Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Off on Her Adventure

Mistress is flying over the Atlantic as I write here, off on a mission of discovery with her mother and sister, to visit some cities and sites of profound meaning for each of them. And though it would have been nice to tag along, this is a journey that provides this little trio a rare and probably last chance to travel together. ( And also to drive each other insane.)

Believe it or not, their itinerary does not include a stop at Westminster Abby on Friday morning. Though I suspect they may pick up some tacky wedding swag at Heathrow tomorrow before catching their connecting flight east. Maybe an overpriced “Wills and Kate” shot glass, to go with the Cuban rum I’ve asked Molly to pick up at Duty Free on her way home?

Come to think of it, if you wait until the flight back, I bet you can buy that shot glass at half price, as the market collapses for “wedding of the century” tchotchkes.

And keep an eye out for Elton John at the airport Mistress… he’s probably re-written Candle in the Wind one more time for this event, don’t you think?

Of course, Slave’s  been trying to avoid seeming too needy and pathetic about Mistress’s extended absence. But it’s hard to tell my cock to just suck it up and deal. And I do believe Mistress had her own unusually needy reaction this morning, our last together for about 11 days.

Normally I have to wake Mistress in the morning, usually after I finish my “homework” and post it for all of you to share. Before we went to sleep Monday night, Mistress had told me “wake me for sex at seven, Slave” (trying saying that a dozen times).

But by 6:30 am she was up, down the stairs looking for something.

“Where’s my cock, Slave?”

Fortunately, I was just finishing up, and we proceeded upstairs, back to bed.

After Mistress read, and I worshipped, Mistress made her intentions clear.

“I want to suck it one more time before I go, Slave.”

As you might expect, I made no effort to dissuade her, not that it would have been my “place” to do so.

But what she found was a fully realized cock, not one that needed any further “coaxing”.

“Oh my, Slave…. this is a really hard one already.”

“Maybe it’s figured out that this will be it’s last chance for the real thing for a while, Mistress.”

Yes, the work-a-day cock seemed to have a mind of its own Tuesday morning. So much so that Mistress felt compelled to ride it hard, as she had the night before, to a dramatic effect for both of us.

It turned out that we it was good we had the extra time that Mistress’s early wake up allowed. Because we used it all.

We drove to work together, Mistress tapping away on her I-phone, a little freaked at being disconnected so profoundly from work for so much longer than normal, as I navigated the traffic. I dropped her off at her office, with plans to reconnect around  2 pm for the drive to the airport.

But despite her need to tie off all those loose ends at work, she was able to break away a few minutes earlier for one last visit to my office.

 I pulled the chair up against the door, and Mistress wriggled out of her black undies, letting her sandals slide to the floor. Before I “dug in”, I murmured my regrets.

“I’m gonna Miss this Mistress.”

“Me too Slave…”

Mistress and I talked a few times as she waited in the British Airways First Class lounge in Chicago this evening. She was looking forward to the pampered upgrade her sister had arranged, sipping a glass of Chardonnay as we talked.

“I did get to talk a little to M too, Slave…. he made sure I understood all those complicated rules.”

In fact, it seems M may miss Molly almost as much as her Slave will.

“Hope you get to have some of those bonus orgasms on the plane tonight, Mistress.”

“We’ll see, Slave….”

(Cuddled into these accommodations, she should have plenty of opportunity, M)

By then it was time to sign off, and power down.

And of course, there’s a song to go with all this. A maudlin song.I mean, really maudlin.

I promised Mistress I would email her the blog so she could read it in the morning in London…. Hope you enjoy this one, Mistress!

Have fun over there.


  1. Dear Mick,

    "But it’s hard to tell my cock to just suck it up and deal. " is such a great line, it should be in some kind of Kinky Bloggers Hall of Fame.



  2. oh!

    that made me tear up and everything....gosh i love you two!!

    and i agree with aisha...that line should be emblazoned on a tee shirt at the very least. Sold right beside those 'will n kate' shot glasses...



  3. Mid morning update:

    Mistress was on the phone to me this morning, reporting that she was lolling in luxury in the Twit-ish Air 1st Class lounge at Heathrow. She caught me between her crumpets and jam breakfast spread and a complimentary facial offered to those weary travelers who had been forced to bunk out in the "spartan" accomodations depicted above.

    She did report she was able to squeeze in at least one cum in the loo, before retiring with a glass of champagne. When I last talked to her, she was using the wi-fi to download some smut prescribed by the WC onto her kindle.

    Just in time for the ample lunch buffet, served before boarding her flight wast, first destination, Warsaw.

    Eat up now, Mistress.... sausages washed down with potato gruel and vodka awaits!

    Then again, here in River City, we are dealing with more tornado warnings. Am I sounding bitter?

    She did send the following, which she suggested that I post to send you all her greetings:

    "All - made it to London and am enroute to Warsaw. Missing Mick very much. Have sent the WC my coin toss pick of the day ("heads").

    Mick's blog recounting our last interlude is making me squirm.

    Loved that blog, Molly."

    (If you missed the WC's "rules" for her trip, check out the comments from yesterday)


  4. Hey Mick,

    Loved the John Denver song,

    It is so ironic the he was killed flying one his planes.

    Don't know if you know the story but he was flying alone taking off from San Fransico and he ran out of gas.


    Great blog today, its is going to be interesting to see what you blog about until Molly gets back But I know you will keep us all entertained!

    take care,


  5.'s only been a few hours, but is everyone following the rules laid out for them???

    Just checking!



  6. Good grief! Both of you two males are brooding, aren't you?

    Do Bill and I seem all bothered and weepy simply because our very generous offer to schlep luggage and seek out spelt products across the continent of Europe for our lovely CEO and her relatives was quite handily turned down? The correct answer to that is, no!

    Now buck up, boys!

    The not feeling at all sullen or jealous about the situation even though the flood waters are rising yet again and tornado warnings are blanketing our area,

  7. So far I'm following the rules, Suzanne. and Mistress was considering how she was going to fullfill her prime orgasm directive the last time I talked to her.

    Donna, I hope you guys have some flotation devices handy. I doubt you have a gross of condoms to blow up and turn into a raft.


  8. Hopefully the time apart from your mistress goes fast and you are once again re-united. I am sure the make up time will be well worth the wait.


  9. hey friends.
    suprise from the ancient BIZ center in warsaw. got up to walk and decided to pop in. first time i get the content warning (while signing in) in polish! haha. it's about 5 am here and yes, am staying in a hotel that was a gestapo HQ at some point (weird)
    a few things:
    1) mick has sent to cage photos (thank you my love)...he gets anxious when i am not around and BETTER behave! but i have faith! yes dear, you sound a little bitter, but good time for you to bond with our teens and i will be back before you know it!
    2) wc
    LOVED THE COCK pick too. loved waking up to my two cocks (feel like Suzanne now). heads today (Thursday) BTW. I won yesterday and got to get off in which the way i chose last night! yippy.
    3) Suzanne
    so far so good on the rules (as far as I know)..right guys?
    4) Donna, next time for you and Bill (:
    am heading out on the town as the sun rises
    love to all of you


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