Wednesday, May 2, 2012


Isn't it handy to have a sleek little I-phone around to send little sexy messages to your Mistress or slave during the otherwise tedious work day?

We do it all the time. And I know Mistress exchanges little messages with her lover J too. It's a nice little tool to keep the "home fires burning".

Unless you happen to send one of those messages to the wrong person.

Those of you with these little tools are probably familiar with the "group text" function. type in two names and you can send a text to two... or even more people.

So the other day, when we were communicating to our daughter over in Europe about her plans for college in the fall, there was one of those three way loops set up between daughter, father and mother.

But it can get a little confusing. On the screen it may just show who the last message was from. and when you hit reply, its quite possible to forget there is a 3rd person that will be part of your text conversation.

Yesterday Mistress gave me a panicky call: "I can't believe I copied our daughter on that message, Slave...."

Huh?  I don;t have the little chime activated on my phone, so sometimes I am a little behind on my texting.

So I picked it up, pressing the little text icon.

Sure enough, there was Mistress's message to me:

"Hot sex this am Slave."

Well, in fact it was very hot. Mistress and I both woke a little early. She didn't have to jump on her bike just yet. Carnality ensued.

But now I saw the problem.

Our daughter had gotten the message.

When Mistress realized what she had done she sent a little sheepish message back ..... sorry sweetie. forgot you were on this".

There was no response at all from our no doubt eye rolling, puking daughter.

Let's hope she survives the embarrassment, and just think the 'slave" part was inscrutable (if icky) parental banter, rather than some disclosure about the nature of our relationship here at the UCTMW World HQ.

Meanwhile, our other daughter, the cute Co-Ed took a little more time than expected getting back from College last night.  The weather here had gone crazy. Our car had to ford a veritable river on the interstate on the way home. And she delayed her departure until the sirens stopped wailing.

While we got home a little later than normal, we still had a little time before the empty nest was put to rest.

"Why don't you put in your device, Slave",  Mistress instructed.  She knew I was a little cranky after our typical 30 minute commute home had stretched to nearly 2 hours.  Sure enough, the aneros combined with the addictive aroma of Mistress's juices as I buried my mouth and lips in her clean shaven folds, more than did the trick.

She moaned her way to a little starter cum, then used her well manicured fingers to drive her cock to the state of desperation that amuses her.  I had to beg more than a few times before she relented and allowed me to fuck her.

So at least we ended the college year in style here in River City.... just in time to help our daughter unpack the car.

Leading to the age old question:  why the f**k do they need all that stuff in their dorm rooms and how does it ever fit?

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Empty Nest RIP

It's official.

Today is our cute Co-Ed's last day of her freshman year off at college. And while her campus is really only little more than an hour up the road, it's been of great value when it comes to Mistress and slave's adventures to have her off in her little dorm room, while her slightly younger daughter has been studying overseas.

She's coming home tonight. I'll fix family dinner. And, conveniently, she's leaving tomorrow afternoon for a trip with her grandmother. So we will ahve a brief respite before she returns for the balance of the summer.  Then, in early July the younger one gets back from her Euro-travails, restoring the UCTMW World HQ to its full staffing levels again until late August.

Obviously, there will be some adjustments to make, particularly as it relates to our propensity to galivant around in the nude, vocalize during sex, use various pieces of household furniture, and entertain J, Mistress's "FWB".

We've talked over the weekend about how to accommodate Mistress's desire to see him with the liklihood of children back in the house.

'Well you can always announce you have an overnight trip out of town for work, Mistress."

"True Slave...."

"On those evenings I can order bad food or take them to some action adventure flick."

"I suppose."

"And there might be some late night meetings you have to attend to...."

"I suppose that could work too...."

Clearly, we will need to be a little creative in adjusting to the return of the sullen (and nosy) ones this summer.

Last evening we enjoyed one of those last of the school year empty nest nights here in River City.  We met some friends for dinner downtown after work.... wine at a trendy cafe, followed by spicy designer tacos at a new hipster hang-out in an old city neighborhood.  By the time we were leaving, the skies had opened and we made a mad dash for our car, soaking our feet up to the ankles in monster puddles. 

You had to laugh. It was a goofy way to end an evening out on the town.

On the drive home, Mistress called J to update him on her day and talk about plans for the weekend.

In a cute sort of way, she was asking him out on a date.  Our friends own an art  gallery and  are having a "Cinco de Mayo" event / party.

"So what if the three of us go.... then I go home with you for the night, J.... what do you say?"

J is still adjusting to this rather unusual relationship, but after some thought seemed to give it a thumbs up.

I mean, who can say no to Mistress?

Monday, April 30, 2012

Weekend Update

Did you miss us? 

It was one of those rare days Sunday when there was no posting here at UCTMW.  Slave was dragooned into helping our cute Co-Ed, in her last week of her first year at college, come up with some ideas for an end of tern essay. So my creative writing juices were redirected away from smut and humour here on this page.

But rest assured, Mistress and Slave kept the home fires simmering here, even as we negotiated around the ins and outs of our daughter, who tempered partying with study before heading back to campus on Sunday afternoon for a final exam.

Of course, there was some leisurely Saturday morning wake-up sex before Mistress went off to get her hair cut, and Slave did a little grocery shopping.  Then both of us went to the gym, since the weather here had turned rather cold and blustery.

