Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Heading "Home"

It’s our last morning here in our undisclosed mountain retreat. And although the trip has been way too short, we packed a great deal of fun, sex, skiiing and re-connecting time into these five days.

We found this special place back in 2002. After several years of coming here with our children, settling into the quirky scene, making friends and enjoying the steep and challenging slopes, we picked our little house, on the edge of the mountains.

It’s furnished with furniture left behind by prior owners, or recycled from thrift shops, and objects de arte that reached out to us. And of course there are the family photos that show how our children have grown from the cute little ski munchkins of 10 or more years ago, to the foxy, if surly beauties of these last few years.

As Molly and Mick struggled through some darker times, and moved the family from the Midwest to Florida and back again, this house   has become in many ways our oldest and dearest home.

When we have lost a bit of our karma, or the spring in our steps, ( or my cock) we know they can be found here, just waiting inside the door, or out on our sun drenched patio.

Yesterday was a lovely day on our Mountain. The storm of the evening before had left about 5 inches of fresh and fluffy snow, but now the sky was that majestic blue, not a cloud in sight. And the slopes seemed all but deserted, with  kids and families back in school or to work. Sure, the powder hounds had come up, but most had migrated to the steeper back country stuff, opened at last,  for the folks who want to climb a bit higher to lay fresh tracks.

While we were both being hounded by demands from work on our PDAs, it was easy to get lost in the glory and solitude of a run down a sun splattered trail, bobbing through patches of untracked snow.

At home, we handled some nagging calls and emails, then settled into bed for a long and steamy session, with out any equipment other than our naked parts. I do recall how nicely Mistress bucked and moaned as I worshipped her sumptuous  shaven folds, all clean and fresh from our shower. When  it was my turn, she used that lovely mouth and the devious touch of her fingers to get me begging for the opportunity to fuck her.

And of course, she ultimately relented. 

Mick is a lucky man.

Afterwards, I slapped together an apple crisp that we took over to some friends’ house for a little dinner party. He is a local musician (we heard him play Saturday and Sunday evenings at different venues), and she works at a local gallery. They both moved here from more urban environs, but now live to ski and for his music. They raised two wild and crazy sons here, in a simple house with drop dead views, next to the estate of a very famous movie queen. 

We shared funny stories, and a few bottles of wine, and they cooked us a great meal.
They recently celebrated their 27th Anniversary. And Molly shared that we had been “together” for 24 years. We talked about what it takes to stay married for so long when so many other couples lose their way. Both Molly and I agreed it may be a lot easier sticking with it as a couple when you have a simpler and more grounded life in a place like this to fall back on.

As Molly said, “other than having our kids, getting this place is the best decision we ever made.”

True. But now it’s time to head back to our alternative reality.  Fortunately, we will be back here with the teens on about 3 weeks for their spring break.

So its time to pack up the lap-top, and surrender ourselves to the mercy of the air travel “system”. With any luck I will be reporting from our World HQ in River City tomorrow morning.

I hope Donna and Bill remembered to leave us a key for the new high security fence they recently installed for our CEO’s protection.


  1. Dear Mick and Molly,

    It is so very hard to leave what we love-to do what we must, but it's just for now, not forever. Please know that all lies in readiness for your return back to your nest on this side of The River. Your sheets have been aired, snapping in the cold, fresh air, and the bed remade just the way you lovebirds like it. Dishes are done, vacuum run, there is a chicken stew in the crock pot, and a bottle of wine in the fridge. The key is under the mat and the security code the sum of your birth years divided by Pi and multiplied by the linear distance from Earth to Venus. Bill says sometimes simple works best. I threw in the suggestion for Venus, the planet of Love. Cute, right? Right...anyone?

    Okay, we have had a fun time watching over things while you were gone, but we are headed home to our log cabin in the woods. You have way too much traffic here and your neighbors are way too close. I left on your desk the pithy little note from your HOA president about razor-wire violating the terms of your HOA agreement. I shooed the little beady eyed rascal away just as Bill was reaching into his boot. No harm done, but that little squirt can sure run fast. You can watch it on the new video feed tape system in your den.

    So we're off (in oh, so many ways),
    Donna and Bill

  2. Hey Donna,

    Great job holding down the fort back at the home office, and thanks for the info on the key and the security code. 'the code was easy to figure out, but with out your info i never could have. My man out west is copping the key over a the local ace hardware right now. Don't tell Mick or Bill about the tunnel or the coded and key. We are well on out way to a corporate takeover. Keep me informed as to what Bill is up to. He does seem like a ctafty security chief, and of course Mick Collins is as crafthy as they come. Keep a close eye on them both.

    The ever loyal and devoted to UCTMW with all my heart,


  3. Omigod, youall are some sick little puppies. Um, that's Donna and Bill and the WC, not you, Mick, and certainly not Molly.


    I love it!!!


    P.S. "Sick little puppies" is not actually a technical diagnosis - it's more along the lines of "I know it when I see it..."

  4. Well we made it back... but the surly teens must have eaten the chicken stew. Damn. Mick

  5. mmm apple crisp...
    sorry for the randomness but I really love apple crisp :P

  6. @ aisha, I can't tell you how much that means to us, honey, thank you! For so many years we had to pretend we were good dogs, and to now be openly acknowledged as sick little puppies...well, it just does our hearts good. Bill asked that I sent special kudos to you for your recognition of the musical reference to his knives. You win the prize. Actually, I forgot I was suppose to pick up a prize, though, so I am wondering if a few coils of left-over razor wire from Molly's compound would do?

    The Sick Puppies,
    Donna and Bill


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