Saturday, October 1, 2011

The Challenges of Multi-Tasking

Yesterday morning, after “going to press” with the blog, I scrambled upstairs to make sure there was time for our wake-up “booty call”. Mistress had an 8 am appointment with Teen #2’s high school counselor about college application plans, and I wanted to make sure that I took advantage of my opportunity before the window closed.

I worshipped as Mistress read what was actually a rather lame blog by our standards. Then I was given the privilege of fucking Mistress, even though she was feeling a bit under the weather.

She is a kind and considerate Mistress, after all.

But I had let her down a bit. She had directed me to wear my cage, but I had forgotten to wriggle my cock and balls into the hard steel ring before our morning engagement, thus depriving her of the harder cock and more explosive cum that she can count on when the ring is in place.


When our proceedings were done it was around 7:20 or so.  That’s when I realized that I had a 7:30 am conference call to cover.  Yikes.

I grabbed the ring, hopped in the shower, and somehow got the ring on while shaving and washing up. No easy task considering that my balls were a little contracted after that between the sheets action.

Now I’m out of the shower, desperately searching for the call in number, while also working the cage part onto the little nub protruding from the ring, and trying to fit the lock into the tiny aligned holes so that Mistress can close the lock and secure me away for the day…..
 (This isn't my exact "model", but gives you an idea how things align).

Mistress is getting into the shower now too…. The lock hole alignment is giving me fits. My cell phone speaker is now engaged as I sign into my call, trying to figure out what I missed, answering a question, all the while messing with that damn lock hole thing because it just won’t fit right….

Finally I get the hasp of the lock slid through the aligned holes, and present myself to Mistress, who is now  in the shower, shaving those soft and gentle parts, since Francois had plans to stop by later in the morning.

“Well it’s about time, Slave….. what was the problem?”

“Fumble fingers, I guess, Mistress.”

She shut the lock, and I stepped back into the bedroom, getting dressed while listening into my call.

Later, when I’m at work, I did get a report from Mistress about her visit.

“He could tell I wasn’t feeling well, Slave…. so no orgasms for me today….he wants to make sure I am ready and rested for next weekend.”

“And did he get any attention, Mistress….”

“Well I did give him a little blow job action, Slave….”

“I’m sure he appreciated that….”

“I think he did…. He’s says I’m pretty good at it.”

“No doubt…. I can attest to that.”

Sounds like Mistress is navigating her way through this whole “un-cut” cock thing very capably.

Friday, September 30, 2011

Upcoming Attractions

There will be lots of action in the coming week here at the UCTMW World HQ. 

I wasn’t just blowing satire in yesterday’s meeting announcement: Our Senior Correspondent and Director of Security, International  (aka, Donna and Bill) are visiting us next Wednesday, and we plan on having a nice meal at home to get to chat with folks who came into our life via the sex-blog-o-sphere.

“Should I invite Francois, Slave?”

“Of course, Mistress, I’m sure Donna and Bill would be entertained by his presence.”

When Francois heard the news about Wednesday evening, he gave Mistress a gracious RSVP, and offered to whip up some sort of chocolate concoction for dessert. (I’m not exactly sure how one applies or consumes this confection, or whether I should get ice cream to go with it, but surely Francois will fill in the blanks beforehand.)

This weekend, the empty nest will also be disrupted a bit. Our daughter is escaping her campus for the weekend (or at least Friday night). She misses her kitties, and I will be taking her and two friends to watch the local NFL team, who are already hot on the trail of next year’s #1 draft choice.  So I guess Slave will have to plan a more sedate switch day. (or keep my powder dry until after she is safely back in her dorm room).

And after Bill and Donna head down to river to make their cameo appearance in another sex blog, we have what has been characterized as “Home Cumming Weekend” here in River City with Francois, Babette, and a variety of venues, implements, and plenty of wine.

I promise to keep the glasses full.

All of this will make for plenty of blog fodder.

Last night we did take advantage of our new found freedom, but not in a sexual way. 

We met for dinner at a hip hang out serving gourmet thin crusted pizza and other charming rustic Italian fare, then met a friend of Molly’s for drinks at a bar in a funky  old neighborhood, where the heavily tattooed bar tendress turns heads by her athletic two fisted cocktail shaking.  (That was a nice alternative to rushing home to make sure the teens were well fed and doing their homework).

But by the time we got home last night, Mistress and Slave were a little tuckered out.

Of course, that means there is some pent up demand for a little wake-up sex this morning. I hope you will excuse me if I shut down the laptop without any more filler,  and take care of business!

Thursday, September 29, 2011

Mandatory Staff Meeting




Within a few short weeks, UCTMW Enterprises LLC will be celebrating it’s second anniversary. We have emerged from a tiny little start-up springing from a late night goofy brainstorm,  to a burgeoning media empire with more than 200 “followers”, a handful of snarky commentators, and hundreds of lurkers world wide,  who troll here for fetching photos of our CEO.

Clearly, the sky is the limit as we move into our third year of blogging. We couldn’t have done it without the imagination, inspiration and profligate expense account abuse of you, our devoted staff.

As I have already discussed with some of you in recent days, the CEO has directed that we schedule a mandatory staff meeting here at the World HQ on Wednesday, October 5th. We apologize for the short notice, but there are several matters that need to be discussed as our vast media empire enters a more competitive environment in the year to come.

Our meeting will also give us the opportunity finally to meet face to face, and share some of the “skills” we have acquired since the empire was launched two short yeas ago in what was then such a humble and thinly staffed operation.

