Monday, November 30, 2015


Mistress and slave finally got a little breathing room here at the UCTMW World HQ by last evening.  But it did not come without some additional struggle.

First there was the 3:30 am drive to the airport to off-load our daughter on a way-too-early plane back to her east coast campus. It seemed we barely got any sleep at all.  Back home by 6 am, we tried to get a little more sleep, which was easier for Mistress than her over cafientated slave.

By 8:30 am, we were restored to some level of consciousness, and engaged in some furtive Sunday morning sex, conscious of the fact that our other daughter and the boyfriend were still parked across the hall, sleeping in after a late night on the town with friends.

We did loll in bed a bit longer than normal, where we had some semblance of privacy.  But by 11 am or so, Mistress was making breakfast for her slave before I headed out to the Pussycats's game in a cold damp chill, accompanied by two daughters and the boyfriend.  Mistress was dressing for her own family outing.  She was going to the theatre with her mother, the Dowager Domme, a mission that seemed not too much fun either, after a long weekend of forced family "fun".

Indeed, Slave whined a bit to Mistress about a little too much family time.

"Of course I enjoy spending time with my girls, Mistress.  But sometimes going to a football game with your "buddies" for a little trash talk and a little too many intoxicants can be a lot of fun. With the girls you have to be the proper role model."

In other words, there is no chance one of the people behind or next to me at the stadium will be reporting me to the JERK text line when my daughters are along for the ride.

Mistress didn't seem any happier about going to the theatre with her Mother, but she did point out an intriguing fashion choice.  While she was wearing pants, "I put on some of my peek-a-boo tights, slave", sharing a little glimpse as I headed off for the game.

So when We returned 5 hours later, celebrating a Pussycats victory, it was natural for us to huddle up under the sheets for a late afternoon nap.  I was pressing up against Mistress in my black running tights, while Mistress had on her peek-a-boo tights.  (I suppose it would have been a good time to break out the 'selfie-stick' for our readers, particularly you guys who enjoy sliding into some tights yourselves).  But I can share this older photo to give you a touch of last afternoon's attire.

And when we woke up from that nap, rest assured that Mistress allowed her slave to worship her through the little opening in her black tights between those warm and toasty thighs.

By bedtime, the boyfriend was finally off to campus, after a four night sleepover with our daughter.  At last.....

So after all those days of a crowded house, we are now down to three as the work day begins.  Fortunately, Mistress kept those tights on through the evening which means slave will have a special treat as we engage in some wake-up sex this morning!

Saturday, November 28, 2015

Spinning Season

Mistress and our last remaining Co-Ed, in town for the holiday, have been going to morning spinning classes the last few mornings. And while it's cut into our shared bike rides, slave didn't realize that spinning has it's own kinky allure.

The costume.

Check out the rather fetching black tights Mistress combined with some cowboy boots for her trip to the spinning salon:

I was a little surprised how fetching Mistress looked just to go to a morning exercise class.

"You don't actually spin in cowboy boots, do you Mistress?"

"Of course not, that would be silly, slave....they provide special shoes there."

"Sort of like bowling?"

"NO it's nothing like bowling actually work up a sweat. Try it some time with me."

No. spinning isn't for me. I actually did it once with Mistress a long time ago. way too exhausting for an old, pampered slave.  And my sense is this place is mostly a babe thing. But if the babes where hot tights like this to exercise, maybe I should reconsider.  It would burn a lot of calories, and the view might no be too bad either.

Of course, Mistress and slave were able to enjoy their morning wake-up sex, playing a little music to mask our furtive couplings from the two daughters and one boyfriend across the hall from us before that mid-morning spinning session.

Then we were off to run our respective errands. Slave had some household chores to do, a trip to Home Depot, and even did a little Christmas shopping.  Mistress and our daughters went to the third consecutive family meal with the Dowager Domme and her sister and brother in law at a local restaurant, which I was able to get a pass on.....

When we got together back home at around 2:30 pm, Mistress explained how she let us dodge another big feed bag family feast.

"My mother was a little miffed when I told her we would not be coming to her house tonight for "leftovers", owe me....."

