I guess I am spoiled. I read over at A Married Sissy this morning that Terri has had only 11 orgasms in 2016. That's a little less than my average over two weeks. I may typically miss one day each week. But that's about it. And every now and then there might be a two-a-day! Talk about your pampered house slave! So I guess it makes sense that permissive pocket pool would seem like a yawn to me. It's so much better to have Mistress's assistance!
I also dodged any cage time on this brief hiatus from daily supervision. Following Mistress's edict, I was able to go to work cageless on Monday and will today because I rode my bike to work. And yesterday - well there was an MD appointment at the dermatologist. It was time for my annual check-up for this fair skinned Irish lad. Since my MD - a sultry Iranian lady with a kinky wardrobe - is very thorough, well you would not want slave to be embarrassed!

It turns out I was prudent not to wear the cage. On arrival the perky assistant proposed that I disrobe and put on one of those flimsy surgical gowns. (In green, not pink, Terri!)
"Opening in the back", she helpfully reminded. As if I would think to put the damn thing on with my front wide open, connected only by a couple of flimsy laces.
Soon my Doctor Domme swept into the room, dark hair and smoldering eyes quickly sizing up my mottled, aging skin with a wisdom beyond her ears. She quickly ordered me to shed the thin garment to allow for a less obscured inspection.
I had on some madonna blue underpants Mistress had selected for me - a bit long in the leg, and very soft fabric. Not quite "panties" but the texture comes close. If Doctor Domme reacted to them, I couldn't tell. She had me turn around, and had one more direction.
"Would you mind dropping your shorts so I can take a better look down there?"
"Of course not.....( oops....I had to stifle the impulse to conclude with a "mistress"..... I guess that's what happens when I'm left unmoored for three whole days.)
In any event, hopefully Mistress will now understand why I didn't wear the cage yesterday.
Soon my inspection was over. But before I left there was some "discipline" in the form of her torturing my face and head with some of that ultra cold gas she sprayed from a little tank to freeze off some "pre-cancerous" spots here and there.
"Maybe I should just stick my head in a bucket of that stuff" I snarked. She was not amused.