Wednesday, August 24, 2011


Unlike the new NFL Players Collective Bargaining Contract, mine does not prohibit “two-a-days”.  And, in fact, with the teens off to their new endeavors, it seems that has become the rule of thumb here at the UCTMW World HQ.
Morning sex has always been part of our game plan – unless there is some reason for an unusually early exit to get to work or the airport. And of course Mistress enjoys her “morning cock”,  particularly when the hard steel ring for my cock cage is firmly in place.

And with a little less time required to prepare meals and nag teens to do their homework, there is all the more time in the evening for the proper use of Mistress’s cock.

Yesterday evening there was even a little extra accelerant for some post-work maneuvers in Mistress’s executive suite.

She had a late afternoon visit from her new “Dom”, Francois.

What’s nice about the empty nest is that there’s no reason Mistress can’t entertain “guests”. So Francois stopped by for a little iced tea and some conversation.

(Mistress has directed me to keep a little veil of privacy down about whatever else might be happening between them, and her wish is my command on that front).

“He couldn’t stay very long, Slave… he had some personal business of his own to take care of….”

Understandable. But he does show signs of showing Mistress the sort of extra attention that she certainly deserves.

“So what did you talk about, Mistress?”

“Oh, we covered lots of things…. I didn’t know, for example, that he used to be a professional cyclist.”

“Impressive, Mistress.”

“And we talked about how hard it was for me to find a proper Dom”.

“Did he have any theories?”

“He says I’m way too intimidating for most American guys…. They wouldn’t know what to do with me….”

“I definitely buy that theory….”

By now I was experiencing a certain degree of pain below the belt.

“Would you consider unlocking the cage, Mistress?”

“Ohh… my poor Slave…. is this uncomfortable for you?”

(Did I mention that when I got home she was wearing a black tank top. And nothing else.  The site of her clean shaven folds may have contributed to my discomfort).

Soon we were in bed. (Actually, Mistress was in bed, and I was on my knees.)Slave was grazing. And when I made sure that Mistress had a suitable orgasm, she was kind enough to free her cock.

At that point, our bike ride was put on hold for about an hour as we resorted to more amorous forms of exercise.

I wonder if the “drive by Dom” will stop by again today?

Tuesday, August 23, 2011


One cheap and easy way to fill up a Tuesday morning blog is with some leftover switch day shots of my beloved Mistress. 

With our “overtime” activities here on Tuesday morning, “defiling” our far away teen’s room and bed, as Mistress put it, I had plenty of opportunity for photo-op breaks, and it seems unfair not to share them with you all, doesn’t it?

In the meantime, Slave is getting re-accustomed to the daily cage routine. Up in the am early for blogging, I’ve remembered to grab the steel ring that anchor the cage. While my coffee is brewing, I get to work smushing my balls and then my cock through the tight steel band.


At least it’s easier on a warm summer morning than in the cold of winter. (I think our male readers will understand why).

And then, when I go upstairs, Mistress gropes a bit, to make sure the ring is in place, and will help deliver a particularly hard cock for our morning wake-up sex.

Yesterday, after she closed the lock to secure her cock, I was off to work, and Mistress had some meetings of her own to attend.

But fortunately, she was downtown later in the afternoon and stopped by for a  little worship. Having the taste of those addictive juices on my mouth and cheeks for the rest of the afternoon certainly made me look forward to the end of the workday, when I might get sprung loose from that cage if Mistress was in an indulgent mood.

AS it turned out, she was, though there was another round of worship before the key came out.

We went for a bike ride. Mistress took 30 minutes of lap time at the neighborhood pool, and then it was home where Slave grilled some trout for our later than usual dinner together. (It’s so very nice not to have sullen teens nagging “what’s for dinner… and complaining when the answer is “fish”).

Over dinner we discussed the comments that Suffolk.sinner made questioning this whole cuckold thing. He seems focused on the old goosey / gander rule. If Mistress gets to “fool around”, shouldn’t her Slave?  Of course, this ignores the whole D/s power dynamic.

Mistress expresses a little disbelief from time to time, that there aren’t any other women who attract my eye. And of course, if I see an attractive woman on the street, or at a social event, even Slave can’t resist a visual appreciation.

But do I want to do anything about it?

Absolutely not.

Mistress brought this topic up with Francois, who discussed it with her yesterday.

“He says the cuckold mentality means that when I “stray” and tell you about it, you will be even more devoted to me, and even less inclined to cheat  … is that right?”

“He seems to  get it, Mistress….”

Of course, if Mistress required me to serve one of her friends, like Suzanne has arranged for Tammy from time to time, over at All Mine, well that would be a different story, wouldn’t it?

I live to serve.