Yes, I definitely owe her. The thought of three nights in a row chowing down with the same in-laws was a little more than a pampered slave could handle. And a night at home with Mistress was a lot more appealing.

Plus there was a bonus....Our Co-Ed was lured to grandma's house at the thought of leftover turkey and pies. And truth be told, she doesn't get as much time to spend with family as we do. With our recent grad working late and her boyfriend out with boyfriends, well that left us with a temporarily empty nest for at least a few hours, starting at 6 pm sharp.

You can bet we fully exploited it!

There was some introductory worship, some very enthusiastic cock riding, and then, after she had enjoyed several cum, Mistress gave her slave permission to cum.

So rather than Black Friday, Mistress and slave celebrated Two-fer Friday.

It was so much better than getting in a brawl at Best Buy over a wide screen TV!

Thursday, November 26, 2015

May the Turkey Be With You!

Mistress and slave did some Thanksgiving "pre-gaming" last night over at the Dowager Domme's house. In addition to my mother-in-law and her husband, there were my sister in law and her husband and one of our "Dommes in Training". I'm not sure where the tradition of the pre-Thanksgiving chow down came from, but it seems odd to me. Is it to help stretch the membranes of our tummies to prep for what is to come?  Is it to exhaust all of the polite subjects of conversation so we can get too personal and catty when the full complement of guests show up for the full feast?

Last night's twist was that Mistress's sister and her husband (who drove me crazy seeking legal advice a few Thanksgivings back), are now on a diet. But rather than simply cut back on eating, they spent a good bit of the night explaining how bad all the things we were consuming were for us. Her I-phone now has an Ap that explains how many "points" are in each cup of soup, dab of dip, glass of wine, or slice of pie. And she made us well aware of each purloined brussell sprout from someone else's salad she grabbed and popped into her mouth.

I'm already wondering when she will run out of points and leave the table tonight!

At least we have built a little relaxation into our schedule today.  I am hoping for some wake-up sex with Mistress a little later this morning. Then some time hanging out with my cute grandsons.  We are lazy and pick up our turkey and fixings from a local chef at a funky downtown restaurant. So that should leave a little time for a mid-afternoon nap before we hunker down to greet our guests and family members for the annual force feeding.

And by starting at 4 pm, isn't there a good chance that all we be gone and the dishwasher grinding away for its first run of the night by 9 pm?

One can only hope.

Mistress did invite her lover Jay to stop by for desert. He could easily pass for a family friend with this crowd. And while it seems unlikely that he will show, the very thought of him sneaking upstairs, or out to the garden or driveway with Mistress for a quickie while her family digests the 5 pies already on hand should give us all something to be thankful for as we  work our way through yet another Thanksgiving!

Wednesday, November 25, 2015

When the Kids are Away....

Slave broke his 48 hour of abstinence streak early on Tuesday morning.  I knew I had better get some action while I had the chance . . . before the masses descended on the humble UCTMW World HQ.  Mistress was very accommodating, allowing her slave to take my pleasure after some wake-up worship, and before I headed into the office.

But I figured it might be a while before we had enough privacy for some intimacy in our bedroom. After all the boyfriend will be here through the weekend, and our youngest daughter would be arriving after midnight.

Sure enough, when I pulled into the drive at the end of the workday, the boyfriend was already there.  He's a nice kid. Maybe a little too suck-uppy to his girlfriend's parents for my taste. He clearly makes his presence known before heading off to bed with our cute former co-ed, who got home from her new job a little bit after the boyfriend arrived. The house was feeling more than a little crowded.

Mistress arrived home shortly thereafter, and we decided to hide out in our bedroom before dinner for a while. Mistress was sleepy, and we had that midnight run tot he airport ahead of us.  The sun wa already down, so we figured, good time for a pre-dinner nap. With the lights out, we cuddled with no particular prurient intent.

Then there was an unexpected announcement.

"Mom.... we're going to the grocery.  Do we need anything?"

I tried to squelch my enthusiasm, as I gave her a few items to search out that I hoped would prolong their stay.

When the door closed, and we heard their car back down the drive, suddenly our napping plans changed.

First, of course, there was some oral devotion showered on Mistress.

And then....

"How about some sex, Mistress?"

