Mistress has set up a "sleep over" date night with her (occasional) lover Jay tonight. With his child care duties, it's been hard in recent weeks for them to find the sort of privacy required for them to spend time together. But his son is away for a few days....
"You don't mind me spending the night, do you Slave...."
"Of course not Mistress.... "
While it will be lonely in the bed tonight, I can at least contemplate all of the wanton things she will be up to.... and I suspect Jay will have some pent up demand for Mistress's lush and lovely body.
As it turns out, Mistress's night out coincides with a day when Slave has to drive to work.
"That's good Slave, because I'd hate to have to make you wear your cage when you bike to work."
Not only would it be a little uncomfortable to cover the 5 miles downtown with the cage chafing against my bike seat, but can you imagine what the office staff might think if they saw the tell tale bulge under the bike shorts when I get off the elevator?
It might look sort of like this:
I suspect that could get the "team" chattering.
I have to join an out-0f-town colleague for dinner this evening. So my cage time will be extended to that extent into the evening. And Mistress is suggesting that I may need to spend the night in the cage, because she and Jay will likely be engaged in their own brand of fun by the time I get home. The issue will be whether I get my parole from confinement in time to ride to work Wednesday morning.
Fortunately, there's time for some wake-up sex this morning before I go into full "lock down". So Slave's period of chastity should last only about 36 hours right?
I suppose it could be much, much worse.
But feel free to send sympathy notes anyway.
Midwestern Professionals relocated the the High Desert SW add some cuckoldry and submission. But now there's a New BOSS in town
Tuesday, September 30, 2014
Slave Caged on Mistress's "Date Night"
cock cage
Femdom couple interested in and expoloring the cuckold dynamic.
Monday, September 29, 2014
Still Crazy....
In addition to some two-a-day sexcapades here on Saturday, our rather hectic weekend was highlighted by Mistress's 4th annual swim of our local "Big River" - over and back to the shores that once divided the blue from the gray.
It's the sort of activity that requires Slave to accompany Mistress in the pre-dawn hours down to the riverfront to bear witness to her crazy.
"I could have driven myself, Slave...."
"But who would identify the body, Mistress?"
Obviously, it's not all that unsafe. About 200 other hearty souls joined her on this foolhardy mission. And the Coast Guard does stop the chemical laden barges plying the river from West Virginia to the Gulf of Mexico, at least for a while. So the only real fear is running out of steam somewhere at mid-stream, heavy currents, and all those rumours of giant mutant cat fish.
Once Mistress slides into that cold water, and the starter's whistle blows, all Slave can do is haul Mistress's towel, bag and sandals down to the finish line and repeat the "Hail Mary's" taught me by the nuns in grade school.
Whether it was the power of an unbeliever's prayer, or Mistress smooth and undaunted stroke that turned the trick, she did emerge successfully from the cold gray waters about 21 minutes after she struck off on her quest. There was a crowd of landlubbers to greet her and her fellow travelers in crazy, with finish times announced and some more notorious swimmers welcomed back by name.
"Did they really say my age when I got out, Slave....."
"Ummm... I think they did Mistress...."
It's amazing she noticed that little detail as she climbed onto the landing after her chilly little dip. I think I'd be checking for leeches or stray catfish whiskers instead.
Fortuantely, there was a "happy ending". After Mistress wrapped herself in a towel (photos of her in her bathing suit were strictly verbotten), we headed home, stopping at a local greasy spoon for some carbo-loading.
Then Mistress and Slave were back in bed for a little nap, the New York Times and some hearty, if deferred morning sex. I think Mistress's clean shaven folds were still chilled when I soothed them with my tongue and lips as a prologue for what was to come.
Fortunately, her work-a-day cock was warm and toasty.
It's the sort of activity that requires Slave to accompany Mistress in the pre-dawn hours down to the riverfront to bear witness to her crazy.
"I could have driven myself, Slave...."
"But who would identify the body, Mistress?"

Once Mistress slides into that cold water, and the starter's whistle blows, all Slave can do is haul Mistress's towel, bag and sandals down to the finish line and repeat the "Hail Mary's" taught me by the nuns in grade school.
Whether it was the power of an unbeliever's prayer, or Mistress smooth and undaunted stroke that turned the trick, she did emerge successfully from the cold gray waters about 21 minutes after she struck off on her quest. There was a crowd of landlubbers to greet her and her fellow travelers in crazy, with finish times announced and some more notorious swimmers welcomed back by name.
"Did they really say my age when I got out, Slave....."
"Ummm... I think they did Mistress...."
It's amazing she noticed that little detail as she climbed onto the landing after her chilly little dip. I think I'd be checking for leeches or stray catfish whiskers instead.
Fortuantely, there was a "happy ending". After Mistress wrapped herself in a towel (photos of her in her bathing suit were strictly verbotten), we headed home, stopping at a local greasy spoon for some carbo-loading.
Then Mistress and Slave were back in bed for a little nap, the New York Times and some hearty, if deferred morning sex. I think Mistress's clean shaven folds were still chilled when I soothed them with my tongue and lips as a prologue for what was to come.
Fortunately, her work-a-day cock was warm and toasty.
Femdom couple interested in and expoloring the cuckold dynamic.
Wednesday, September 24, 2014
Putting the WC on the Clock
This morning we have some
advice via our Senior Correspondent to share with our Western Correspondent. But first a follow up
on yesterday’s post about the “shock collar”. I must say I was assuming that
the collar was really for pets, or maybe necks, but “anonymous” did pass on this post
from “Male Chastity Journal” that demonstrates the ability of a Mistress to
strap one of those little suckers around the base of a submissive male’s cock
and balls already equipped with a cock cage.
Fortunately, Mistress has
not placed this item on her Amazon “wish” list just yet, though she might have
wished for one last night, when we attended a political fundraiser in town. It
certainly would have curbed any thought I might have had to stray from her side
for even a moment. (Not that I did, I might add…. But what can a little extra
deterrence hurt?)
Now, back to the WC.
As our
loyal readers know, he has a knack for exercising his special occasion cock
throughout the work day and beyond. His penchant to burn through large drums of high end lubricant
almost broke the bank here at UCTMW, and caused several rounds of budgetary
But one thing we have never
documented (for science of course) is how long the WC typically takes from
unzipping to rezipping. Does he go for multiple quickies, or does he enjoy
dragging out each self- encounter with his impressive specimen of manhood?
