Saturday, July 30, 2011


Our Senior Correspondent did her thing yesterday, to impressive “lengths”.

Having seen Mistress’s observations that she had never witnessed an “uncut” cock, she went about some laborious research and emailed our CEO a collection of photos for her review.

Short ones. Long ones. Hairy ones. Ones attached to smiling blondes. Ones attached to biker dudes. You get the picture. (Well actually you don’t…. only we did here at the World HQ.

And while it’s tempting to simply share this collection with you…. Well, not here at UCTMW. We try to keep it kind of “classy” here.

Sure we give you lots of photos of Mistress’s wonderful body. And we throw in some fanciful shots of other bodies too. You’ve even seen some blurry photos of Mick in his cage.

But so far – no full on shots of cocks or feminine folds, with or without their fur.

Yes it’s been tempting to share the magnificent dimensions of Judge Miguel’s special occasion cock. But you will have to find that sort of thing somewhere else.

As I said…. We like to keep it classy.

But then Mistress did have her curiosity piqued by Donna’s photos.

“I wonder how that works, Slave…. So you’re trying to give someone a blow job…. What do you do with all that “stuff”.

Fortunately, I could not help her.

But feel free to give her some pointers, dear readers.

Moving on to logistics…. It’s a busy weekend here at the UCTMW World HQ. My nephew is getting married here in a small ceremony this afternoon in a local park overlooking the River where Mistress did her swimming a week ago. Family is in from out of town, including one of my older daughters.

There will be lots of socializing…. Too much for Mick’s taste, frankly.

So, maybe it’s a good time for me to button up the blog and head up to the CEO’s executive suite, before all sorts of socializing hell breaks loose. One has to seize the chances when they present themselves.

Have a great weekend.

Friday, July 29, 2011

Things You Learn While Golfing

After seeing all your comments here yesterday in response to my “HNT Bonanza”, I can see what the story is dear readers. You don’t turn to this page for my pithy prose, but for the glimpses of Mistress’s delectable body.

And who can blame you.

So I will endeavor to make sure I give you what you are looking for as we move forward.

Plus the more pics, the fewer words I need to conjure up for you here. A Win Win for all of us.

Today’s photo comes from a drop by at my office for a little worship. Mistress has been doing lots of “networking” of late, so we’ve not had a much time for workday lunches. But she did drop by around 2:30 yesterday for a little devotion. This shows her before the panties came off and I devoted my lips and tongue to her pleasure.

After work, we did not have the time for much sexual recreation though. Mistress had planned an evening with teen #1 to acquire all those items a cute girl needs for her dorm room. Only three weeks away before she heads to college….

I used my evening to take teen #2 out for pizza and to see the Captain America money.  Actually it was lots of fun… it’s a shame he’s not around to go kick the ass of some folks in Washington and make them do their jobs.

When I got home around 10 pm, I found Mistress in our bed, sans bottoms, chatting on the phone.

“Just talking to the WC, Slave….”

I raised and eyebrow, and looked for signs of the Hitachi sitting next to her on the bed.

After she bid her personal trainer goodnight, I asked Mistress if she’d had a little impromptu date with the WC.

“Actually, no Slave….”

‘So what were you talking about?”

“Uncircumcised cocks…..”


When she saw my curiosity she explained that se had mentioned to him that she had never seen an uncircumcised cock up close and personal.

Of course, she knew that “Judge Miguel” comes “cut”.

“Did the WC have any advice for you?”

“He said his brother in law, who’s from Australia, has one and described it a little…”

“And so he’ s checked out his brother in law’s cock? “

“He says he’s seen it when they’ve gone golfing…. Guys sometimes have to take a leak out on the course….”

“Funny, when I’ve gone golfing and needed to do that, I’ve usually walked into the weeds or woods by myself, not with my fellow golfers….”

Mistress gave me that funny look.

“You’re not going to put that in the blog, are you Slave?”

Sometimes you gotta go with what you have, dear readers.

Thursday, July 28, 2011

HNT Bonanza

In my editorial planning here at UCTMW I had been preping ideas with my staff for this week's HNT. What to feature? which body parts? word robe? Over coffee with myself on Tuesday I mulled the options.