Of course in some F/m households that would be considered a breach of protocol.

How dare a slave take the initiative when it comes to nooky?

Fortunately, Mistress was in an indulgent mood, and we conducted our furtive couplings with abandon, enjoying the brief moments of privacy that will be all too limited this weekend.

But when we heard the car door close out in the driveway, we knew things had to be brought to a quick conclusion . . . fortunately slave was able to bring things to a head and finish the pleasant task allowed me before we heard that all too familiar query:

"When are are going to have dinner?"

Tuesday, November 24, 2015

Slacker Slave

Holiday overload  has already begun here at the UCTMW World HQ. One of my older daughters and her very earnest husband joined us for dinner here last night.  At least it was a small, manageable crowd to cook and clean up after. And some nice dinner conversation that was not swallowed by the din of too many squabbling family members.

Tonight it's a very late night drive to the airport to collect our youngest daughter. Then Wednesday evening we go to the Dowager Domme's house for dinner, just in time to begin expanding our bodily cavities to prepare for Thursday's forced feeding.

In the meantime, all this forced family timing can get slave distracted from his prime directive - appreciating and pleasing Mistress.

Yesterday was an abstinence day for me because Mistress had one of those too early Monday morning meetings. But I did get to appreciate Mistress slithering into those fetching black tights that hit some of my hottest buttons.

When I got home from work I first had to focus on getting some of our dinner into the oven.  But that did leave about 45 minutes before our guests arrived.  That gave me just enough time to shed the power suit, pull on some jeans, and then implore Mistress to wriggle down those tights (she still had them on) for me to shower those clean shaven folds with some much needed attention.

Today I'm a slacker because 1) I did not wear the cage yesterday; and 2) I can't wear it today because I am dropping off my daughter's car for service and will ride my bike into the office.

Mistress was a little disappointed when she heard the news.

"Sounds a little too convenient an excuse, slave."

And I must say I do enjoy that moment when Mistress closes the lock on my cage, particularly on those days when Mistress has some extracurricular plans of her own.

I feel a little guilty denying her the pleasure of knowing her cock is locked away for the day.

Maybe I have to give her that pleasure during Thanksgiving dinner?

Saturday, November 21, 2015

Dreading the Holidays

Mistress and slave spent a lovely Friday evening at home alone last night, after a too busy week of too much socializing. And it could get worse in the week to come.  We made sure to get in a some worship and clean shaven fold fondling as we caught up on Homeland, and devoured left over Indian food from the party we threw here in Thursday night.

With the holidays approaching, our extended families start showing up, expecting us to schedule them into our lives. We will be hosting Thanksgiving here for about 12 folks. And then there are the ancillary family gatherings that Mistress's mother, the Dowager Domme,  and my older daughters will try to wrangle us into.  And of course our youngest daughter will be back from college for the long weekend, cramping our style on the other side of a thin bedroom wall.

Mistress and slave will barely have enough privacy and time for some basic sexy fun, let alone any kink or cuckoldry.

Am I the only person not looking forward to all this forced march extended family togetherness? Is it wrong to think family time is better when it's less, not more?

It makes you wonder if there isn't a better way to celebrate Thanksgiving, doesn't it?

Rather than have the same collection of relatives, daughters and boyfriends / sons-in-law over for the holidays, wouldn't it be more fun to have Mistress's extended collection of side-dishes over to eat bird and other body parts?  And why not invite some of our sex blogger friends to join in? Maybe Diane Paul and Terri, from A Married Sissy Cuckold, or the inimitable Cuckolder with his entourage? It could be an orgy of eating and excess, sexual and otherwise.

Rather than my sometimes annoying sister in law and her condescending husband asking for free legal advice, Terri and I could be wearing aprons, cock cages and little else, preparing the feast, while our ladies could be putting their alpha lovers through their paces, working up an appetite. Sure, they might get their "stuffing" before the turkey and marshmallow coated sweet potatoes are served.  But I'm sure they'd save some room for cream pie!

No doubt after dinner Terri and I would have a lot of "cleaning up" to do.

But it would would be a lot more fun.  And there would still be "Black Friday" to look forward to!

Thursday, November 19, 2015

Matches Made In the Heavens?