Over the weekend, Donna
passed along a post from a blog called “The People Your Mother Warned You
About” suggesting that guys not subject to a “not touch” rule (like yours
truly) should extend their moments of “self-abuse” as long as possible to train
themselves to better please their “better halves” in the sack. Here is an
The most important part first: Don’t rush through your petting session
with the one-eyed monster. A weightlifter lifts as much weight as they can and
a marathon runner runs as far as they can. Do the same with your stamina for
the bedroom. Make it last as long as you can as often as you have the time to.
When you rush through three minute fap sessions, you are training your brain to
rush toward busting that nut. That leave seventeen minutes of recalling
baseball stats or picturing your grandmother in the shower (which, by the way,
who the fuck suggests this? That’d make me get dressed and go home to drink
myself to a black out and leave my partner really confused). In the Navy we
said “train like you fight”…well, train like you fuck. Sex is an important part
of a healthy life so you really ought to train for it anyway, just as you train
to stay fit or stay sharp at your job.
Secondly, use lubrication when you choke the dolphin. The brand doesn’t
matter at all. You can even use some Oil of Olay rejuvenating whats-its to keep
you dick looking young and wrinkle free. Just use it. Tune your nerves to deal
with as close of an approximation of a pussy as you can. Pussies are wet, warm
and fucking magical! You need to tune your nerves.
Well we know the WC uses
plenty of high priced lube. But what about the other advice provided here,
Miguel: Do you go for a quick burst of fun, or do you take the opportunity to
train the SOC for those moments when the lovely B wants your complete
Maybe we can put your cock on the
clock for a few weeks and publish the results in some upscale medical journal.
It’s all for science.
Femdom couple interested in and expoloring the cuckold dynamic.
Tuesday, September 23, 2014
A Reader's "Helpful" Advice
It was a relatively restful weekend at the UCTMW World HQ. There was time for "two-a-day" sex in Saturday, and Slave regaled Mistress with attention from her favorite power tool on Sunday morning. Mistress definitely gave me a "thumbs up" on that one!
Unfortunately, we were back to the grind on Monday morning. Mistress has this every-other-week 8 am meeting out in the Ex-urbs to start too many of her Mondays, which forecloses our typical "wake-up" sex, sending our respective sexual balance askew.
Fortunately, Slave did not have to wear his cage because I rode my bike to work. And at the end of the day, both of us had the time and energy for some pre-dinner nooky.
"Put in your device, Slave...." (the aneros).
I was happy to obey, and then buried myself between Mistress muscular thighs, all nice and salty from her own end of the day bike ride. Once I had suitably pleased her, she gave me the green light to take my own pleasure from those lush, clean shaven folds.
But apparently some of our readers think Mistress is a little too indulgent to her Slave. "Anonymous" made a comment to Saturday's blog suggesting that Mistress may want to consider cranking up the level of security for her work-a-day cock with this "helpful" device:
The manufacturer claims that this "shock / vibration collar":
Unfortunately, we were back to the grind on Monday morning. Mistress has this every-other-week 8 am meeting out in the Ex-urbs to start too many of her Mondays, which forecloses our typical "wake-up" sex, sending our respective sexual balance askew.
Fortunately, Slave did not have to wear his cage because I rode my bike to work. And at the end of the day, both of us had the time and energy for some pre-dinner nooky.
"Put in your device, Slave...." (the aneros).
I was happy to obey, and then buried myself between Mistress muscular thighs, all nice and salty from her own end of the day bike ride. Once I had suitably pleased her, she gave me the green light to take my own pleasure from those lush, clean shaven folds.
But apparently some of our readers think Mistress is a little too indulgent to her Slave. "Anonymous" made a comment to Saturday's blog suggesting that Mistress may want to consider cranking up the level of security for her work-a-day cock with this "helpful" device:
The manufacturer claims that this "shock / vibration collar":
- Provides a professional 100 level shock and 100 level Vibration with Rechargeable LCD digital remote control electric training Collar
- Rechargeable LCD digital remote control electric training collar. Remote control electric shock devices
- Convenience of easy-to-read LCD screen shows the stimulation level. Over 3,000 different identity codes to prevent conflicts with other e-collars.
- The system can be used for 1 or 2 receivers.(the additional receiver must be the same type as your previous one and purchased from us)
- What Slave can't tell is whether this little sucker is scaled to fit aroung the base of a cock, or only around one's neck. Is there a chihuahua size that could go where a cock cage would normally be parked? And is the idea one where's it in combination with a cock cage? Or solo?
- It's also interesting that the same control device can be used on 2 separate receivers. I suppose that could be helpful if Mistress decided to add another Slave to her stable.
- Gee, thanks Anonymous for this helpful suggestion. Maybe Mistress will put this on her Christmas list!
shock collar
Femdom couple interested in and expoloring the cuckold dynamic.
Sunday, September 21, 2014
Sprung Loose
Mistress did require me to wear my cage to work on Friday. And yes, Fury, it had been a while. Word from the Executive Suite here at the UCTMW World HQ is that slave will be expected to wear it more often, though I've been given some slack on days when I ride my bike to work.
On Friday I was in my "full metal jacket" version. It's rather heavy and noticeable (at least to me), but not particularly uncomfortable once my sack gets accustomed to its close confines. It certainly makes me want to avoid and concupiscent thoughts as I work through my rather tedious work day. (I make a mental note to avoid any sex blog surfing during the lunch hour to prevent any unnecessary "lurches" against my metal encasement). And of course there is the reminder of my "chaste" status everytime slave has to sit to pee.
While we don't have the full assortment of cages depicted to the left, we do have a plastic model as a backup in the event there are security checks to clear for work duties.
Recently Mistress mentioned that both a potential suitor who reads the blog, and a former lover who has been back in touch recently, had asked if "Mick really does wear a cock cage."
Of course, it does make Mick blush a bit that there are folks out there wondering "is he, or isn't he" on any given day.
"What did you tell them Mistress...."
"That you do, but not as often as you should."
Probably true.
