Monday, November 21, 2011

Inside UCTMW Week.... The Editorial Board Meeting

A few weeks back, Mistress and Slave watched a documentary (via Netflix) about our favorite newspaper, called "Page One: Inside the New York Times." The point was to open the door and look at the decision making processes that grind out the daily news feed from that "Grey Lady". I suspect the doors were opened at the Times to an independent filmmaker in a probably fruitless attempt to put some human faces on an institution that tries a little too hard to pretend to be God on most days, and has taken its share of lumps from the right wing and the markets in the last decade.... but who are we to judge.

Of course, here at UCTMW we fancy ourselves as at the pinnacle of cheesy sex blog journalism, so why not open up the process a little so all of  you aspiring Mollys and Micks can see how things really get done around here.

Take for example, the role our Publisher, Molly Collins plays in giving a final stamp of approval on our daily output.

As it happens, Mick is usually in charge of  written content on the blog, with the exception of occasional postings from the Publisher's desk .

Indeed, when Molly asks the night before, "what are you going to write about tomorrow, Slave", I am usually coy. For two reasons: 1) I really have no fucking idea: and 2) I like to surprise her with my daily spin on our work and play -a-day lives.  The true test of my success here is not how many page views or shout-outs we get, but whether I get some sort of rise from her as she reads the blog and I work my tongue and lips across her legendary clean shaven folds.

But there is one aspect of the blog where Molly exercises complete editorial control: displays of her likeness.  Take last night for example.

We had arrived home from our weekend trip, and had settled into a nice evening of catching up with the accumulated newspapers and watching some TV (nice Woody Allen bio-documentary on PBS). AS we watched I told Mistress I was going to download some photos from "Switch Day" for the blog.

This definitely got her attention. No sooner had they appeared on the screen than she was leaning over my shoulder, critiquing, approving, or sending some of the photos to the trash bin.

"That one's OK, Slave...."

"Ick.... not that one!"

I've learned not to argue on these matters.  though at one point I noted that the approved photo of her lush ass, reddened by by spanks, was not much different than the one she had condemned, which featured her ass msucles clenched tight as she bucked against her favorite power tool.

"Too many lines, Slave....."

But as you cans see, she did find a few shots that met her discerning eye.

As you can see from the photo montage, Slave did bring sufficient supplies to catch up on some missed Switch Day opportunities over the last few weeks. There was the restraining of Mistress's wrists and ankles; a nice firm spanking, in honor of the re-emergence of E, who has a bit of a spanking fetish that Mistress would so clearly like to accommodate; and then as a final "punishment" I slid the magic wand between those clenched thighs, making Mistress squirm and ultimately beg for permission to come.

I do love the way her ass muscles get so tight in those final throes of abandon. But alas, that photo ended up on the cutting room floor. (Maybe our readers can persuade her to authorize that shot, but I've given up).

When Mistress had her fill, one of those emotional cums that had her face red and damp with tears, I released her ankles and wrists, and flipped her over for a nice thorough fucking.  But, always the good Slave, I made sure to ask permission too.

Sunday, November 20, 2011

Blustery Day on the Beach

Mistress and Slave have enjoyed their weekend away.... of course it's not like years past, when a weekend away meant liberation from keeping an eye on our kids. With our (mostly) empty nest, every weekend has become a "getaway" for us.  But still, a charming Inn, away from the weekend chores (and mothers to visit) definitely has a liberating vibe to it.

Mistress slept in a bit yesterday morning, allowing Slave some extra time to pull together the blog for her, as well and scan the news via internet.

Then it was back to bed.... you probably know the drill: worship while she reads, followed by our wake-up sex. But yesterday, Mistress was feeling a bit more frisky, and elected to ride her cock for a while. That always seems to lead to several robust cums, before spent, she "dismounted" and let her Slave finish the job from above.  I was more than happy to do my duty.

Afterwords, we bundled up and headed down to he beach.  Truth be told, it was probably barely tolerable biking weather. But Mistress has given me a pass so far. And we both do like a long walk on this empty beach, that runs for miles below dunes filled with dozens of summer homes, ranging from rustic to over-the-top grand. And though the wind was blustery and the temperatures were in the 40's, we seemed to have dressed properly, allowing an hour long stroll north and then back along the beach. 

That left us hungry for a late breakfast at a spot down the street that was relatively empty for a Saturday morning. It's clear off-season here, with the trees already having shed those colorful leaves.

Football games seem are scheduled to please the TV networks these days rather than for the convenience of fans or players, and yesterday's game at my alma mater was scheduled for 4 pm -- just about twilight here. In essence, it was a night game for all practical purposes. and a cold one too. Mistress is not much of a sports fan, but indulges her slave. She weathered the first half, reading her kindle when it wasn't misting. But she bailed out at halftime for the friendly confines of a coffee house on campus. Of course, I had no problem with that, staying until the bitter and cold end. Fortunately, my team survived a mediocre performance and a whole lot of punts to prevail narrowly in the end.

