Friday, September 2, 2011

Report From the Road

Mistress and Slave are in no hurry on this journey to the UCTMW Mountain Zone Branch Office.

Wednesday evening found us getting off the highway early, and strolling through the quiet streets of Independence. Apparently it may be the last refuge of fans of Nancy Sinatra, based on the outfit we saw in a shop window, after closing time. Otherwise I'm sure Mistress would have been tempted to get her spangles on.

Yesterday, one of you suggested that we make sure to engage in a sex act in each state we passed through on our journey. Well unfortunately, we rushed too quickly through Indiana and Illinois, but made up for time and opportunities lost in Missouri. If anyone had been watching we "showed 'em".

We toured the Harry Truman Library and Museum before hitting the highway for that long drive through Kansas.

It was 108 degrees, the wind was blowing straight from Hades. The gas stations had "storm shelters" and sold Wizard of Oz T-shirts.  Around 4 pm, I pulled into an historic sight - an old Cavalry Fort that stood watch over the Santa Fe Trail. The car told me it was down to 106 degrees.

"Mistress, what if we find some shade, and I give you a quick cum, just to knock Kansas off our punch list."

She gave me that withering look.

"It's so damn hot slave, I can't even think about having an orgasm...."

When Mistress says that, well .... you can tell it's hot.

Mistress cranked up the laptop as we headed into Holcomb, Kansas.  She has a strange fascination with "In Cold Blood". Soon we were at the foot of the drive of the Clutter Family Home. Visitors were clearly told they were not welcome.  The hot wind was still blowing. Very creepy. (Bit not so creepy that Mistress did not record a little video for her facebook page).

So we went from Harry Truman to Truman Capote in one day.

As the sun began to set, and we crossed into Colorado, we started making plans for the night.  The town of Las Animas had an "attraction" I wanted to see in the am.  Again, the laptop led us to a little charmingly named spot, across from the Dairy Queen. Mistress reserved over the phone, as Slave dodged tumbleweed.

 The price was right.

But then as we approached town, I noted this sign:

"Do not pick up hithchikers. Penitentiary Nearby."


"Oh... I forgot to mention, Slave. When they quoted a rate, they asked if we had a AAA, AARP or "prison" discount."

As we pulled into town, there was the "charming" Inn, across from the DQ. Low slung, shabby. If "skanky" applies to inanimate objects, it would work here.

We both had images of night visitors from the local prison, not unlike the Clutters.

The vote was unanimous. After a dinner at a Mexican Cantina, with fellow diners that Mistress described as the cast of a David Lynch movie, we moved on....

Fortunately, the next town yielded a more serviceable lodging, even with a Jacuzzi. The hot bubbly bath led us to some Colorado action to please our readers.

Donna, Mistress did not have time to pick up a saddle yesterday. So she had to ride this cowboy bareback.

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Our Senior Correspondent Gives Mistress Some Ideas

Molly and Mick stopped in Independence, Mo. Late yesterday afternoon, giving us plenty of time for Mistress to access the hard cock she had missed with our early departure.

Later, as we strolled about the charming, if shop-worn public square, we wallowed in all things Harry, from the statute of him in front of the court house depicting him on his morning stroll, to the Soda shop where he purportedly held down his first $3 / week job.  Dinner was at a restaurant just across the street  From “Clinton’s Soda Shop”. And as we were sipping wine Lamenting the absence of the whiney teens (not), Mistress noted that Donna had sent us a post for this morning. And who am I to waste this opportunity to cut things short here, head back to bed, and lean on her twisted sense of humor to amuse you this am.  Though I may have an update from the mobile UCTMW unit later today.


This is not inspirational by a long shot, but if you want to wake up, throw some quarters into the Mr. Fingers bed vibrator, have some hot sex and hit the road early, here is something you can fill in with.


Mick and Molly are making their way cross country by car as they head for some private time at their western get-away. If you read yesterday's post, you may remember that Mick is in line for punishment following his failure to mention to Molly the state of his hard cock yesterday morning, thus denying his Mistress the opportunity to choose whether or not to partake of the early morning bounty. Since Molly's motto is, " A
hard cock is a terrible thing to waste," I suspect punishment is just around the bend for Mick.

 Since they will be entering cowboy country today, I wonder if this might be the perfect time for Molly to pick up a black hat, strong rope, big silver belt buckle, work gloves and some spray tan in a can for Mick. She might order him to put on a cowboy striptease for her, then she could tie him up with his own rope, flog him with the loose ends, and then have her wild way with him.

Or maybe our Molly is a bit more into the cowboy scene than that and would choose to come up with a punishment that would have Mick on his hands and knees, all saddled up and ready to carry Molly on his back through the tumbling tumble weeds of the great West. The scent and feel of well worked leather, Molly lowering her naked pussy onto the saddle on Mick's back, sliding her booted feet into the stirrups hanging at his side...she grabs the hair on his head (as best she can) and slowly raises the riding crop to full extension and brings it down onto his pale white ass just as she angles her spurs to barely pinch his skin and off they go. Hmm... perhaps I might suggest a bit of SPF 50 for those white cheeks of Mick's that we have glimpsed from time to time here at the UCTMW blog.

I know some of you may not be on board with the idea of saddling up Mick but, really, it's all the rage. Haven't you seen the signs everywhere?

Yee-haw, you guys.



Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Heading West

Mistress and her Slave are heading west this morning. With the sullen teens settled into their new if temporary homes, we are finally taking a little deferred time off. and since we do not have a very tight schedule in terms of return, we've elected to go overland, with a few stops along the way.