I suppose Mistress is pretty indulgent. On Friday, it was a beautiful day in River City. I got home before Mistress and was yearning for a bike ride to shake off the cobwebs from a day behind a desk. Mistress was generous enough to let me "self-release" and take that ride without fear of cock decapitation on my bike seat.
But I made sure she was rewarded for her mercy with some oral devotions as soon as she got home.
It was the least I could do.
On Friday I was in my "full metal jacket" version. It's rather heavy and noticeable (at least to me), but not particularly uncomfortable once my sack gets accustomed to its close confines. It certainly makes me want to avoid and concupiscent thoughts as I work through my rather tedious work day. (I make a mental note to avoid any sex blog surfing during the lunch hour to prevent any unnecessary "lurches" against my metal encasement). And of course there is the reminder of my "chaste" status everytime slave has to sit to pee.
While we don't have the full assortment of cages depicted to the left, we do have a plastic model as a backup in the event there are security checks to clear for work duties.
Recently Mistress mentioned that both a potential suitor who reads the blog, and a former lover who has been back in touch recently, had asked if "Mick really does wear a cock cage."
Of course, it does make Mick blush a bit that there are folks out there wondering "is he, or isn't he" on any given day.
"What did you tell them Mistress...."
"That you do, but not as often as you should."
Probably true.
I suppose Mistress is pretty indulgent. On Friday, it was a beautiful day in River City. I got home before Mistress and was yearning for a bike ride to shake off the cobwebs from a day behind a desk. Mistress was generous enough to let me "self-release" and take that ride without fear of cock decapitation on my bike seat.
But I made sure she was rewarded for her mercy with some oral devotions as soon as she got home.
It was the least I could do.
cock cage
Femdom couple interested in and expoloring the cuckold dynamic.
Friday, September 19, 2014
"Who Makes the Rules Around Here?"
Slave stepped in it yesterday.
It was at the end of our days. Slave was out of the shower, after a bracing bike ride home from the office in some late summer sun.
Mistress was changing after her own bike ride through our neighborhood. Our plan was the head to the grocery store to stock up for a family dinner this evening.
Mistress was sliding into a short sundress. More "around the house" attire than "go to the market" garb. That's where Slave made his big mistake.
"If we're going to the grocery, is this too revealing, Slave....?"
I took a look, saw a hemline that ended at mid-thigh, and expressed my POV.
"Not if you wear undies, Mistress....."
She gave me that look....
"Since when do you make the rules around here, Slave...."
"After a long day in business attire.... then a bike ride.... it's nice to air out the parts, Slave."
Who could argue with that proposition.
"And who's going to notice anyway?"
"I suppose no one, Mistress, as long as you don't bend over to get something off the bottom shelf....and I suppose that's what Slaves are for...."
"Exactly, Slave...."
The subject was dropped as I settled between her thighs for some end of day, pre-grocery shopping worship. Once Mistress had been sufficiently pleased, it was agreed that the punishment for impertinence would be wearing my cock cage today.
That seems more than appropriate, particular since Mistress has a lunch date with a would-be suitor who has been texting her for the last few weeks. At least I won't be tempted to breach the "no touch" rule downtown in my office as I contemplate what comes of that lunch date.
"Make sure you have that ring in place when you come back to bed in the morning, Slave.... it always makes your cock a little harder."
"Yes, Mistress."
It was at the end of our days. Slave was out of the shower, after a bracing bike ride home from the office in some late summer sun.
Mistress was changing after her own bike ride through our neighborhood. Our plan was the head to the grocery store to stock up for a family dinner this evening.
Mistress was sliding into a short sundress. More "around the house" attire than "go to the market" garb. That's where Slave made his big mistake.
"If we're going to the grocery, is this too revealing, Slave....?"
I took a look, saw a hemline that ended at mid-thigh, and expressed my POV.
"Not if you wear undies, Mistress....."
She gave me that look....
"Since when do you make the rules around here, Slave...."
"After a long day in business attire.... then a bike ride.... it's nice to air out the parts, Slave."
Who could argue with that proposition.
"And who's going to notice anyway?"
"I suppose no one, Mistress, as long as you don't bend over to get something off the bottom shelf....and I suppose that's what Slaves are for...."
"Exactly, Slave...."
The subject was dropped as I settled between her thighs for some end of day, pre-grocery shopping worship. Once Mistress had been sufficiently pleased, it was agreed that the punishment for impertinence would be wearing my cock cage today.
That seems more than appropriate, particular since Mistress has a lunch date with a would-be suitor who has been texting her for the last few weeks. At least I won't be tempted to breach the "no touch" rule downtown in my office as I contemplate what comes of that lunch date.
"Make sure you have that ring in place when you come back to bed in the morning, Slave.... it always makes your cock a little harder."
"Yes, Mistress."
Femdom couple interested in and expoloring the cuckold dynamic.
Thursday, September 18, 2014
HNT: Tights Season?
It's been unseasonably cool here in the heartland. Fall is definitely in the air, a few weeks earlier than normal. But the question remains whether Mistress will be watching the calendar or the thermometer when it comes to kicking off Slave's fetish for her black tights.
I couldn't help but notice that some of the ladies downtown had already launched into their fall fashion regimes yesterday. I did as good a job as one could to appear disinterested.
As for the source of my own fetish for women in tights or hose, it probably goes back to middle school days, when some of the lovelier girls in my 8th grade class began wearing over the knee socks or hose that had me distracted as the nuns bored us with the days rote recitations of multiplication tables or passages from the catechism.
Mistress has freely taken advantage my "weakness" over the years, appearing in my office with those peek-a-boo tights, and allowing me access from her thrown as she spreads her legs, and I grovel before her, my face buried at the juncture of her thighs.
She knows my weakness, and like a clever NFL offensive coordinator, she's more than happy to exploit it. And I fall for it, hard, every time.
I guess that's why I am well suited to be her slave, and she my Mistress.
I couldn't help but notice that some of the ladies downtown had already launched into their fall fashion regimes yesterday. I did as good a job as one could to appear disinterested.
As for the source of my own fetish for women in tights or hose, it probably goes back to middle school days, when some of the lovelier girls in my 8th grade class began wearing over the knee socks or hose that had me distracted as the nuns bored us with the days rote recitations of multiplication tables or passages from the catechism.