Monday, August 22, 2011

Switch Day Meets Empty Nest

Before I get into our after action report from a very eventful switch day, I wanted to call attention to and respond to a long comment made by Suffolk.sinner yesterday afternoon.

He seems troubled by our cuckold dynamics here, and can’t understand why if its not ok for this “gander” to play the field, why Mistress should be entitled to her own “indiscretions”.

Suffice it to say that Slave got in trouble when he concealed his extra-marital activities several years back. The deceit opened up a deep wound in our marriage. And as we struggled to work our way back to a trusting relationship, we stumbled into the world of D/s.

I discovered that the idea of turning my sexual freedom to Mistress was not only a way to make her feel more secure, but also a BIG and surprising turn on for me. 

The contract developed from there, as a fun way to formalize things between us.  It’s a little over the top, but I don’t fear that Mistress will take advantage of her rights TOO often.

As for the cuckold thing? I addressed that in an earlier posting that may be worth reviewing if you are curious about our theories on that particular kink. Under Contract to My Wi#1854AD1.

On our bike ride yesterday, Mistress asked me whether I missed the “freedom” she had under our contract. 

“Actually, I haven’t had any problems with it Mistress. No one’s come knocking on my door, making herself available. I don’t think I’m sending off those “available” signals any more…. But I’ll let you know….”

“Would you really, Slave?”

“Sure…. Who needs all that sneaking around stuff.”

Well, enough of all this philosophizing, let’s get back to the sexy stuff….

So here we are, kids flown the coop, and a full set of switch day options available.

It was almost too hard to choose.

After Mistress read the blog, as I worked her into a steamy arousal with my tongue, I made it clear that she would have to work for her orgasms.

“Stopping now, Slave?… you were just getting to the good part….”

I reached into our bedside table, retrieving her red cuffs, locking them on her then linking her hands behind her back.  They match her red nail polish so nicely, don’t you think?

I also attached some black leather cuffs to her ankles.

“What’s nice about these cuffs is that you can wear them around the house through the day, Mistress.”

“Oh…. Really….”

“Maybe even on our bike ride.  I doubt anyone would notice.”

“Oh… Slave…you wouldn’t…. would you?”

I left the question unanswered, helped Mistress to her feet, and guided her down the hall to the now vacant room of a sullen teen.

You may be amused to learn that her room, and bed, are bigger than her parents. She has a queen. We have a double.

But the nicest part about this now unspoken for bed is that it is of the 4 poster type, with very convenient lashing points.

“This would drive her crazy, Slave.”

“True, she usually bars us from her ‘space’ …. But now she’s far away across the pond…. Tough nuggies.”

Soon Mistress found her self spread eagled, face down on the bed.

I let her languish a bit as I went back to our room for a few more tools. A riding crop. My  camera, and the Hitachi too.

Mistress “enjoyed” quite a few strokes from the crop, interrupted by my stroking and probing fingers.

“Your ass is looking quite red, Mistress…. I hope Francois does not mind.”

“Hmmm…. He’s not had any objections to switch day, at least not yet.”

It was about then that I plugged in the Hitachi, sliding it ever so closely to the promised land between Mistress’s spread thighs.

“Ummmm…. Nice … Slave….. but could you move it a little…. Closer….under….”

She was wriggling as best she could, but I was not going to make it easier for her. Instead, I reached for the crop again, trying to match the blows with the rise and fall of her ass as she tried to match her “sweet spot” with the business end of her favorite power tool.

“This is so mean, Slave…. it’s driving be crazy….”

I tried to “help”, wedging it a little more closely to her clean shaven folds, then stepped back, taking a seat on a chair across the room to admire Mistress’s gyrations at my leisure.

She looked over at me, noticing the rigid cock in my hand, as her hips bounced up and down, trying to get the pulsations that eluded her.

“Slave…. what are you doing?”

“Ohh, just enjoying the show, Mistress…. You look so hot over there, all tied up and frustrated, that I could probably just come like this…..”

“You wouldn’t dare…. Would you?”

I don’t think she was sure.  But it didn’t slow her frustrated gyrations, as her hips pounded up and down on the bed, her arms and legs straining against their bindings.

At moments like these, it would be nice if I knew how to operate the video function on that camera. But here is a still photo from my vantage point. (Sorry for the stuffed animal in the background).

“It would seem like a waste, come to think of it, Mistress.”

But Slave is merciful, of only because the tables can so easily be turned here at the UCTMW World HQ.

Soon I was back at her side, taking the Hitachi in hand, and guiding it manually where I knew it would have it’s highest and best use.

And soon thereafter Mistress was quaking and shaking through a primo cum.

When the aftershocks finally subsided, I flipped off the switch, but also noted the error of her ways.