It's been a rather hum-drum week here in River City after our romantic weekend getaway.  Too many evening activities for our tastes, and another busy one tonight as we host a party at our home.

But at least we have kept Mistress's orgasm streak alive, if barely, unlike those slackers over at "A Married Sissy". Diane's streak seems to have ended this week, just like the ignominious end of our local NFL franchise. But when one streak ends, a new one begins, right?  Let''s hope that both Diane and the Pussycats can kick off new winning streaks this week.

I did have a full cage day here on Monday, that got stretched into overtime because Mistress had an after work hours meeting to attend. But I've dodged the cage because of biking these last few days.  I'm sure that will have some of you rolling your eyes at my pampered ways.

This morning, while awaiting my opportunity to provide service to my still sleeping Mistress, I did get to do a little research to answer the question I asked Monday : what is it about Mistress and scorpios?  She has not just one, but a total of three active lovers who fall into that character. If you believe such things, here's what they say about those of us born this time of year:

Scorpio sexuality is nothing to take lightly. A sexual relationship with a Scorpio can leave you breathless, but it can also leave you with plenty of questions. Scorpios are passionate and intense, but they also hold something back, to keep you guessing. What you need to ask yourself is, are you up to solving the mystery?

So maybe it's our mysterious ways that she finds appealing, along with that whole "left breathless" side benefit?

Mistress is a Cancer, and there is a lot out there on the compatibility of the two signs:

This relationship is a highly sensual one; Scorpio the Sorcerer is probably the most sexual sign in the zodiac, and Cancer brings a romance and passion to the partnership which can match Scorpio’s depth. When the relationship works well, there is a shared, unspoken intimacy which binds this couple together and helps to minimise any problems. These two can’t take their eyes off one another, and may well have fallen in love at first sight. Scorpio and Cancer compatibility is never stronger than in the bedroom.

Well that's certainly true for Mistress and Slave. And it seems for Jay and Mistress as well.  Not so sure about K, since their encounters have been a little briefer, if (according to her) chock full of cums. 

But what about proclivity for kink.  I did find something that suggests Scorpios are into anal sex.  And Mistress knows how to push that button.  And what about Cancers?

Yes, we're very kinky. Explosive when we take the lead. When alone we don't need a partner and we can keep it going over and over. I get so turned on just looking at myself. I would never let anyone know, but sometimes I have orgasms sitting at my work desk. Find yourself a Cancer woman! We're submissive and really love sex in every way.

Yes.  That does sound like Mistress.  She does have a submissive side that needs to be scratched a bit.  But it has been oh so hard to find the right Dom to do her the way she needs to be done.  Maybe that should be our 2016 New Year's resolution!

Tuesday, November 17, 2015

Monday, November 16, 2015

What is it With Mistress and Scorpios?

Mistress and slave are back in River City after a very nice getaway.  It was a lovely weekend of sex, long walks on the beach, sex, eating, sex, college football, and more sex. A great way for slave to celebrate his birthday.

Although there was almost a tragedy: Slave had deployed Mistress's favorite power tool on Sunday morning.  And after a long walk on the beach and tasty breakfast at a local restaurant, slave almost forgot to pack it for our return home.

Luckily, I noticed it at the side of the bed in our cute little bedroom as I was completing my packing.

"Well that's a relief, slave. If we had gotten home without it, I would have expected you to have one sent to us overnight!"

I wonder if Amazon has that drone delivery system set up yet for just such an emergency?

So here we are back to the grind after only a brief weekend away. Mistress let me know that she would be out a little later tonight, for a dinner with Jay to celebrate his birthday, which occurred last week.

"Strange.  Last week we both had birthdays...."

"And K's Birthday is next week, slave...."

"So all your lovers are Scorpios?"

"Apparently, slave...."

If any of you are experts on such things, maybe you can give us a brief psychoanalysis... why does Mistress gravitate to Scorpios?

As for me, I have some out of office appointments scheduled, which means despite some nice weather, I won't be biking today.  Which means....

"It's a cage day for you slave....."

With Mistress having dinner plans, it could be a long day for this not quite as pampered as I used to be house slave.