After that we were home for a while, before Mistress headed to her "matinee" over at J's love shack. Their schedules meshed well for some afternoon mischief.  Mistress made sure I was not going to get into trouble while she was "indisposed", though she did not impose my cage as extra protection.

I guess I should be grateful for that.

I went down to our local market to pick-up some flowers for our window boxes, and spent some afternoon time catching up on the news, until Mistress came home at around 5:30 pm.

Now I'll confess when she returned I was just a tad horny.  Speculating about what Mistress had been up to with her lover can get Slave a little "edgy" for my own sexual release. But, naturally, I always follow the  "no touch" rule without specific authority.

But when  Mistress arrived home she had that "sexually spent" look that comes with the territory.

I was lounging on the bed. I had just taken a shower and was in a big blue terry robe. But it was pretty obvious from the look on Mistress's face that Slave was not going to "get lucky" any time soon.

"Oh boy, Slave.... sore back from some very athletic sex...."

Naturally, I offerred a massage, and happily took a rain check.

Fortunately for me, Mistress was more than ready to accommodate her Slave later that evening when we returned from a movie. (We ran into some of Mistress's work colleagues at the movie theatre, but Slave was manipulative enough to steer us away from some late night post-movie drinks with them). .After some warm up worship, Mistress granted her Slave permission to fuck her, and I used the opportunity to its fullest.

Sunday morning we woke to a day with a too packed schedule of tasks and activities. Plus our Co-Ed was 'in the house".  This confluence of circumstances caused Slave to defer his Switch privileges. 

After some work on those essays for my daughter, I retreated to the executive suite with the newspapers and joined Mistress for some leisure time in bed.

But when our pre-gym time was winding down, I reached under the bed for Mistress's favorite power tool - the Hitachi Magic Wand.

"Hmmm..... what's the occasion, Slave?"

"I was going to tie you down and deploy this Mistress, but with the Co-Ed here.... maybe we'll be a little more discrete."

Mistress seemed quite content to have me thumb on the device and slide it between those lovely thighs. And she must have been in a "switch Day" mood, even without suitable restraints, because after she let that churning bulb build her oh-so-close to the edge, she asked her Slave for permission to cum.

"Go for it Mistress...."

Then, she let loose, falling over that edge and shuddering and moaning her self to a rather impressive orgasm.  Fortunately, her sore back had bounced back, and Slave was able to get in on the action too.

Saturday, April 28, 2012

Friday Evening With Belle de Jour

We're both happy its a weekend at home with little scheduled.

Last evening I stopped on the way home from my conference for some provisions at the local grocery store, while Mistress was collecting our daughter from her not too faraway college campus.

She was home only briefly - disrupting the karma of the empty nest just so long as it took her to gather up some things to head to a friend's house for the evening.

That gave us time for a bike ride on the cool evening, before adjourning to our bedroom for some very civilized kick off the weekend love making, followed by a restful nap.

We drifted back to planet earth around 8 pm, just in time to prepare a quick dinner and watch a movie that had been sitting in its netflix envelope for a few weeks on my dresser: Belle de Jour.

I suspect most of our readers have seem this: a Louis Brunel classic starring a young Katherine Deneauve from 1967.  I was in high school then, so doubt I saw it in the original run, but maybe in college, sometime in the 1968-72 time frame.  Then Molly and I caught it at the theatre during its re-release around 1995.

It was interesting to see in light of this chatter about Shades of Grey, the E L James "mommy porn" that we had fun with here earlier this week.

First, "Belle", a 23 year old frigid newly wed, is about the same age as the virginal Anastasia in Shades of Grey. Both start out sexually inexperienced. But Belle already has her hunky husband. She just seems unable to warm to him, as they sleep in those twin beds you might recall from Ward and June Cleaver's bedroom.

But unlike Ana, who seems never to have considered the subject of sex before falling under the spell of the incredibly rich of a tad sadistic Christian, Belle has some strange fantasies going on underneath. The film starts with this scene, where she imagines her husband turning her over to two gruff coachmen who tie her to a tree limb, whip and then sexually molest her to her unexpected delight.

Ultimately, Belle takes her fantasies to a high end brothel in Paris, where she experiences a variety of clients. One discovers that "she likes it rough". Her clients provide the education and stimulation that her handsome if bland doctor husband does not. But of course she always makes sure to be home by 5 pm to greet her husband as the young innocent when he returns from a long day at the hospital.

Mistress and I saw the movie anew last night, enjoying the Paris street scenes after our recent trip, and the Mad Men with a French twist 60's era costumes and sets. And we noticed in one scene that the lovely Belle was wearing black patent leather shoes similar to those Molly had on in the picture in Thursday's blog.

It's hard to recall what old Mick took from this movie back in my innocent youth, on that all male Catholic campus.  But it certainly didn't discourage me from testing conventional sexual boundaries later in life, did it? 

I suspect that in its own way, the Shades of Grey phenomenon, despite the hackneyed writing and fantastical characters will induce its own legacy of experimentation.

And today, my own lovely "Belle de Jour" will be stopping off at J's house for some afternoon delight of her own.

"I hope you don't mind if it interferes with our usual Saturday afternoon 'activities',  Slave.... it's been a while since I fucked you in the Ass."

"Not at all, Mistress..... I'm sure J has been missing you.... he deserves a matinee."

Of course, nothing prevented me from taking full advantage of Mistress's availability this morning here in the executive suite, which should explain the slight delay in this morning's post.

Bon Jour, all.  Mine has already started out rather "bon".