Sunday, September 30, 2018

Mistress's Endurance Test (Pat II)

Mistress has been filling me in on the details of her Wednesday afternoon delight with Jimmy over the last few days, typically as we engage in our own less physically demanding coupling -- after all what's the point of a good cuckolding if it's not fuel for subsequent passion for the cuckold-or and her cuck?

Here are some highlights:

"How did things get going, Mistress?"

"Well we talked for a while downstairs, slave.... then we came up here (to our bedroom).  I guess we messed around for a while with our clothes on....."

"And how long did that last, Mistress?"

"Hmmmm...... I suppose it wasn't too long before our clothes were off....."

"Did he do the unwrapping, Mistress?"

"I suppose he helped me, slave....."

Bu now slave was unclothed himself, and Mistress had wriggled out of those lacy undies she had worn for Jimmy, allowing me to suckle those tender clean shaven folds.

"You really did it four times?"

"Yes. It was almost too much for me, slave.  I'm sore down there."

"What about the cock, Mistress....."

"I guess that's the problem slave.... it's big. Not overly long big like JJ's was. But thick. Very thick. I could barely fit it in my mouth....."

(Of course, that opened up another line of inquiry. Sort of like when Bret Kavanaugh told all those Senators how much he likes beer. Did Mistress enjoy Jimmy's cock as much?)

"So did you like sucking his cock, Mistress?"

"I did slave. And he seemed to like it too."

By now, Mistress was getting closer to another orgasm, with the help of her slave's tongue, but I was taking it easy, in light of all that use / abuse...."

"Did you ride that cock, Mistress?"

"I did.... but not right away. He's kind of a take charge guy in bed.  When I first offered to get on top he said ....'no. you're staying right there' and kept on fucking me from on top....."

You get the drift here....Mistress was thoroughly fucked by Jimmy for a a couple of hours on Wednesday afternoon, while her "poor" slave was off at work, cage locked in place over here work-a-day cock. And while I was not allowed an "all access pass" that evening, due to tender folds, Mistress has been very indulgent since then, including a twofer yesterday afternoon, before I got to watch my alma mater take on our rivals from the west coast last evening.

But I  came back to this question. "He really was able to do it four times?"  This was all the more amazing since Jimmy had expressed a little insecurity about his ability to perform in a message sent only a few hours before their rendezvous. Was that real? Or was he simply trying to reduce expectations so as to exceed them later?

"Yes. Four times. And not with a whole lot of rest in between. It was almost too much for my parts, slave...."

As someone approaching 68, I should be happy to be able to perform once a day, and sometimes twice. But I don't think I've ever been able to do it four times in two hours. So hats off to Jimmy. (Which raises a question I forgot to ask about that ever so thick cock.... cut or un?)

What does the future hold with Mistress and Jimmy? It's not clear whether Mistress will indulge a re-match. Though his subsequent texting suggests he's interested.

"The jury's still out on that slave.  He's so much younger. I'm really not used to being the "grown up in the room".

Stay tuned.....

Thursday, September 27, 2018

Mistress's Endurance Test (Part I)

Yesterday Mistress had her first encounter with her new (and very much younger) lover, Jimmy. Slave was sent to work in his cage, something that had been gathering dust in my dresser these last few weeks.

""It's about time, slave", was all Mistress said as she snapped the lock closed and pocketed the little key to her "work-a-day" cock's freedom.

Jimmy was scheduled to arrive at around 11:30 am. Not long before that I saw my text app light up.

"I'm nervous".

Not surprising. First intimate encounter with a new lover. And Mistress had shared some degree of insecurity about how Jimmy, who just turned 41,  might react to her mid-50's bod. Of course, slave had reasured her.

"You're hot, Mistress.  He would not have pursued you back when you first met, and now, if he didn't think so too."

"He's only seen me with my clothes on, slave....."

"Without clothes, he'll find you even hotter."

"I hope so. slave...."

Yes. She was a little nervous.  But I suspect Jimmy was too.

After that, there was radio silence. Slave's cock twitched a tad inside his cage as I speculated about what might be underway back in our bed. As the clock ticked past 1 pm, I had to speculate that things were going well. By 2 pm, I was getting a little worried. And then Mistress rang me at my desk.

"Hi slave...."

"So how did it go?" (no small talk on my end.... I was VERY curious......)

"It was good slave...... we did it four times.  I'm tired and a little sore....."

"Four times?  Really?"

"Yep. Four times.....I'll give you a full report when you get home. In fact he wanted to know if I would tell you all the details."

"What did you say, Mistress?"

"Of course.  He thought that was very hot."