Sunday, November 15, 2015

Lake Escape

Mistress and slave bolted from River City early Friday morning for a weekend getaway on one of those Great Lakes to the north. There has been plenty of sex. To the point where Mistress is considering shutting me down for a day or two. 

"It's been a busy week for me. "

True. Jay last Saturday. Me all week. Then K on Thursday. 

Poor Mistress!

We also got in some walks on the sunny beach. And an afternoon at my alma mater for some college football. 

Not much time to blog now. A little more r and r before we head home. But here's a special treat from this morning:

Friday, November 13, 2015

With Her Slave Locked Away, Mistress Will .....

Thursday started like any other day here at the UCTMW World HQ.

Blog written.

Blog read by Mistress while being worshiped.

Wake-up sex.

Slave into his cage and Mistress closing the lock.

Slave off to work, while Mistress works from her home office.

But then.... I was "slaving away" at the office when I got a text from Mistress.

"Lunch with K, slave..... he's coming here...."

Hmmmm.... this required a follow up phone call. Mistress explained that her lunch appointment canceled, so on a flier she texted K (her side-side dish) and asked if he wanted to meet for lunch at the restaurant they've been a few times.  Further texting ensued....

K: Is your daughter working today?

M: Yes.

K: Why don't I come to your house?

M: Really?

K: I've got a hard cock for you.

While it had been a while (maybe 6 months) since they had "hooked up", Mistress was clearly intrigued.  Not one to shirk a hard cock, the answer, of course, was "Why not?".

Slave went back to work, attending a lunch meeting at my office, but my cage seemed a little tighter than usual as I downed the catered eggplant parmesan and tried to pay attention to my blathering colleagues.  The fate of a  cuckold husband is to imagine the things happening in the marital bed when his wife is entertaining a lover. And I have a very vivid imagination.

Turns out, what happened was even beyond the imaginings of my in-the-gutter brain.  Here is a brief summary of Mistress's after action report, served up in our bed Thursday evening, after Mistress woke from her much needed nap.

"When I opened the door, he just pushed me against the wall, slave.... and kissed me, his hands going where you might expect....I was a little worried that the neighbors might see...."

Hmmm.... hands all over her?  I was imagining Mistress had some work-a-day jeans on.... or maybe her bike riding clothes....

"So what were you wearing Mistress?"

"That little black nightie I lie around the house sometimes when you're here slave.... I figured after I took my shower, knowing K was coming over, well why get all dressed up...."

Why indeed.

"Was that hot, Mistress.... him pushing you against the wall....very dominant...."

"Of course, slave... He said I looked incredibly hot...."

Mistress does like a complement. But then K's observation was dead on.

"And then?"

"Then he told me to walk up the stairs in front of him, so he could fondle me on the way to our bedroom....'

"Like with his hand between your legs, Mistress?"

"That's right, slave."

I couldn't help but imagine how wet Mistress must have been, after K's 'surprise attack" at the door, then his fingers probing those clean shaven folds as she was hustled up the stairs.

"And then?"

"Well then I was in our bedroom, him stripping for me, then me sucking that cock, slave...he really likes that...."

"No doubt."

"There was cock riding, and more conventional fucking.... he stayed for about an hour and a half.. We did it three times in all....."

"Huh . . . are you saying he came three times while he was here?"

"That's right, slave. He is kind of amazing. Very fit...."

That is a jaw dropper. K is about 8 years younger than Mistress, a very macho hockey player type.... but how many of us, even in our 30's could do it 3 times in 90 minutes?  Not this humble and pampered house slave.

No wonder Mistress was tuckered out by the time I got home.

But she did let me worship, adding one more cum as a nightcap after her rather busy day. And K's lunch time "hat trick" left a compelling and complex aftertaste to Mistress's lush, well exercised folds.

It made for a sweet and savory nightcap for me too.

Wednesday, November 11, 2015

Mistress Visits Her Caged Slave

As promised, it was a cage day for Ol' Mick yesterday.

After our morning wake-up sex, Mistress seemed pleased to click the little lock closed for the day.

And the bonus was that Mistress had a meeting downtown that allowed her to stop by my office for a late lunch date. She sauntered into my corner of the floor at around 1 pm, looking particularly hot in her ankle boots and black tights. And although we were both a little hungry, there was some "business" to take care of first.

