Saturday, March 10, 2012

Too Early. A Little Late.

Our body clocks are going wacko here at the UCTMW World HQ.

Last evening, after a drop by at a desultory retirement party for an old friend, we were home earlier than expected. For reasons that may be a little hard to explain, Slave had been kind of horny since mid-morning. So when it became obvious that this party was going to be leaden, we slid out the back door for the quick drive home. 

Grazing had satisfied any hunger for food, but there was that other hunger to deal with.  That involved Slave deploying Mistress's favorite power tool, first over the top of her black (conventional) tights. Then after she slithered out of them.  Though at some point Mistress decided that my use of the tool was a little deficient, and she took over herself to finish the job. 

Fortunately, that poor performance on my part did not cause her to withdraw privileges for the evening. And Slave's needs were more than indulged over the next twenty minutes or so of rather robust lovemaking, featuring some smutty speculations about Mistress's newly found FWB.

But it was still only about 8:30 pm.  Despite the early hour, Mistress was soon snoozing, after a very long week in which she was tending to candles at both ends, so to speak.

But an early to bed made for another very early morning encounter here in the Exective Suite. 

It's 4 am --- what do you want to do Slave? 

I think we all know the answer to that question, and what happened here next.

Now typically, we can both get back to sleep at that hour after some exuberant fucking. Particularly on a Saturday morning.

But Mistress was a little --- shall we say "on edge".

She and her new friend have a little early morning "booty call" set up.  She's planning to leave here at 8:30 am. And she could not settle back to sleep with the buzz of  anticipation filling her beautiful little head. So we have been up reading the papers, and books for the last few hours.  Which explains why this post is going up a little later than normal.

One thing we noted was this article in the morning Times, about some soft core porn literary phenomenon called "Fifty Shades of Grey".  Maybe this is why blog readership seems to be a little down. Suburban moms don't have to troll for sex blogs when they can pick up this effort involving a seductive tycoon, an innocent co-ed and props like handcuffs and riding crops. Though the judgmental whiners quoted in the article tutt tutt about "a lot of violence" and that "this guy is abhorrent sometimes."  And there is nastiness about "plodding prose and the habit of printing lengthy contracts ...."

Sound familiar?  Mistress may have to load this toasty tome on her kindle just to see what has all those Moms "relighting a fire under a lot of marriages". Of course, it also has us wondering why we didn't just skip this blog and turn our own plodding prose into a novel like this one. Cha-ching.

But that was an hour ago.

Now Mistress is showering, in preparation for her early morning rendezvous.

"I thought you were just going to roll out of bed and head over there, Mistress?"

"Well there won't be any make-up Slave.  But don't you think I should shower and shave?"

"I'm not sure..... I know I like you reeking of sex, and with a little bit of stubble to provide some texture...."

But who can blame her for wanting to get things off on the right foot?  Or the cleanest of shaven folds?

Friday, March 9, 2012


Here at the world HQ, Mistress and Slave were a little worn down last night. Of course, she had a later than normal night Wednesday evening, then an early morning drive for meetings in our oh so flat state capitol.

And Slave had a busy day himself. 

When Mistress got home at around 7:30 pm, bone tired, and complaining about some sore muscles.

Poor baby....

I made sure to get dinner going, giving her sometime to catch up on work emails. At dinner we had a chance to replay some of the prior nights events, still subject to blog embargo.

And when we slid into bed, at an early 9:30 or so, I made sure to worship those clean shaven folds slowly and gently, knowing that Mistress was a little too tired for some pre-sleep fucking.

But somehow, once again, we both found ourselves awake here in the executive suite at around 3:30 am. Mistress thought about firing up her kindle, but I had a surprise for her in the form of a thickening middle of the night cock.

"Let's go for it, Slave....."

"Your wish is my command, Mistress...."

Thursday, March 8, 2012

HNT / Mistress in Repose

Mistress had a late night Wednesday. The exact nature of her activities are currently under blog embargo.  But I can say she came back looking a little disheveled and with a goofy grin on her face sometime after 11:30 pm.

I was anxiously waiting her return, not just because I missed her and wanted to hear about what she had been up to, but also because I'd been locked in that damn steel cock cage all day.

Once she sauntered in, she took her sweet time to remove what was left of her make-up, while I had to tease out some of the smutty details. But ultimately the cage was unlocked (ahhhh!), and Slave was allowed to show his gratitude.

And there was a second round of love making at around 4 am this morning, when somwhow we both found ourselves awake, still mulling over the evening's developments.  So let's cut her some slack if she sleeps in a little later than usual this morning.

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Super Tuesday Goes Into OT in River City

It was election day here in River City yesterday, and an early morning appointment and our need to vote before work made it impossible  for Mistress and Slave to have their typical wake up booty call.

It left poor Slave a little on edge and horny for the rest of the day, something I whined about to Mistress via text message.

"Awwww.... poor Slave.... suck it up", was the tone of her less than sympathetic response.

Adding to my frustration, Mistress had an evening appointment downtown, that meant we would not head home until after 8 pm. I had plenty of work to do. But the fact that she stopped by my office to toy with my increasingly hungry cock made it all the more frustrating.

"Boy,  that is hard down there, Slave.  But I wouldn't want to muss my lipstick with a quick blow job, no matter how desperate you are."

Finally, at home at around 9 pm, Slave was given some relief.  But Mistress insisted I insert my device - the Aneros, to assure she had the extra hard cock that pleases her so.  I made sure that she had a nice starter cum courtesy of my lips and tongue before persuading her that it was time for me to take my long delayed reward.

Ahhhh.  After she had granted me permission to cum, I returned the favor with a little assist from her favorite power tool. It was a special dessert for her generosity.

After the important events of the evening had concluded, I switched on the TV to monitor the primary returns. I was pulling for the crazy GOP candidate, rather than the smug and well funded one, if only to extend this bloodletting into the spring.  But by our typical "lights out" time, the results were still "too close to call". 

I had a feeling where this was heading, but when I happened to wake up at around 3 am, I was unable to resist the urge to confirm my suspicions. Flipping open the laptop, I verified that the guy who carries his dog on the roof of the car had slipped by the guy in the doggy sweater in the last batch of returns.


By now Mistress was awake and we discussed the results. But that discussion some how morfed into Slave sucking on the nearest lovely nipple. And, as you might expect, one thing led to another in the executive suite.

Somehow I think Slave got luckier after those Ohio results came in than Rick, Newt or Mitt did.