She knows my weakness, and like a clever NFL offensive coordinator, she's more than happy to exploit it. And I fall for it, hard, every time.
I guess that's why I am well suited to be her slave, and she my Mistress.
Femdom couple interested in and expoloring the cuckold dynamic.
Tuesday, September 16, 2014
(Masters of) Sex Night
Mistress and Slave have one guilty pleasure these days: hunkering down in front of the TV on Monday evenings to catch the previous night's episode of "Masters of Sex". (We are too lazy to wait up until 10 pm on Sunday night to catch the new episode's first showing).
For those who have not caught the show (now in it's 2nd season), it is a glossy, soap opera-ish recapitulation of the careers of William Masters and Virginia Johnson, who reputedly pioneered sex research back in the 1950's. Or as Mistress would put it "It's Mad Men with more sex."
Yes: lot's of period costumes, autos, attitudes, and lingerie.
Who can resist that, particularly old Slaves who came of age in the 50's and 60's.
It doesn't hurt that they've cast the leads with an actor and actress who certainly bring more heat to their roles than the originals.
Here are the historical figures:
Very frumpy St. Louis, right, though at least Virginia is showing a little knee.
Now here are the lovely Lizzy Caplan and Michael Sheen in character:
Definitely an improvement, don't you think, even with the dweeby bow tie.
In the laboratory, the pair develop ground breaking technology to "lift the hood" on female sexual response:
But by season two, the wires have been set aside and their ongoing tryst occurs at a local hotel, giving us plenty of opportunities to see Lizzy / Virginia in various stages of undress.
Slave has no complaints about those scenes. Here is a little video mash up with some of the racier scenes tossed in. (Warning: perky nipples included).
This year there have even been some hints at Lizzy assuming a more Domme-ish role, including one semi-botched attempt at bondage in last night's episode.
All of this sexual melodrama has a certain effect, which we can recommend. After we adjourned to bed following the conclusion, Mistress clearly was in a heightened level of sexual propensity.
"Hmmmm..... you forgot to offer to worship, Slave...."
Sadly, she was right. The evening had gotten away from us.
I quickly made amends, burrowing under the covers to make sure Mistress's clean shaven folds received the full attention they deserved.
I clearly deserve a punishment for my negligence, don't you think?
For those who have not caught the show (now in it's 2nd season), it is a glossy, soap opera-ish recapitulation of the careers of William Masters and Virginia Johnson, who reputedly pioneered sex research back in the 1950's. Or as Mistress would put it "It's Mad Men with more sex."
Yes: lot's of period costumes, autos, attitudes, and lingerie.
Who can resist that, particularly old Slaves who came of age in the 50's and 60's.
It doesn't hurt that they've cast the leads with an actor and actress who certainly bring more heat to their roles than the originals.
Here are the historical figures:
Very frumpy St. Louis, right, though at least Virginia is showing a little knee.
Now here are the lovely Lizzy Caplan and Michael Sheen in character:
Definitely an improvement, don't you think, even with the dweeby bow tie.
In the laboratory, the pair develop ground breaking technology to "lift the hood" on female sexual response:
Yes, you guessed right on where this goes. And it's equipped with a camera that gets an interesting view. There are many scenes of copulation and masturbation by the various "subjects" recruited to participate in the Study.
In season one, the pair decide that it "only makes sense" to participate in their own study of sexual pairs copulating. "Offering it up" for science. Of course, there have to be wires and monitors to record all the fun. Otherwise, it would just be adultery, right?
Slave has no complaints about those scenes. Here is a little video mash up with some of the racier scenes tossed in. (Warning: perky nipples included).
This year there have even been some hints at Lizzy assuming a more Domme-ish role, including one semi-botched attempt at bondage in last night's episode.
All of this sexual melodrama has a certain effect, which we can recommend. After we adjourned to bed following the conclusion, Mistress clearly was in a heightened level of sexual propensity.
"Hmmmm..... you forgot to offer to worship, Slave...."
Sadly, she was right. The evening had gotten away from us.
I quickly made amends, burrowing under the covers to make sure Mistress's clean shaven folds received the full attention they deserved.
I clearly deserve a punishment for my negligence, don't you think?
Masters and Johnson,
Masters of Sex
Femdom couple interested in and expoloring the cuckold dynamic.
Sunday, September 14, 2014
Happy Birthday To Our Senior Correspondent!
I could not help but note (with a reminder from the intrusively obsessive "people" at Facebook) that today is our Senior Correspondent's Birthday. While we've not heard so much recently on these pages, she seems as feisty as ever, apparently getting into all sorts of trouble down in the hills of the Carolinas. What other part of the world would put the word "Gamecocks" across the ample chests of their cheerleaders, as I observed on TV only last night.
As an example, Donna sent me some email correspondence that was intended for one person, but was mistakenly sent to our WC. The subject was some on-line shopping she was recently doing on The Stockroom website. The headline on the email was "Did you see that giant black penis?"
I suspect that got the WC's attention, since he is fully committed in his belief that no one has a "gianter" penis that his notorious special occasion cock.
Donna, Molly and Mick send hopes that for your birthday you get the giantist black penis of them all!
Meanwhile, Mistress and Slave have been enjoying a rather laid back weekend here at the UCTMW World HQ. It's not like chilling last weekend at our SW hideaway, but it has also been nice to get into a gentler domestic rhythm now that summer is behind us.
Last night I had the pleasure of enjoying my alma mater beat up on a traditional rival on TV, while sipping a glass of wine and massaging and sucking on Mistress's lovely feet and toes.
It's a shame there's not a section set aside for toe sucking at the stadium. I mean even Jesus was into foot washing, wasn't he?
As an example, Donna sent me some email correspondence that was intended for one person, but was mistakenly sent to our WC. The subject was some on-line shopping she was recently doing on The Stockroom website. The headline on the email was "Did you see that giant black penis?"
I suspect that got the WC's attention, since he is fully committed in his belief that no one has a "gianter" penis that his notorious special occasion cock.
Donna, Molly and Mick send hopes that for your birthday you get the giantist black penis of them all!
Meanwhile, Mistress and Slave have been enjoying a rather laid back weekend here at the UCTMW World HQ. It's not like chilling last weekend at our SW hideaway, but it has also been nice to get into a gentler domestic rhythm now that summer is behind us.