"Would you like some worship, Mistress?"

"Of course, slave.... I thought you'd never ask...."

(Well it had only taken me about 60 seconds, but I don't want to try Mistress's patience).

It's always fun to watch Mistress slither out of one leg of her tights, and then pull down her panties, while perched on the corner of her "throne" in my office, chair pressed against the door to avoid any untimely intrusions.

Soon slave was on his knees, cock securely caged away, showering Mistress's clean shaven folds with the sort of attention that Mistress seems to relish. It was not long before she was stifling a moan of release, her hips pumping against my eager mouth.

"Good job, slave....."

After she rearranged her clothing, we were off to a little French joint up the street for a relaxed lunch. And while we ran into a few folks we knew walking up the street, or in the restaurant, I doubt anyone would have suspected that my privates were under lock and key as I lunched with my lovely wife.

At home last evening, Mistress sprung me loose so I could go for a quick bike ride before the sun disappeared. I showed my appreciation by a little more pre-supper worship, raising Mistress's cum total to at least three for the day (in case you are keeping track Terri and Diane).

Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Cage Day in River City

Mistress has become a bit more militant when it comes to cage time for her devoted slave.

I had an excuse yesterday, a trip to the MD and then a bike ride. So I got the day off. But, as so will see,  not today.

 Monday  turned out to be an abstinence day for me. It was one of those days when Mistress had a very early morning meeting, which meant no wake-up sex. And maybe that was a good thing for Mistress.

On Sunday evening she had a rare complaint.....

"All that sex with Jay on Saturday morning, and then with you Saturday afternoon and Sunday morning, slave..... my parts are a little sore."

"Poor Mistress. I guess you havn't been that well used in a while...."

"No, slave... I suppose not."

It's sort of like that first long run or ride in the spring....your body needs a little time to get back into fighting, or in this cawe, fucking shape.

Monday evening when I got home from work, Mistress was relaxing in our bed, still in the black tights she had worn to her early morning meeting. ANd she was more than amenable to some pre-dinner worship, wriggling out of her tights to accommodate my devotions.  But she didn't insist on her slave taking his own pleasure.

She clearly needed some R&R time, free of her intrusive work-a-day cock.

Before bedtime she confirmed that I would not be riding to work this morning.

"Then it's a cage day, slave....."

"Of course, Mistress."

I already have that hard steel ring on. But I'm hoping she will be more receptive to her slave's attention before the lock gets clicked shut for the day.

Sunday, November 8, 2015


As promised, slave spent most of his Saturday in the cage, while Mistress was off for some much delayed play with her lover Jay.  ANd while there was none of our traditional "wake-up sex" here at the UCTMW HQ, I did use my tongue and lips to provide Mistress with an early morning "starter cum" before she headed over to Jay's house at 8:30 yesterday morning.

She made sure that steel cage was locked in place before she left.

"I suppose it's a little silly to make you wear the cage on a Saturday, slave.... but it does make me feel better to know you're secured away while I'm having fun with Jay."

I had very domestic plans: morning with my cute little grandsons, then watch my alma mater play a little college football starting at noon. The boys were fun, and the team was doing well when Mistress called me at around 1 pm, on her way home.

"It was epic, slave.....good to be back to normal with Jay again...."

Jay has had some serious health issues to deal with in his family that have kept him distracted.  That has finally (and sadly) been resolved at least, so he may be emerging from his understandable funk. At least yesterday, he must have been focused on their mutual delight.

"It was the usual, slave.... lot's of cock-riding, doing it with him standing behind me....."

"Did you get to suck his cock, Mistress...."

"Of course slave..... Jay loves it when I do that....."

Now there's no surprise.

You could tell she was well and properly used later that afternoon, as she dozed off on the couch next to me as I watched my team finish their job in workmanlike fashion, possibly on track for a post-season run. But she rallied to take a bike ride with me when the game was over. (Thankfully she sprung me loose from the cage first).

Later in our bed, Mistress gave her devoted slave a chance to taste the fruits of her busy morning,  her natural aromas mixing with the juices Jay had left behind to make a heady, alluring concoction that had slave's work-a-day cock more than anxious for some relief.