A little “cross-training” is always helpful, though we’ve never been much into “cross-dressing” here at UCTMW. (Not that there’s anything wrong with it, mind you…. It’s just not something our CEO has taken a fancy to for her Slave).

I am currently working on a more detailed agenda, but please anticipate that the following subjects will be covered:

1)   Comparative orgasm begging techniques 101, with the CEO, our Senior Correspondent and The Managing Editor sharing anecdotes and strategies.
2)   A review of security precautions and self-defense strategies conducted by Bill, our Director of Security, International.
3)   Analysis of the competitive environment, with an eye to expansion, consolidation and potential joint ventures with other Sex Blog media empires. (As an example, how about a spin-off blog featuring the household of WC and B, sort of the way “All in the Family” begat “The Jeffersons”?, or maybe one focusing on the roving finger of the WC’s anally obsessed Brother?)
4)   Potential Product Placement and  Endorsement Deals. (Example: On “Glee”, the cast members describe their parents secretly reading UCTMW and act out little vignettes from our blog during Choir practice).
5)   The Introduction of UCTMW logo products.
6)   Motivational Speaking Tours and/ or retreats led by the UCTMW staff and hangers-on. (Francois could lead a wine-tasting in the nude segment, as an example).
7)   Comparative Cock Management: cut and un-cut variety, as explained by our CEO.
8)   New and exacting rules for documenting expenses for reimbursement, described by CFO Mick Collins.

As you can tell, there will be plenty to cover.  And I welcome your input for additions to the agenda. We hope to begin promptly at 10 am, unless Mistress is conducting a private conference with Francois that morning.

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

The De-Briefing

First, our thoughts go out to our colleagues over at All Mine this morning. We hope they’ve stocked up on blood pressure medicine and locked all of the sharp objects in the house away in an accommodating neighbor’s car trunk. Their beloved Red Sox are dangling on the slimmest of threads, with one more game to play to see whether they can salvage their rightful spot in the MLB play-offs. 

I know I’m pulling for them, if only for the wagers sure to ensue if they can just make it past the Orioles tonight.

Good luck, Sox!

Now, where was I …. Ahhh….. sex.

Mistress had one of those god forsaken 7:30 am breakfast meetings yesterday, the type that only macho business men foist upon the rest of us here in River City. And this guy is actually retired. So what does he do after 8:30 am? 

That meant that Mistress was out the door before we had our morning “engagement”, and slave was off to work securely locked in his cage, without any relief for his morning cock syndrome.

Mistress did give me a call at around 9 am or so, letting me know that Francois would be stopping by to “pick up his chevre”: The cheese we had acquired for him from our goat herding hostess over our Parents’ weekend on campus.


Slave’s cock gave a little lurch in its close confines (even closer than Fenway).

I didn’t hear anything more from Mistress until around lunchtime. No response to my text message that the matching remote controlled butterfly vibrators had arrived via mail at my desk. (No I did not open them!)

But when I did hear from her, she was a little (mercifully) cryptic about what had transpired here at the UCTMW World HQ  during the pre-lunch hours of her “workday”.

“My nipples hurt, Slave…. and my ass too.”

“Ohhh….. poor Mistress…..”

(I suppose I need to be careful about sarcasm, don’t I?)

I knew that I would be able to do a full de-briefing when I got home, so saved my questions.

Mistress was sitting at her computer, awaiting me when I arrived home around 6 pm, in jeans and a black top.

“So you want the ‘tour’, Slave?”

“Of course, Mistress.”

We walked into our kitchen. 

“Well we had some coffee in here, and talked a bit about Babette and our plans for next weekend.”


“Then, we headed into that room…..(pointing to our family type room), and sat on the couch….. it seemed he was in the mood for a blow job….”

She mentioned something about his firm grip in her hair while she deployed her skills on his uncut Euro-cock.

By then we were heading up to our bedroom, where Mistress explained they had adjourned next.

As she pulled off those jeans, and I shed my work costume, she explained the variety of positions they utilized over the ensuing hour or so.

And soon slave was on his knees, worshipping Mistress as she so clearly deserved.

“Do I taste different, Slave?”

“Hmmm….”   I said, savoring, while sucking and licking…..quite frankly it was hard to discern a difference but then several hours had passed.  Maybe my taste buds are getting a little old.

After Mistress had been at least temporarily satisfied, she kindly unlocked her cock, and I washed it off before she used those lush lips on me.

“It takes a little getting used to, but the whole un-cut thing is not that different.”

“Glad to hear it Mistress….mybe you can do a tutorial for our readers’

Soon we were on the bed, Slave thrusting into those clean shaven folds, Mistress making those little mewing sounds of contentment.

“So…. How many times did you come, Mistress?”

“Oh….maybe 3, 4 times…. It’s a little hard to keep track…..”

“And did he make you ask permission?”

“Yes…. But, well…. sometimes he’d say ‘no’ when I’d ask…. it can get a little frustrating.”

“Poor Mistress….”

“And then he’d count down in French, and tell me ‘now’….”

“Did that work for you, Mistress?”

“It actually did, Slave.”

Excellent work on that “come on demand” training, Francois!

By now we got distracted in our own rhythms, and Mistress was kind enough to grant me permission the very first time I begged.

Later, as we left for dinner at a little neighborhood restaurant, Mistress passed on something that Francois told her.

“He said any man would be crazy not to want to fuck you….”

“Very true, Mistress….”

“And how did he like the Chevre?”

“Ohhh….. he forgot it….. I guess he’ll have to stop by later this week to pick it up.”

No doubt.