Last night I had the pleasure of enjoying my alma mater beat up on a traditional rival on TV, while sipping a glass of wine and massaging and sucking on Mistress's lovely feet and toes.
It's a shame there's not a section set aside for toe sucking at the stadium. I mean even Jesus was into foot washing, wasn't he?
Senior Correspondent,
toe sucking
Femdom couple interested in and expoloring the cuckold dynamic.
Friday, September 12, 2014
In my role as IT Manager of UCTMW World Enterprises I was recently called into service.
"Slave.... my laptop needs help!"
Mistress has one of those oh so slender Apple laptops. Cute. Comfy to carry. But it's memory capacity is less than robust. Every now and then it rebels under the weight of "too much stuff" (not unlike our attic) and the apps she needs to use refuse to open. It then falls upon her loyal Slave to find things to "trash", just like I did recently in the non virtual world when we "downsized".
Except in this case, instead of old Life magazines and high school logo sweat shirts, I had to pry into Mistress's laptop's nooks and crannies and find apps and files that were old, moldy and no longer needed, then consign them to the trash.
That's when I started finding all those photos of the WC's special occasion cock, in various states of "anger" or repose.
"Hmmmm..... I thought we already got rid of these, Mistress....."
"I swear I went through my I-photos and deleted them .... 4 or 5 of each....."
It seems that cock shots replicate like lemmings once they take up residence on a laptop.
Of course, this went back to the days when Mistress and the WC traded more than pithy snark in the comments section. And to be fair to the WC, I also found stuffed into Mistress's hard drive any number of photos of Mistress's clean shaven folds, with or without hitachi attached, which she must have tossed off in the WC's direction as a sort of kinky reciprocity.
I think those even made Mistress blush a bit when I pointed them out before sliding them into the trash file.
So those of you who think you've diligently purged all the smut from your laptop or PDA, before passing it onto a son, daughter or pal, think again.
Old cock shots don't die. They don't even fade away. They lurk forever in some crevice in your hard drive, ready to spring to life when you least expect it. (Cue the theme music from "Jaws").
The only real remedy may be an industrial strength trash compacter.
Or your nearby river.
Maybe my next career should be X-rated computer cleaner.
I bet I could get one heck of an hourly rate.
"Slave.... my laptop needs help!"
Mistress has one of those oh so slender Apple laptops. Cute. Comfy to carry. But it's memory capacity is less than robust. Every now and then it rebels under the weight of "too much stuff" (not unlike our attic) and the apps she needs to use refuse to open. It then falls upon her loyal Slave to find things to "trash", just like I did recently in the non virtual world when we "downsized".
Except in this case, instead of old Life magazines and high school logo sweat shirts, I had to pry into Mistress's laptop's nooks and crannies and find apps and files that were old, moldy and no longer needed, then consign them to the trash.
That's when I started finding all those photos of the WC's special occasion cock, in various states of "anger" or repose.
"Hmmmm..... I thought we already got rid of these, Mistress....."
"I swear I went through my I-photos and deleted them .... 4 or 5 of each....."
It seems that cock shots replicate like lemmings once they take up residence on a laptop.
Of course, this went back to the days when Mistress and the WC traded more than pithy snark in the comments section. And to be fair to the WC, I also found stuffed into Mistress's hard drive any number of photos of Mistress's clean shaven folds, with or without hitachi attached, which she must have tossed off in the WC's direction as a sort of kinky reciprocity.
I think those even made Mistress blush a bit when I pointed them out before sliding them into the trash file.
So those of you who think you've diligently purged all the smut from your laptop or PDA, before passing it onto a son, daughter or pal, think again.
Old cock shots don't die. They don't even fade away. They lurk forever in some crevice in your hard drive, ready to spring to life when you least expect it. (Cue the theme music from "Jaws").
The only real remedy may be an industrial strength trash compacter.
Or your nearby river.
Maybe my next career should be X-rated computer cleaner.
I bet I could get one heck of an hourly rate.
special occasion cock,
Femdom couple interested in and expoloring the cuckold dynamic.
Wednesday, September 10, 2014
Mistress and slave are struggling to get back into the tempo of our work lives here in River City after some very glorious time at our SW hideaway.
I suppose we have nothing to complain about: the nest is empty. We are in our downsized UCTMW HQ in a lovely old neighborhood, within a bike ride of my office, and a stroll to movies and restaurants.
No one is threatening to behead us if we don't convert to the religion of their choosing.
But still.....
Mistress did have good news for me last night, after I conducted some post work worship.
"Slave..... there was a story on NPR this evening ... did you hear it?"
"Not sure.... what was it about?"
"About guys your age using viagra or other stuff to have sex....it said more than half of guys in their 60's have to use it.... "
(Here is the link to the NPR story)
"Wow..... I guess I'm lucky...."
"I guess I'm lucky too, Slave.... sounds like you are a veritable super man in the sack...."
That's exactly what an aging Slave likes to hear.
But with that reputation to uphold, I guess I'd better get upstairs and prove my worth....
I suppose we have nothing to complain about: the nest is empty. We are in our downsized UCTMW HQ in a lovely old neighborhood, within a bike ride of my office, and a stroll to movies and restaurants.
No one is threatening to behead us if we don't convert to the religion of their choosing.
But still.....
Mistress did have good news for me last night, after I conducted some post work worship.
"Slave..... there was a story on NPR this evening ... did you hear it?"
"Not sure.... what was it about?"
"About guys your age using viagra or other stuff to have sex....it said more than half of guys in their 60's have to use it.... "
(Here is the link to the NPR story)
"Wow..... I guess I'm lucky...."
"I guess I'm lucky too, Slave.... sounds like you are a veritable super man in the sack...."
That's exactly what an aging Slave likes to hear.
But with that reputation to uphold, I guess I'd better get upstairs and prove my worth....
Femdom couple interested in and expoloring the cuckold dynamic.
Monday, September 8, 2014
Back to Basics
Yesterday, Marc Divigny, aka, the Cuckolder, whined a bit about a blog that had strayed from eye candy and sex to handicapping the upcoming NFL season.