I was a little concerned that Jay had worn out my welcome, and was fully prepared for Mistress to defer me until morning. But you have to admire a Mistress always game for just a little more....

"Go for it, slave..... "

And you can bet I didn't have to be invited more than once.


Saturday, November 7, 2015

Risky Behavior

Here in River City, Slave's biking and a trip up the highway cut into my cage days. Mistress made it clear there would be no excuses on Friday. So I made sure to squish my cock and balls into that hard steel ring that forms the base of my cage before our Friday morning wake up sex.

There was one complication. I had to drop my car off at the garage for some minor repairs. My plan was to stick my bike in the back, then bike the remaining 2/3 of a mile or so to my office.  I figured I could gut through a relatively short ride with my cage on, right?  If anything, Diane would give me a pat on the back!

As it turned out, it was probably a mistake. Perching on that slender saddle with my cock and balls captured in steel was more than a bit ouchy. But risking decockitation I proceeded as best as I could. I suspects drivers and pedestrians seeing me attempt to peddle down the street in a rather bow legged, edge of the seat stance were scratching their heads.

" Who is that old geek on the bike.... didn't his daddy teach him how to ride when he was a kid?"

But I did make it. And even made it back to the garage at the end of the day.

Fortunately, I did have some mid-day entertainment.  When I returned after lunch, Mistress was waiting for me in my office, in the mood for some intimate attention.  Slave gladly scratched that itch as she spread her legs on her "throne" pressed up against my office door.  Unlike Diane and Paul over at A Married Sissy, there is no lock on my office door!

Mistress and slave had a relaxed dinner at a local bourbon joint last night, but this morning there will be no wake-up sex.  Mistress and her lover Jay have finally been able to schedule their own morning booty call.

"I suppose you and I could have sex first, slave.....but I'm not sure that would be fair to Jay....."

No, it doesn't seem right for your long denied lover to get "sloppy seconds" does it. That's what cuckolds are for.

So while Slave will be spending some grandson time, Mistress will be over at Jay's spending some much delayed time with her more athletic lover.

"I think you need to wear your cage while I'm over at Jay's Saturday, slave....."

"Of course, Mistress."

Thursday, November 5, 2015

Back to Basics

The voters have spoken. Slave's side won. Now it's time for Mistress and slave to get back to "real life". I suppose it was fortunate the electoral adventures of the last few weeks were a proper "Last Hurrah" rather than a "Last Stand", but the part Mistress likes best is the "Last".

"I've noticed you've not been calling me 'Mistress' as much lately, slave...."

Definitely not a good sign.

So slave has committed to doubling down on being a good slave these next few weeks. And while today may be a challenge (I have to leave for an out of town meeting at 6:30 this morning), I hope to do even more worship and devotion to Mistress to show her that she's still my No. 1 priority.

Plus, as it turns out, it's the healthiest thing to do!  Mistress pointed out this article to me yesterday:
Going Down On Women Is Good For Your Health. Turns out that some high fallutin' researchers have "studied" the issue and verified that treating your babe to some orally induced cums helps fight heart disease and cancer.

So, Terri. It's time to work even harder on those oral servicing skills. Maybe we need to share tips on how best to do our jobs in that "area".

I wonder if we can now get our health insurer to pay me a stipend once I retire?

Tuesday, November 3, 2015

Male College Student Coerced Into Sex?

It's election day here in River City. Slave has gotten involved in some contentious local ballot issue quarrel, which has Mistress a little less than pleased. And for good reason. It's definitely cut into our private time and adversely impacted my slavish duties to her.  But this too shall pass once tonight's results are in.  

Rest assured that we did get in our wake-up sex yesterday morning, and Mistress also got some pre-dinner worship and a bonus cum after dinner, as we watched Homeland.  So we are keeping up with Terri and Diane over at "A Married Sissy", despite the distractions.

