Sunday, September 2, 2012

Slave's Lonely, Caged Wait is Rewarded

Wondering how the sexual cliffhanger resolved itself here at the UCTMW World HQ yesterday?

After I finished the entry, and at the appointed hour ("Don't wake me before 7:30, slave"), I walked upstairs to wake Mistress, first making sure the steel ring for my cake was safely ensconced at the base of my cock and balls.

Thank God it wasn't a cold morning here in River City.

I let Mistress read the blog, as I worshiped those clean shaven folds, giving her a little warm up cum.

But the decision was made that Mistress would be nice to her lover and not make him the beneficiary of "sloppy seconds". It had been a while since he had the opportunity to fuck her properly, so why not allow him "first dibs" of the day.

Instead, looking outside to see that the Isaac spin-off rains had not arrived yet, we changed into our riding togs and headed out for a morning ride on our local hills Back in the Executive suite, we showered together, then Mistress locked her cock up tight for the day.

She waved the little key in my face, and made a bit of a show of sticking it in her wallet, before primping for her morning "date".

She shared their agenda in amusingly blunt terms.

"We'll be going out for breakfast first, Slave.... then back to his house for sex....Should be home by around 3...."

It does sound kind of brazen when you put it that way, doesn't it. Maybe not something that works for everyone. But I happily gave her a kiss goodbye, and admired her shapely form in a sort of black tennis dress with the little gator over her left breast. I even inspected the lacy black undies she had slithered into  to please her lover. Mick's caged cock gave a little twitch at the sight and aroma of her as I kissed my wife goodbye for the day.

As for me, I settled into watching Saturday morning opener for my alma mater's football team from foreign shores. Fortunately, they rose to the occasion, unlike my work-a-day cock, that would not be doing any "rising" until Mistress returned with her key.

After the game, I ran some local errands, worked in the yard (no chain saws) and did some laundry. The sorts of things a helpful Slave should do when his Mistress is out with her lover, right?

Our Sorority girl had been out overnight at a friend's apartment, and came home around 1 pm. I told her that mom was at a work meeting and would be home around 3 pm, in case she was curious.

(Fortunately, I do think we have her trained enough to give us a call or text if she is coming home, but there is still a bit of "style cramp" here this weekend.)

And Mistress did make it home as scheduled, though looking rather dazed, her hair a bit disheveled.

We adjourned to the bedroom, informing the sorority girl that her parents would be "resting" for a while.

"So do you want to fuck me now, Slave....."

I try not to appear too desperate on such occasions, but my body language and words were definitely sending affirmative signals.

She gave me a brief summary of the day's activities.

"J loves those big weekend breakfasts, He's a regular at this place.... then it was back to his place for about two hours of sex.... that athletic thing where I'm at the side of the bed, legs up, and he's standing there fucking me....."

No doubt Mistress had her fill of orgasms over those two hours.

"It's nice you have the variety Mistress....."

Mistress and I are more typically the 20 minutes a session team, always rewarding, and suitably to two a days worked into a busy schedule.... but with J, it's definitely more of a cinematic "epic" on the rarer occasions when they can coordinate their schedules . It's like comparing a Woody Allen movie to Lawrence of Arabia, I suppose.

In any event, this talk about Mistress's adventures caused me to become acutely aware that her cage was still locked tight around her cock.

Somehow I communicated this "situation" to her, and she retrieved the key from her wallet, setting me free. I returned the favor by savoring those accumulated flavors and juices that had gathered between those firm thighs.

"Do I taste differently, Slave...."


Her normal sweet flavors were mingled with something more primal and savory. Hard to describe. I guess you had to be there.

And after I had used my tongue and lips to please her with yet another cum, she indulged me with the privilege of deploying my liberated cock with a certain wanton abandon.

Ahhhh.  Definitely worth the wait.

But another day has dawned. Switch Day in fact. And though the sorority girl is sleeping down the hall, I do need to come up with a special treat for Mistress this AM, don't you think?

Saturday, September 1, 2012

Change Up

The weekend schedule I announced here yesterday morning was scrambled a bit. The rain from Isaac is headed this way, so J decided to get his golfing in last night rather than today. And it was probably a good thing, since our cute Sorority girl decided to flee her bucolic if boring college town and come back home to visit her "lonely" parents.

So maybe it was a good idea that there was no "sleepover" with Mistress sleeping in another bedroom last night.