We're entertaining ourselves here in the UCTMW Mobile unit with a wifi connection, and NPR and the Grateful Dead alternating on the sound system.

A deer head, retrieved from Grandma's house, with a full set of antlers, is peering at us over the back seat.

It wouldn't have fit in an overhead rack.

That was another reason to go overland.

I took the first shift at the helm. Now Mistress is steering us into Illinois.

The wifi connection allowed me to check all of those comments from yesterday.

19 comments yesterday.  wow.  Good pot stirring Donna, I may retire.

And there was one more provocative comment on the subject of "slut" from Vanessa Chaland, new to these pages. In her view, "slut" is no longer a perjorative, as Aisha and others suggested. But she added that the word "skank" is the new "slut".  I can buy that. 

Obviously, we are lucky to have such a prolific staff writer like Donna, willing and so capable to fill in and keep the conversation going when the pampered house Slave gets too busy (or lazy).

Now I know some of you would like Donna and Bill to start their own blog. If they did, it would be like one of those SitCom spin offs. But we know how those go. "Mary Tyler Moore" begat "Rhoda" and "Lou Grant". "All in the Family" spun off  "The Jeffersons" and "Maude". And all of the Sienfeld characters (except Jerry) have had their own shows.

I ask you dear readers: Was the spin-off ever as good as the original?

So we hope Donna and Bill stay on the team here at UCTMW, even if it means occassional Amex Card abuse.

Unfortunately, our early departure cut into our wake-up sex. a little while ago, cruising across Indiana, I mentioned to Mistress that I woke with a very hard cock.

What? .... you didn't tell me, Slave?"

"I didn't want to distract you Mistress.... I mean.... one thing would have led to another, and we would have ended up back asleep.... we'd probably still be in bed now."

I'm not sure that Mistress was pleased.  Her slogan seems to be "never let a good hard cock go to waste."

If so, I may be due for a punishment before we hit the Santa Fe trail in Kansas City.

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Our Senior Correspondent Plans Her Amazing Adventure

Both Mistress and Slave had very busy work days yesterday, and other developments arose that have us delaying our departure for our branch office in the mountains until tomorrow morning. As we were lying in bed last night, both burned out, we got a very welcome call from Donna our Senior Correspondent. She was passing on the good news that a blog for this morning would be found in my email in box!

Lovely. Hope you enjoy it.

 I mentioned in the blog last week that I will soon be traveling to a training facility for some sub training. I thought this might be a convenient time to share with you what’s happening with my training plans.

Excitement is what’s happening! At this time next week I will be at La Domaine!

Next Monday I will be flying to a far away city where Master R and Mistress Collette will be picking me up and taking me to La Domaine for four days. We have been working on coordinating this for several months, so to see it all come together is wonderful.

In getting ready, I have been to the local seamstress for some work on my leather bustier and some vests.  I live in a very conservative area of the country and when I called and described what I needed,  the seamstress said she would be happy to help me but I would need to be there between 8 and 9 in the morning, before her regular customers arrive. Okay.

I headed over the following morning and she was just as nice as she could be. She told me that she does a great deal of leather work for motorcyclists and with that, she tipped her head, waggled her eyebrows and nodded a bit as she said, “You know what I mean.” And yes I did. With that, she pointed to a little dressing room and said that even though I had marked it, she needed to see the bustier on me to make it fit just right. This little bit of a woman proceeded to tell me to “suck it in” and pulled the laces and leather tighter than I ever have. In her sweet little Sunday school voice she told me to throw my shoulders back, that if you are going to wear one of these you need to be proud. I am, so I did, and she fit it accordingly.

Today I had a call from Mistress Collette and she and I talked about my limits. We talked about pain, marks, nipple play, being tied up, electricity, humiliation, enemas (Hi, nilla!), as well as many other BDSM things. We talked about food allergies and sensitivities since I will be staying in a room at La Domaine and also having meals there, and we talked about what I would need to take with me in terms of clothing. The answer to that is not much, in case you’re wondering. The conversation was somewhat similar to one you might have with a camp counselor.  Ha-ha-ha. Maybe for one of nilla’s camp stories!

I have both excitement and a bit of wary anticipation running through my mind as the days pass. Bill has attempted to keep me on an even keel by keeping things as normal as possible. When I went out to the kitchen early Sunday morning I found this note waiting for me:

Time for a spanking!
Come back to the bedroom at nine o'clock and put your collar on. Clip both breasts just at the top of your areola.
After that plug in the Hitachi and bend over the bed and say, "I am ready for my spanking!"
I will give you ten with my hand and then apply the Hitachi and give you five with the slut paddle.
You will then lay down and I will buzz you and finger you until I am satisfied you have cum enough.
Then I will take the clamps off and use the flogger on your breasts and cum on you!
See you then!

We deviated from that plan a bit to include some oral attention for Bill, and it was a great way to start a relaxing day together.  In fact, it may have been too relaxing because I forgot myself a bit and am already at a tally of eight swats with the implement of his choice. He has been enjoying Aisha’s ongoing story and, inspired by the disks on the collar for breaking rules in that story, Bill is considering getting a bracelet for me that would look like a charm bracelet but that he could add little disks to in order to keep count of my transgressions and keep the number firmly in my mind. 

I am so pleased Bill wants me to go to La Domaine and do this, to be the best I can be for him and for myself. And I am so pleased and honored to be accepted at La Domaine by Master R and Mistress Collette. This is sure to be a great adventure.

Hugs to all,  Donna

PS Just for clarification, the picture above is not of me. My bustier is black with red flames and garters and my hair has highlights. Those are not the only differences but we will just leave it at that, won't we?