, as you know, Mistress's eye began to wander and she found herself in a series of ongoing adventures with a collection of longer and shorter term lovers (no, that was not a cock size joke in the making).

Truth be told, we had our doubts about whether the WC would actually show up for our lunch appointment yesterday. The last time we were in the area he had "inadvertently" left his cell phone at home.

So we were pleasantly surprised when he appeared at the appointed time and place, a sea food restaurant of his selection.

And we were very happy to finally meet him in the flesh.

I could tell that Mistress was particularly charmed to finally meet the guy who had talked her out of her undies on so many occasions from afar.  And after I returned to the table after a brief conference call, she announced that they had reached an agreement:

"Mike says were actually going to fuck someday."

Of course, there was no date or location designated.  I tried to be helpful.

"Our rental has a big trunk, and a back seat that folds down.... there should be enough space.... I can move it to a secluded corner of the parking lot....."

"Ewww .... too messy slave..... and sordid.  This deserves more atmosphere....."

"How about I block the door of the men's room for 5 minutes. would that work, just by way of introduction?"

Of course, they looked at me like I was crazy. But Mistress did invite WC to slip away this weekend to visit us here..... or to come with his Wife, the long suffering Beth with the nasty strap-on, and celebrate New Year's Eve with us.

Our guess is that we will not see them here anytime soon. I did suggest that this summer Mistress and I might come back to Denver for a visit to Scarlett ranch with Mike and Beth.

"I could get some foam in Beth's eye and distract her, while you and Molly head off to some secluded tent... would that work?"

Somehow I have my doubts that this new agreement will come to fruition anytime soon. But it did seem to change Mistress's mind about our corporate austerity plan .... despite the high overhead and low productivity, she announced as we were leaving that my decision to close the Mountain Zone HQ was reversed.  Mike didn't have to turn in his keys and AmEx card after all!

And they did spend some time quenching the WC's unnatural curiosity about Mistress's Cougar Week adventures and where the group of contenders now stand.  (More on that later.) Naturally, Mike seems to find fault with all of them, particularly when it comes to cock dimensions.

Now, with a new lease on his branch office, and a reprieve from the pink slip, do you think we can expect any chart topping smut from the WC anytime soon, or will he still try to peddle his "work product" over to our competitors at ALL Mine?

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

UCTMW Corporate Announcement

Denver.   Molly Collins, CEO and Publisher of UCTMW Enterprises, Inc., a multinational, multi-media conglomerate announced today that despite recent reports to the contrary, the Company would continue to operate our of its Mountain Zone branch office.

"At a time when even Rupert Murdoch and the News Corporation are retrenching, here at UCTMW we have a commitment to our dozens of readers and our highly skilled, if less than productive staff to provide the highest quality of low brow sex blog journalism. We can't do that without a visible and active  presence in a significant media and sexually deviant market like Denver."

Mick Collins, Editor and Corporate Controller noted that "despite rumors on some competting blogs, we have decided to retain UCTMW's Western Correspondent, who's infrequent yet stirring reportage has been a favorite of some of our less discriminating readers.... we understand that even high quality journalists have to pander every now and then."

In response to questioning, Ms. Collins denied that the decision to continue operations at the Company's Mountain Zone branch office had anything to do with assurances by the Company's Western Correspondent that someday at an undisclosed time and location, he might ultimately demonstrate for her the full dimensions of the so called "special occasion cock."