When I got home, Mistress was reclining in bed, wearing nothing more than some skimpy yellow lacy undies and a clingy black top, thumbing off a text message on her I-phone.   To Jimmy, of course.

"I'm tired, slave.....  he says he's tired too.  And  that he couldn't get enough of me....."

Slave was quickly out of my work attire, and joined Mistress in bed. And once I settled my balding head between Mistress's legs to tend to tender clean shaven folds, Mistress began filling me in some of the steamier details.  But since slave was cut off yesterday ("My parts need a rest, slave"), I am going to head back upstairs now to join Mistress in bed.

I'm sure you understand.

More details in the next few days.

Saturday, September 22, 2018

Back in (Cuckold) Business

Mistress surprised her slave a week ago with some unexpected news.

"Remember Jimmy *******, slave?"

"That guy from [large local consumer products company] who came onto you a few years back?"


"What about him, Mistress?"

"I'm having lunch with him next Friday...."

It was all very matter of fact. And I remembered only a little about the guy. One of those AM candidates that Mistress had considered and rejected. He had been very persistent and flirtatious via text. And a lot younger. Was that what had given Mistress second thoughts. Or was it her on again, off again relationship with Jay?  Hard to recall.

"So why now, Mistress?"

"He recontacted me a few days ago.  And since there's nothing else going on these days, I figured, what harm is there in a lunch.... he's clearly still interested. Why not hear him out?"

As Friday approached, I was waiting for news that Mistress had changed her mind. But her plans remained steady.  I was sitting at work on Friday morning, and when we talked as she headed for her "date" I asked that she give me a call afterwards to let me know how things developed.  But I was not really expecting the news she reported when she called back at around 2 pm.

"Hi Slave......"

"Hi Mistress..... so how did your lunch with Jimmy go?"

"It was good slave......better than I expected.....he's pretty engaging. Fun to talk to. And very interested in me still."

"That's no surprise, Mistress. He always was pretty persistent. So where's this headed?"

"He's coming over next Wednesday.... to our house....he was pushing for something more today, but I told him we're taking this slowly....."

"Hmmmm...... so you're attracted to him Mistress?"

"I am slave.....he's pretty hot....and  smooth. "

I got home around 4 pm.... it was a Friday after find Mistress in our bed, settling in for a late afternoon nap. She was in some tight black undies that hugged some delectable curves. I was planning on a bike ride, so left her to her nap and changed into some biking attire. When I returned, sweaty from a ride in River City's late summer heat and humidity she was stirring. Once I hopped out of the shower we had a chance to talk a little more about her lunch and unexpected plans to move forward with Jimmy.

"So what changed your mind, Mistress?"

"It's hard to remember why I blew him off a few years ago. He is attractive. And interesting. Maybe it was the age?"

"He's 41, right?"

"Right, about [my daughter's] age.....but he seems more....mature. Maybe it's his work experience. "

"Think about it....he's about the same years younger than you that you are younger than me, Mistress.....that's not so bad."

"I suppose so.  His father's actually younger than you are, slave....."


I got permission to worship, and Mistress wriggled out of those black panties, spreading her thighs to give me access to those clean shaven folds. As I went "on task" I couldn't help murmur some questions about Mistress's upcoming tryst to kindled our mutual blaze.

"So will he want you to suck his cock, Mistress?"

"I suspect so, slave.  Most guys like that. Why would he be any different?"

"Do you like that Mistress...."

"Ummmmm...... I do slave....."

"Do you want him Mistress?"

"Yes..... I definitely do, slave."

It wasn't long before Mistress was bucking against my avid lips. And afterward, she gave me permission to take my own pleasure from those luscious folds.

Hw many semi-retired slaves like me get a twofer on Fridays?

Monday, September 10, 2018

Still Crazy

Yes, we've been remiss with our postings these last few weeks. No trauma or disasters befell us. But after we returned to River City for the start of the school year (which sets the rhythm for Mick's workalike these days), there hasn't been much to blog about.

In particular, we have run dry when it comes to potential cuckolders. Anyone have any thoughts on a potential source of supply?

Of course, there still is (virtually) daily sex, and a little extra worship thrown in on the side.  But not much in the kink category (unless you count an occasional cropping by Mistress of her sometimes recalcitrant slave).

Fortunately, we got a long weekend off these last few days for a brief "end of summer" escape to our SW hideaway. There has been plenty of sex, music and socializing.  I even surprised Mistress with a request for some afternoon delight this afternoon, following our midday siesta.

And to prove that Mistress still remains tanned, ready and rested, the above photo provides all the confirmation you need.

We will try not to leave our shrinking group of devoted readers in the dark for this long again.