But that did give us some time for our own special fun. We went off for a nice bike ride once home from work last night. Then a joint shower that turned into some quality time between the sheets.  Mistress even instructed me to insert my "device" (the aneros) to assure that her cock was suitably firm and randy for the occasion.

Today's plan is for Slave to stay home and watch the early morning kick-off of my alma mater's football season. Then Mistress will be heading over to J's "loveshack" for what is likely to be a Saturday morning "booty call".

But she surprised me with some additional orders.

"I want you in your cage tomorrow, Slave."

Hmmmm. While it is unlikely that Slave will abuse his privileges without a lock down, it may be that Mistress has decided to take fuller advantage of her contractual rights.

I suppose one question remains: does Mistress plan to have sex with her Slave this AM before she heads over to J's? Or not? Who will get the privilege of "sloppy seconds" today here in River City?

We'll let you know tomorrow.

Friday, August 31, 2012

Mistress Makes My Day

Here in River City it seems that summer just began and is already fading away. Things traditionally pick up speed at work after Labor Day, and we barely slowed down. (Thankfully we have a week away planned starting a week from today to grab back some of that lost summer.)

But yesterday there was a little break for us around noon time. Mistress walked over between meetings, and we had a chance for a little mid-day celebration of those clean shaven folds.

Our loyal readers know the drill by now: Slave pushed the door closed, and the chair against it. The blanket I keep there for such occasions was placed on its seat. Then Mistress hiked up her dress and shimmied out of her black undies, sitting on her throne as her Slave fell to his knees to savor her addictive juices.

What a lovely lunch break.

We had driven to work together, and when we headed home, Mistress spoke with her lover J about some plans for this evening. With what we hope will be an empty nest tonight (presuming our daughter up the road doesn't make a surprise appearance), our plan is to pick up J and his bicycle, go for an early evening ride, maybe go out for dinner, and then have Ja do a "sleepover" here with Mistress.

After the call, Mistress made sure her Slave was on board.

"You don't mind J spending the night do you, Slave?"

I assured her that Slave remains "cool" with her sexual adventuring.  After all, I do get plenty of action, don't I.

We did spend a little time watching the final night of GOP coverage from Tampa. The cute video with all those Romney family photos for a moment had me thinking that the guy running for President wasn't the wooden plutocrat with hidden tax returns but actually Ozzie Nelson with his devoted Harriet at his side.

But the night was really hijacked by that great Amercian Clint Eastwood. In his alternative universe, the President is some guy who sits there and tells an old movie actor to "shut-up" and that Mitt should "go fuck himself". By now Mistress was asleep, and I knew the story of the day on the morning after would not be whatever speech Mitt gave, but the sheer wackidoodle of this cranky old man talking to an empty chair and asking the crowd to "make his day."

Ok.... enough with this AM's morning rant.

Since Mistress is likely to be sleeping in another bed tonight, maybe it would be wise for me to sign off now, and make sure there is plenty time this morning for Slave to get some action.

Thursday, August 30, 2012

Mistress Has a Date Night

It's been more than a week since Mistress had a chance to spend some time with her lover J. So with our schedule finally clearing a bit, and the sullen ones off to their respective campuses, she announced she'd be spending the evening "out".

Slave was content to spend the evening home, enjoying a bike ride, and then some measured doses of the GOP convention, which I had to turn off a few times in order to control my surging blood pressure. Only small snippets can  work with me. Though I had to speculate about the "after party" conversation between Rand Paul and Condi Rice, when he explained his theory about how those pesky civil rights laws that allowed her to move beyond the segregation of her youth were actually an unconstitutional imposition on states' rights.

She did check in on their way back from dinner. "We're going back to J's house, Slave.... I'll be home in a few hours.... though I'm not sure I'm going to let J fuck me tonight."

Of course, this was intended as a tease for J, sitting next to her in the car. He and I then talked a bit about the evening's proceedings in Tampa, before they signed off, and Slave returned to Mike Huckabee, explaining his theory about why the President isn't a true Christian.

Mistress did come home, at around 10:30 pm or so. She and J both have early morning obligations.

I try not to pry about their activities, but she did share that there was some "fooling around".

"He likes to spend time between my legs, Slave.... must have been licking down there for 30 minutes or more."

It seems Mistress has J's training well in hand.

But she wasn't going to deny me my opportunity, settling back on the bed, her legs open, encouraging me to kneel for her.

"Do I taste different, Slave?"

"Hmmmm.... a little, Mistress."

Of course, she was a little too tired to allow her Slave the "full monty".  I'm making sure to wake her early this am, to make sure there is plenty of time.