Thursday, August 20, 2020

Back In River City

 Mistress and slave's long summer at our SW hideaway has come to an ignominious end. We are back in our steel and glass capsule perched high above the river here in the heartland after a long, relaxing summer of semi-lockdown. It is not a fun prospect to get back to work, all masked up with no place to go (without risking bodily).

We've been pretty lazy about posting here these past few months.  But there has not been much new to cover, has there?  While we've had mucho work-a-daily sex, there has not been the sort of cuckolding kink that this blog has been about over the years.  How can you cultivate a cuckolder if you (and he if he has any common sense) want to minimize the risk of acquiring or spreading a communicable disease?  

But at least I can share some cheese cakey photos of Mistress during our long summer hiatus!


  1. enjoyed the memes in your absence. post when you can

    here restaurants are pretty much business as usual again so my wifes dating has been able to start up again. She reasoned that missing those covid months should allow her three weekends in a row. Needless to say she enjoyed herself tremendously.

    1. good to here you are getting back to "normal". We are a little gun shy about expanding our COVID bubble.

  2. I know the feeling of lack of cuckolding. I have come to realize it is my drug of choice and this covid crap has us all so cautious. It is difficult to be sexual if you think it could lead to hospitalization or death...but alas it is nice to know there are other couples who cuckold who are in the same doldrums. Hell it is just nice to know their are other couples that cuckold

    1. Hard to do cuckolding virtually, but maybe that is an option.

  3. Just wondering if Mick is feeling an affinity to Falwell Jr.


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