‘You forgot to ask permission, Mistress…. There will be consequences.”

“Just fuck me, Slave….”

So I did, sliding in from behind, pumping into her slowly at first, then with more gusto, bringing her to another cum as she moaned her release into the pillows under her head.

But we were not done just yet.

I released her for a moment, only to flip her over, and re-restrain her, face up this time.

And then I reapplied the Hitachi treatment.

At least she remembered to ask permission the second time around.

Sunday, August 21, 2011

Mistress Addresses Some New Developments

On day two of our Empty Nest days, Mistress and her devoted Slave rested. 

After some leisurely wake up sex, there was a civic engagement in the morning. We saw lots of family, friends and a handful of local politicians. So of them are already thinking of ways they can “book us” for their amusement or support now that we’ve driven our children off. 

We were very non-commital.

Slave mowed the lawn, and did some other “outdoor slave” jobs. We went for a bike ride. Mistress did some laps at the local pool, while Slave read the Times.

Then we were back home. A nice afternoon nap, followed by… well, what did you expect.

“It’s almost like we’re on vacation, Mistress. But we are just at home.”

“True, Slave.”

We were even too lazy to go out to the movies, instead finding an obscure Woody Allen movie, Alice,  from about 1990 that somehow we had missed. It was during those “Molly and Mick secretly dating years”. And neither of our spouses were as deeply into Woody as we were / are. So there was the young, charmingly coy Mia Farrow. William Hurt. Bernadette Peters.  We sipped our wine, shared a little picnic, and relished in our new found independence.

And with Mistress’s legs splayed wide on the couch next to me, tie-dye dress hiked to her hips, skimpy semi-transparent black panties barely cloking her clean shaven folds and their intoxicating aroma, Slave could not help fingering her to another mid-evening cum as we watched the goofy but romantic plot line unfold.

Yesterday we did get an interesting question from a commenter from across the pond (I guess I am assuming that the Suffolk he’s referring to is in England, not Suffolk Co., NY ).

The question was whether Mistress’s extracurricular activities are limited to “phone sex”. 

In fact, our contract allows her free sexual range. It seemed only fair at the time it was drafted, since Slave had committed his own indiscretion. And then, even as we were writing it up, the notion of Mistress exercising her contractual rights in that way was discovered to be a turn on for both of us. 
 (There is a link to our contract to the right of this post).

That little fizz of arousal came before Slave even understood that there was a whole cult of cuckold out there, as exemplified by the goings on over at ALL Mine, and elsewhere.

Mistress suggested I write a little about why this notion seems to get her Slave going. And it’s elusive to articulate.

If submission is a turn on for me and others, I suppose it makes sense that surrendering the monopoly over one’s spouse is the ultimate act of submission. And therefore the ultimate submissive sexual accelerant.

Setting aside the submission kink, I do like to see Mistress happy and fulfilled. And horny. It seems to give her a little extra sexual glow when  another man has the hots for her.  Who can blame her?  That glow always seems to inure to my benefit, since she seems all the more eager to exploit her readily available “work-a-day” cock.

As it has turned out, Mistress has only previously exercised her rights with one other person. After a few encounters, she decided that he did not have what it took to make for a long term part of her world. But she's been open to possibilities, and has also had some tantalizing long distance encounters with our WC.

After we discussed the question that had been posed, and Mistress asked me to address it, she also decided to write a few paragraphs herself on recent developments here at UCTMW:

Molly’s POV

To take a page from our buddies at All Mine,  I determined that it’s time for me to have a few words. I know that we have created quite a mystery over here. Permit me to fill in a few blanks.

Yes, our two darling daughters are now gone and while we miss them, the quiet is needed. I have raised children for 19 year’s, Mick for a collective 34 (you heard right). I have always worshiped the ground he walks on, but I know how tired I am from the small amount of 19 years.

Our home is peaceful and we can be naked all day. This will help with our environmental efforts to save water, as we will have fewer clothes to clean. My mom does live one mile away, but always phones prior to arrival and she is busier than we are so not worried about the drop in.

Yes, WC is still part of the empire and we are very much friends. The relationship with WC continues, but in a nonsexual way. Why? Candidly, it’s been the collective decision of all involved. Be decent to the WC, he is important to us friends.

Onto Francois.

Gang, I am not going to predict anything here. He and I have connected and seem to find one another interesting.  Mick and I have had some false starts in the part-time Dom search, so none of us can anticipate where this is headed. Just know though that we are all open to whatever happens.  I am lucky to have a slave who wants me to be so happy.

Our goal at Under Contract (contrary to the corporate type rag we pretend to me) is to take life day by day and to be happy. I, for one, have tired of angst and worry. “The times they are a changing.”