One thing I noticed this morning when I woke was an article in the Huffington Post about hijinks at a certain Midwestern university that I am all too familiar with. Supposedly a sophomore at the University had an academic tutor who somehow persuaded him to have sex with her daughter

A University of Notre Dame student is suing the school and one of its academic coaches, claiming the coach coerced him into having sex with her daughter. 
The academic coach has reportedly been fired amid these allegations, according to the New York Daily News.
The student, an African-American male, claims that his tutor, a white woman, pressured him into having sex with her daughter while "demeaning" him with "racially-charged comments about his sexual prowess and genitalia," according to the lawsuit.
A press release issued Friday by the firm representing the student claimed the unnamed academic coach had a history of arranging sexual encounters with her daughter and other African-American male students and athletes. "When the student repented and began to question the arrangement, he was referred to 'counseling' with a friend of the academic coach, another employee at Notre Dame," the release added.

I suppose this is one of those first world problems that can only be  addressed in our courts. Amazingly, it only gets worse:
The 11-page lawsuit says the student enrolled at Notre Dame in the fall of 2014, and alleges that the coach began providing academic support to the student in the spring of 2015. Immediately, she allegedly initiated a "sexually and racially motived inappropriate and demeaning relationship" and commanded the student to engage in sexual relations with her daughter. The academic coach allegedly provided lodging, condoms and transportation.

Back when I attended this venerable institution -- in the paleolithic pre-co-ed days - the novelty of getting an "academic coach" had not yet been introduced, even for our student athletes. They just got to take an easy geology class, referred to as "Rocks for Jocks" that was closed to the rest of us. 
And the extra perk of getting to have sex with your "academic coach's" daughter would have been unimaginable.  The best one could hope for was that some "towny" might drive by campus, feel some sympathy for you, pick you up and take you into town for a pizza and maybe a make out session in the back of daddy's Studebaker. (Yes, South Bend was the home of the Studebaker. The long dead plant still stands there last time I checked). 

The notion that some uber-dominat tutor  would "command" you to have sex with their horny daughter, and toss in free condoms, lodging and transportation (whether or not a Studebaker) would have been any Domer's wet-dream.

But the Fighting Irish apparently have come a long way. 
Now when your tutor lets you have sex with her daughter,  you lawyer up. 

Sunday, November 1, 2015

Lazy, Spooky Saturday.

But for my visit to my aging Mom, and Mistress's simultaneous lunch with her (it's been a while) lover Jay, we had the day to ourselves yesterday.  Our daughter has been working a lot, leaving the nest more empty than not. And after her shift on Saturday, she headed up to her old campus for a sleepover with the boy friend.

"We've got the house to ourselves, slave...."

And we took full advantage.  There was some lazy wake up sex yesterday morning. A bike ride in the afternoon. A nice cozy late afternoon nap, and some worship afterwards.

Around 5:30 pm, we did the short drive to my older daughter's house to witness my grandkids in their cute trick or treat get ups. But I resisted the invitation to join them on their rounds. Been there. Done that.

"That's what parents are for, Mistress....."

Maybe that's bad grand-parenting, but I think our children understand, and appreciate the fact that old Mock and Molly like spending time with themselves.  It could be lots worse, right? Who wants those helicopter grand parents who never go home?

One thing we did not do was dress up in costumes. I suppose we are of the age (slave more so) when Halloween was for kids, not an excuse for adolescents of all ages to dress in some slutty or dorky costumes like our college age kids, and some older friends now do. No, we are old school.  But I suppose if we ever did get persuaded to dress up for some costume party, we could do something like this:
And Mistress would certainly fill out this type of costume nicely:

But, truth be told, we enjoy our private time much more than hanging out with grown ups trying to revisit their childhood trick or treat fantasies.

Back at home, slave whipped up some dinner and we settled into an evening at home, me watching my alma mater eke out another come from behind victory, and Mistress reading her kindle.

She had on some of those sportsy tights - thicker than pantyhose or her typical black tights, but form fitting.  It was a little too tempting for slave when Mistress stretched her feet over my lap, so may hands wandered up her legs, finding the apex of her firm thighs and fondling through the clingy fabric.  It seemed like it only took about 60 seconds before she moaned and bucked with what was likely her 4th cum of the day (at least as far as I knew).

Terri- with October in the books,  you need to focus on setting a better pace for Diane in November or we'll kick your collective asses again!