Thanks for the reminder, Marc. Sometimes we do get a little distracted. But apparently we aren't the only one. D, Mistress's prospective suitor, was texting me about the River City Pussycats game yesterday. Apparently he can't keep his mind in the gutter either.
So before we head to the airport for the long trip back to the tedium of work and River City, let me get back on theme here/
I can report a couple of things:
First, before we enjoyed our last day here in the sun, slave broke out Mistress's favorite power tool, sliding it between her thighs and enjoying the sights, sounds and sensations as she surged her clean shaven folds against it. I do enjoy frustrating her a bit, withdrawing its business end a bit just as she seems on the edge of release. But I am not all that disciplined about it. When she asked me permission to cum, I was happy to give her the green light. And, after her impressive explosion, Mistress returned the favor, allowing he to thrust inside and take my own pleasure.
Soon Mistress was out on our patio.
"It may be my last sunbathing until next spring, Slave."
"Hard to imagine, Mistress.... but I guess this means summer is now officially over."
I was happy to perform my sunscreen smearing duties. And can confirm that after a week here in the sunny SW, Mistress's tan lines are, at least for now, gone, gone, gone.
Is that better, Marc?
Thanks for the reminder, Marc. Sometimes we do get a little distracted. But apparently we aren't the only one. D, Mistress's prospective suitor, was texting me about the River City Pussycats game yesterday. Apparently he can't keep his mind in the gutter either.
So before we head to the airport for the long trip back to the tedium of work and River City, let me get back on theme here/
I can report a couple of things:
First, before we enjoyed our last day here in the sun, slave broke out Mistress's favorite power tool, sliding it between her thighs and enjoying the sights, sounds and sensations as she surged her clean shaven folds against it. I do enjoy frustrating her a bit, withdrawing its business end a bit just as she seems on the edge of release. But I am not all that disciplined about it. When she asked me permission to cum, I was happy to give her the green light. And, after her impressive explosion, Mistress returned the favor, allowing he to thrust inside and take my own pleasure.
Soon Mistress was out on our patio.
"It may be my last sunbathing until next spring, Slave."
"Hard to imagine, Mistress.... but I guess this means summer is now officially over."
I was happy to perform my sunscreen smearing duties. And can confirm that after a week here in the sunny SW, Mistress's tan lines are, at least for now, gone, gone, gone.
Is that better, Marc?
Hitachi Magic Wand,
nude sunbathing
Femdom couple interested in and expoloring the cuckold dynamic.
Sunday, September 7, 2014
Our Western Correspondent Is Ready for Kick-off
We plan to enjoy our last day here with some solo time together, and maybe a long bike ride crossing between little towns on the New Mexico - Colorado border.
So we will turn the blog over to our Western Correspondent, for his timely update from the Mile High City:
Well here is a report from the Mile Hi City
We are having a big golf tournament here this week
The BMW Fedex cup semi finals
It is at a course called Cherry Hills right near my house
Rode my bike over to check it out
Those guys hit it further than the poor old WC.......
And the fine members there have not seen there way clear to making
the WC a member
Course I wouldn't be a member at a club that would have me anyway!
I did see the club pro from my club there
John Elway is a member and the club champion
Peyton Manning is a member and that is where Elway talking Manning
into coming to Denver
Thank you John!!!
Speaking of Manning My beloved Broncos are playing Andrew Luck and
the Colts here Sundaynight
Manning was giving the golfers tickets Tuesday at the golf course
Expect the Donks to cover for any gamblers out there
Denver has a brutal schedule this year playing the following
playoff teams from last year
Cincy (Mick), San Fran, Kansas City twice, San Diego twice, Indy,
New England, and Seattle
Around here we are particularly looking forward to going to
Seattle the third week of the season
Time for some payback for the Supper Bowl
Besides everybody know Seattle is full of pot smoking left coast
Thats why we like them!!!!
We are kind of sister cities
But their football team needs a good old fashioned beat down
And Pete Carol is an asshole!
But Wilson played in the Colorado Rockies farm system
My daughter turns 16 tommorow
B is up in the mountains at a resort town for a conference
So I get the pleasure of hosting a sleep over and birthday party
for teenage girls
Lucky me.................
Meanwhile at the Ranch tonight they are hosting a birthday Party
for Kendal, the owner and giving away $5,000.00 worth of panties
As long as you put them on in public!
Well rock on U2 lunatics
You hard working reporter
Scarlet Ranch,
Western Correspondent
Femdom couple interested in and expoloring the cuckold dynamic.
Saturday, September 6, 2014
Hunk Watch
Mistress and Slave have been spending a good bit of time up at our local Ski Hill, where a big regional music fest is proceeding under a "bigtop" in the shadow of the mountains. It's great music, and even better people watching, particularly for those of us from the more tedious and predictable heartland.
I believe I mentioned earlier this week an encounter we had down on the banks of the Rio Grande. Mistress was sunbathing topless, and we struck up a conversation with two middle aged women who were doing likewise. It turned out that one of them is the Mayoress of the little village where the ski hill sits, and there she was last evening (fully clothed) acting as ticket checker at the festival gate.
Mistress and I chatted her up, making only vague references to how we had met, avoiding embarrassment. But Slave did note that I deserved credit for recognizing her....
"See I must have been looking at your face, not elsewhere...."
The Mayoress seemed impressed with Slave's discipline. (As was Mistress, who did not recognize her!)
Of course, Mistress had her own distractions at yesterday's event. We were sitting near the entrance to the "backstage" tent, where the performers hung out and accessed the free booze and munchies through the show. So she had a chance to check out some of the "stars" up close as they sipped wine and lounged against a fence, watching the other acts.
A couple of local guys caught her eye, one who we had met here last year. The first (on the right) is a native American performer and artist who hales from the local Pueblo.
The second is a local Hispanic / Native American hybrid of sorts, who now performs more in California than in these parts.
Mistress had trouble containing her enthusiasm when they appeared near our seats, joshing with each other and the assembled semi-celebrities.
"Those guys are hunks, Slave...." she whispered to me, indicating with her eyes the gentlemen she was drooling over.
Mistress does know her eye candy.
I did admire her ability to keep her tongue in her mouth and admire from afar (or at least a few feet away).