By the time we got back to our Inn it was nearly 9 pm.... we planned a "picnic" dinner here, watched an old movie on TV and warmed up. I made sure that Mistress got some worship before bedtime though.  She seemed to relish that....

Of course, today is Switch Day.... be assured that Slave was thinking ahead and brought some suitable tools!

Saturday, November 19, 2011

From the Lakeshore....

Molly and Mick made it to our little B & B here on the Lakeshore after dark last night. It's a place we've stayed at many times over the years, close enough to drive to my alma mater, but far enough from campus that it is not caught up in all the football weekend hoopla.

When we pulled in, Mistress immediately noticed a car with a bike rack.

"Slave.... someone didn't think it would be too cold to drive!"

Well, it sure seems cold to me. Hopefully she will be content with some long beach walks this morning and tomorrow, or Slave could be punished.

After we unpacked, and caught up with some  emails and blog perusing (Suzanne and Tammy seem to have a busy weekend planned over at All Mine), we got back in the car and headed to a favorite local restaurant, a cafe that specializes in Kurdish cuisine, run by a gentleman who had become a local folk hero due to his battles with the INS about whether he should or should not be deported. Inside there is a bit of a shrine to him, and lots of merchandise with the "Free Ibrahim" logo.  Strange local color, but if we do ever have to go on the Lam again, we may want to consult with him about finding shelter in Kurdistan.
Over dinner, Mistress and I discussed her three current "suitors", if that's a way to characterize them.

Of course, there is Francois, who was able the drop by the other night. "He's fun, isn't he Slave?"
Absolutely, a sexual bon vivant if there ever was one. Though Mistress's new work schedule may make it ahrd for them to get together as frequently as either might like.

Then there is E, who has worked his way back onto the dance card. The question is whether he and Mistress can find some common location where they might "run into" one another. He promises a very thorough spanking should that occur.

Of course, there is also the WC. It's been nearly 2 years since Mistress and the WC began to interact, and although he's been representing that he may find his way to our Mountain Hideaway sometime after the 1st of the year, I think Mistress is skeptical.  "That special occasion cock may make an appearance as frequently as Haley's Comet, Slave."

Fortunately (for me), Mistress does have a fall back plan always available.

"I really don't need any other cocks than yours' Slave."

"That's good to know, Mistress.... but then what's wrong with a little dessert every now and then?"

Last night, we passed on the strange Kurdish dessert available, after filling ourselves with a bottle of wine,  variations of chickpea preparations,  and some tender lamb concoction.

"I think I know what I want for dessert, Slave...."

Rest assured that I made sure she had her full.

Friday, November 18, 2011

Headed North...

Yesterday Mistress was able to make her way over to my office to meet me for lunch, as well as a little pre-meal appetizer. While we can still drive to work together as our schedule allows, her new office is on the periphery of River City's downtown, so it's a little too far to walk for some impromptu sexual indulgence, particularly when the weather gets cold, as it has here this week.

As a result, it's more of an occasional "event", for her to stop by the office and allow me to fall to my knees and soak my face with her juices.  She had a form fitting black dress on yesterday, some conventional black tights, and black boots on for her visit. So after I pulled her "throne" into place, and placed it against the door, I got to watch her hitch her dress up, shimmy out of one leg of those tights, and remove a single boot to give her Slave access.

Slave does get into a bit of a zone when I'm there on my knees, crushed between her thighs, savoring her addictive sauce. So I lost track of time a bit, in a daze, until her hips jerked several times, as she stifled her moan of delight. I kept at it though, until she pushed my head back, satisfied, at least for the moment.

Standing now before her, I savored that cheshire cat grin that reflects her satisfaction with the moment. 

Truly delicious.

After work we headed to our gym, then came home to pack for our weekend excursion.  We are headed north, to my alma mater, for the final home game of the season.  Their opponent is a team that hales from the region of the country where Suzanne, Jay and Tammy at All Mine call home. And earlier this fall we had extended an invitation for them to join us. We even had potential wagers in mind. But, alas.... they are pretty busy this fall, but we will be thinking of them as our respective teams take the field.  Maybe next year, particularly if our sullen teen #2 ends up heading in their direction for college.

We will be staying at a local B & B, about a block from the beach on a Great Lake, and about a 40 minute drive from the stadium. Muy Romantico. And I've already packed an assortment of toys to keep us amused.

As we looked at the weather map we had some planning to consider. Should we take our bikes for exercise.... to me the prospects are pretty grim. Highs below 50, blustery, maybe some rain. Sounds like we'd be better advised to leave the bikes at home, and just bundle up for a walk on the beach.

Mistress seems inclined to follow my advice on this. But if it turns out we have biking weather, Slave could be due a punishment.

Do you think I should also pack her riding crop?