Then, as I was kneeling for worship Tuesday at the end of the work day, the contrast of Mistress's turqouise undies contrasting with her smooth swarthy flesh called out for my camera.

I figured that was a wrap for this week's HNT, and knew our readers would come away satisfied. Or at least the view would put the WC in the mood to satisfy himself- his primary skill set.

But then around noon yesterday I got a text from Mistress.

"Stopped by your girlfriend's store, Slave. Picked up something you will like."


A little background. I've been candid on this page that in a prior life I was less than a perfect husband. Before I met Mistress in 1987, I was in a prior marriage. And it seemed I had significant fidelity issues. There was a woman I worked with back in the early 1980's and well..... If Mistress was my Mike Dukakis era  lover, then this girl, we'll call her J, was my Walter Mondale era lover.

That's water over the bridge. But  some years ago, J opened a very stylish  lingerie store in one of our more opulent local neighborhoods. It's where I always go to find something lovely for Mistress. You've seen many of those confections on these pages. And they always seem to please Mistress.

But maybe because of my history with the proprietress, Mistress has always been reluctant to go shopping there herself. It could be a sign of her growing security or confidence as a Domme that she felt comfortable stepping inside this nice little shop, trying on something, and taking it home to show her Slave.

Or maybe there was another explanation.

"I was having a really shitty work day, Slave. This seemed like a good way to get my mind off that...."

Whatever the reason, after our evening bike ride, Mistress came home and I helped her fasten up the back of her new acquisition. Here is the result. What do you think?

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Handy Technology: Pluses and Minuses

Mistress is pretty teched up these days: her I-phone; laptop and I-Pad are usually handy. And although she’s not as connected as our sullen teens, who frequently have to be asked to park their text messaging devices during family dinners, she usually has her I-phone handy.

You never know when a cock shot from Our WC might pop up to demonstrate to Mistress what he’s had his hands on, as it did for her yesterday afternoon.

And I can text her a shot of me in my cage when she wants to satisfy any security concerns.

Or maybe she will find a little smutty missive from her prospective Part-time Dom who is off in Europe right now.

But what got me started down this line of thought was some events here yesterday morning in our CEO’s executive suite.

I had hammered out the blog while cursing at the talking heads on Morning Joe, who were bloviating about the game of water torture the “lawmakers” in Congress are playing with the national debt. Then I brought my laptop up to Mistress so she could read my morning work product.

The night before we had agreed there would be no time for full blown morning sex – just a little worship on my part- because Mistress had to meet someone at the airport for an early meeting.

But when I woke her she found a text message on her I-phone from the woman she was meeting. Her flight had been cancelled, giving us some more time that could be well spent….

The worship proceeded, and pleased, Mistress granted me consent to fuck her.

“I thought you’d never ask, Mistress….”

I mounted my luscious beauty, and was taking my top, making sure she had at least one more juicy cum before I focused on taking my own pleasure from her.

Slave was Oh so close …. but then…. The I-phone was making it’s little ringing noise.


Technology Interruptus.

“I hate to do this Slave…. but it’s probably the lady I’m supposed to meet …. She needs to tell me when she’ll arrive.”

Of course, Duty called, and I am but a Slave in any event…. Pampered though I might be. I slid out and off, and rolled back onto my back. Cock still hard and damp, and a tad frustrated.

Mistress paced a bit at the foot of our bed, talking to her colleague. She was in a fetching short nightie. Within a few minutes their business was done. And fortunately she returned her attention to her Slave.

“Now, where were we Slave.”

By now, the work-a-day cock was in “at ease” mode. She slid into bed next to me, and lowered her mouth to “her cock”. By the time she was done, Slave was begging once again to fuck her.

“I think I’m taking it for a ride first Slave…”

Mmmm. That little break ahd given Mistress her second horny wind.

She slid on top of me – the full frontal cowgirl – and rode me to two more shuddering cums, her fingers teasing my balls as she rode. When she had her fill she slid off, laid back and let Slave finish the job he had started some time ago.

So while we were interrupted briefly by her handy technology, as it turned out, we ended up with two juicy sessions when there might have been only one.

An assist to the I – phone.