But I will certainly understand if when I am performing my morning worship she elects to fantasize that these two fellows are tag teaming her instead of her pampered house slave.
I believe I mentioned earlier this week an encounter we had down on the banks of the Rio Grande. Mistress was sunbathing topless, and we struck up a conversation with two middle aged women who were doing likewise. It turned out that one of them is the Mayoress of the little village where the ski hill sits, and there she was last evening (fully clothed) acting as ticket checker at the festival gate.
Mistress and I chatted her up, making only vague references to how we had met, avoiding embarrassment. But Slave did note that I deserved credit for recognizing her....
"See I must have been looking at your face, not elsewhere...."

Of course, Mistress had her own distractions at yesterday's event. We were sitting near the entrance to the "backstage" tent, where the performers hung out and accessed the free booze and munchies through the show. So she had a chance to check out some of the "stars" up close as they sipped wine and lounged against a fence, watching the other acts.
A couple of local guys caught her eye, one who we had met here last year. The first (on the right) is a native American performer and artist who hales from the local Pueblo.
The second is a local Hispanic / Native American hybrid of sorts, who now performs more in California than in these parts.
Mistress had trouble containing her enthusiasm when they appeared near our seats, joshing with each other and the assembled semi-celebrities.
"Those guys are hunks, Slave...." she whispered to me, indicating with her eyes the gentlemen she was drooling over.
Mistress does know her eye candy.
I did admire her ability to keep her tongue in her mouth and admire from afar (or at least a few feet away).
But I will certainly understand if when I am performing my morning worship she elects to fantasize that these two fellows are tag teaming her instead of her pampered house slave.
oral sex.
Femdom couple interested in and expoloring the cuckold dynamic.
Thursday, September 4, 2014
HNT / Hey, What is that Goop?
Shame on you!
Of course, it's just sun screen, spattered there by slave before performing my daily task of making sure that Mistress's lovely skin does not get too fried in the intense high altitude sun here at our SW hideaway.
We wouldn't want Mistress to get too leathery, a threat out here in the high desert. And so far Mistress's regime of goop smearing has had good effect. Not only does slave relish placing his hands on Mistress's lovely body, but it seems that members of the fairer sex have the same impulse.
Last night we were at a local restaurant where a group of musicians were performing on an outdoor patio. A group of our friends and their friends were sharing a table and the space around it when one of the women mentioned how lovely Mistress looked in her short black dress, showcasing her tan and muscular legs.
"I'll bet they're really smooth", she said.
But she didn't leave her observation to mere speculation. She was sitting. Mistress was standing next to her. The lady reached over and rubbed her hands along Mistress calf, up to the knee and confirmed.
"Oh yes.... very smooth."
The lady sitting next to her couldn't resist, joining in on the tactile fun.
She reached over too, running her fingers up Mistress's leg from ankle to knee, relishing and confirming her friend's observation.
"Oh my..... so smooth....."
All the while slave was standing there, enjoying the female fawning.
Then there was the hunky guy sitting next to Mistress as I stood there, chatting her up in what could only be described as a flirtatious way.
I think Mistress was enjoying the attention.
But even she was a little surprised when the lady who had felt up her legs earlier leaned in and kissed her on the mouth as she bid her adieu.
I think the lady surprised even herself.
"Ohhh.... did I just do that?"
Uhhh, yes, you did.
Of course, it's just sun screen, spattered there by slave before performing my daily task of making sure that Mistress's lovely skin does not get too fried in the intense high altitude sun here at our SW hideaway.
We wouldn't want Mistress to get too leathery, a threat out here in the high desert. And so far Mistress's regime of goop smearing has had good effect. Not only does slave relish placing his hands on Mistress's lovely body, but it seems that members of the fairer sex have the same impulse.
Last night we were at a local restaurant where a group of musicians were performing on an outdoor patio. A group of our friends and their friends were sharing a table and the space around it when one of the women mentioned how lovely Mistress looked in her short black dress, showcasing her tan and muscular legs.
"I'll bet they're really smooth", she said.
But she didn't leave her observation to mere speculation. She was sitting. Mistress was standing next to her. The lady reached over and rubbed her hands along Mistress calf, up to the knee and confirmed.
"Oh yes.... very smooth."
The lady sitting next to her couldn't resist, joining in on the tactile fun.
She reached over too, running her fingers up Mistress's leg from ankle to knee, relishing and confirming her friend's observation.
"Oh my..... so smooth....."
All the while slave was standing there, enjoying the female fawning.
Then there was the hunky guy sitting next to Mistress as I stood there, chatting her up in what could only be described as a flirtatious way.
I think Mistress was enjoying the attention.
But even she was a little surprised when the lady who had felt up her legs earlier leaned in and kissed her on the mouth as she bid her adieu.
I think the lady surprised even herself.
"Ohhh.... did I just do that?"
Uhhh, yes, you did.
lesbian flirtation
Femdom couple interested in and expoloring the cuckold dynamic.
Wednesday, September 3, 2014
Mistress Explains It All For You
Hello dear readers…it has been a while. In a bout of insomnia (from paradise) I
nudged Mick and said, “I will write the blog today.” While my written energy would be more appropriately directed
to my clients – this seemed more in line with what (while we are here) has
become the daily exercise in determining just how much paid work we can avoid.
As we approach year five of the contract and the
blog, one thinks about why we do this – the short answer is that we like
sex. The longer answer gets a bit more complicated, which is
likely why it is so difficult to find the “right” person to be part of this
“triangle.” We miss the team over
at “All Mine.” They have had what
has seemed to be a perfect situation.
Yet we all know that while relationships with two can be a challenge –
three is in a league of its own.
Suzanne once told us that she and Tammy had met many
suitors and had all but given up, until Jay came into the picture. We wish them all well and are hopeful
that their unique situation prospers.
And then there was the WC – our friend – and
potential “partner” from the Rocky Mountain West. We love you WC – and respect that your personal situation
does not lend itself to what Mick would call our “hijinks”.
Otherwise, we have had a trail of albeit interesting
– but not the perfect suitors.
Yes, we have met some great men.
Yes, I have had some mind blowing sex – but regarding one’s decision to
be part of our lives – has not happened.
Marc D: why are you so far away? We could work
something out.
So today we sit on the precipice of someone whom we
plan to get to know a bit. While
he is reading, he has not commented.
In (what I have deemed our final attempt) to use AM as a suitor location
vehicle – he was able to connect the dots …find the blog and figure some things
out about us. At the same time that we connected with “D,” I also interviewed
some suitors – call it pheromones – but several are fairly insistent – and I
have sent some pretty specific “not interested” messages to them .
What I don’t want:
An affair because your wife has not slept with you for six years.
A booty call at 6:00 am in the morning (that is when I have sex with
Mick, exercise, play on the internet, and pet my cats.) No thanks.
To hear about your horrible divorce – while I am sort of a psychologist
– not looking to be your counselor.
To go with you to Europe (while I love Europe), I don’t know you yet, and
am not impressed that (over dinner) you ask me to join you on a trip and then you send me the travel
itinerary the next day. Makes me wonder….
What we do want:
1) Someone who has the patience
for us. We move fast. We are sarcastic. We like sex. We love
each other.
2) Someone who has fun with
this, but does not play games.
3) Someone who has a high
energy level – we do.
Remember Mick and Molly have sex at least once (sometimes twice per
day.) The only deviation is when we are in different cities. Those of you who
have been fans – know that when I am seeing someone – the count increases.
4) Someone who is smart, with a
sense of humor that does not take us (or themselves) too seriously.
5) Compliments – I will admit
this – I am 51 and want LOTS of them. I wish that I could be more cool about it
– but let’s face it—the glamour girl years may be fleeting – bring them on and
bring them now.
6) Someone who
communicates. Mick and I both are
high on the communications scale – while we prefer proper spelling and grammar
– we are willing to trade for other redeeming qualities. (WC is still our
D: you
may well be this guy – and if you are not – can you use your intelligence
gathering to find him for us?
The other option is for Mick and I to “mail” in our
retirement letters, wire cash to the kids and retire (out here) like most
people our age do.
Happy Wednesday to all.
AShley Madison,
Femdom couple interested in and expoloring the cuckold dynamic.
Tuesday, September 2, 2014
Mellow Mistress and a Report from our WC
At a Sunday evening birthday party for a friend out here turning 60, Mistress "experimented" with one of those new fangled marijuana "edibles", a lemon drop you put beneath your tongue and suck until it dissolves. She was still feeling the effects most of yesterday.
"I think I'm still high, Slave" she mumbled on our way to a long bike trek Monday morning. Then she lay back in her seat for the 30 minute drive, enjoying the view and not saying much else.
But at least Slave can report that the sweet, spiked concoction did not do much to squelch her sexual appetite. She seemed particularly receptive to our wake-up sex yesterday morning, despite her "dazed and confused" demeanor.
And yesterday, once she had purged most of the mellowing agents from her lush body after a bracing 16 mile bike ride, and absorbed some of the sun's recharging rays out on our patio, she was up for some rather vigorous cock riding.
So I would say that while the edible induced high was certainly longer lasting that a more traditional "delivery system", it left no permanent impairment.
Speaking of Colorado, another thing they have going on is a large scale swinger's club that our Western Correspondent has frequented from time to time, only out of journalistic diligence, of course. Here is his latest report:
Here is my swingers club take
That place is huge in the swingers community nationwide
But as it is the only swingers club I have been too except
Hedonism II
I just take their word for it
But it is a very classy property
That place gets about a 1000 peeps a night on weekends
Maybe one of the biggest gates in the city on weekends
At a $100 buck a couple or single they are taking maybe 50k per
Nice place
Most peeps are there to just check out the scene
B and I have met the owner a couple of times at the bar and talked
with him
Nice guy
Lots of lookers and lots of peeps looking to show off
Lots of lesbian action
Lots of gals up on all fours
Getting fucked
Lots of gals on leashes naked
Lots of guys and gals watching
Lot of guys eating pussy
And a lot of guy's watching!!!!!!
So my take is
What sort of swinger just watches as Mick asked
Most of them!!!!!!
But we have been there in Sunday during
the day a couple of times
Both times there was this one lady their naked
While her husband sat observing
I went into the foam with her and she was very friendly
As she was with other men all afternoon
Oh well post this if you want
But use the giving me shit line too!!!!!!
cock riding,
Femdom couple interested in and expoloring the cuckold dynamic.
Monday, September 1, 2014
Cage Free?

As a general rule the cage seems to be limited to those days when Mistress has a "date" with a lover (or prospect) and the extra control gives her a bit of a thrill.
But yesterday, as we took the hike down into the Rio Grande canyon for some "beach time", Mistress disclosed that D, who has become a student of the blog, has raised the prospect of more cage time for Slave.
'I think he likes the idea of you in the cage, Slave....that maybe he wants to be in charge of that...."
"Hmmmm..... that's an interesting development, Mistress....."
"Not only that, but he was even talking about a chastity device for me too....."
"And how did you react to that, Mistress?"
Who would I be to disagree when Mistress thinks something is hot?
Down on the river bank, where we found a couple of older gents lounging in the pools of warm spring water in the buff, we found a little patch of beach to spread out our towels. Mistress opted for some top less sunbathing, but kept her bottoms on, which seemed appropriate later when some families arrived, kids in tow. It was a holiday weekend, and not surprising that the springs were a popular destination for the tourists in the area.
As we soaked in the sun and read from our kindles it was hard for Slave not to go back to the subject of Mistress in chastity, with D in charge of the key.
"So what did you tell when he brought up the concept of a chastity device for you, Mistress?
"Hmmmm.... I said it would have to be something you couldn't see through form fitting clothes."
Always, practical, isn't she?
"And I wondered how Id shower in it, Slave, or shave the folds....."
Mistress just giggled. She's grown fond of the clean shaven look, and, of course, so have I. No hairs getting caught in my teeth is a definite perk for a guy who spends some much time in worship mode.
But as I glanced down at Mistress's delectable tush, in her tie-dye two piece suit bottoms, I couldn't help but imagine what it would be like if Mistress was wearing some sort of chastity gear underneath, at D's direction.
That's when I rolled over onto my stomach. No need to put a show on for the kids.
chastity device,
cock cage,
nude sunbathing
Femdom couple interested in and expoloring the cuckold dynamic.
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