Thursday, February 10, 2011

Move On. Nothing to See Here.

Mistress is off, running footloose and fancy free in the big city.  Meanwhile, her devoted Slave is on lockdown, here in our little backwater on the River.

And Cage week continues. It’s not nearly as much fun as “Ass Week”, is it?

It was an early rise here.

Molly had a client presentation before heading to the airport. I made sure she had a pleasing little shower cum, sliding my fingers through those wet folds as the warm water ran down both of us. Then she got another bonus cum, from avid lips and tongue, as she moisturized and read the blog.

But, alas, there was no time for fucking.

“Glad you remembered to put the ring on, Slave….”

After I slid the cage in place, mating it with the ring, she snapped the little lock shut.

Then she hid away the key.

At around 11:30 am, Mistress did have a chance to stop by the office for some worship and a quick lunch before she was on her way.

WC,  you will be surprised to learn she has her tricked out tights on for her trip.

Of course, that made worship rather easy for me. All she needed to do was sit down and spread those lovely, muscular thighs. 

But I wondered what she might be up to in the Big City.

So accessible.

So available.

AS I did my work, Mistress snapped a photo of her boots stretched over my shoulders.

And then she surprised me.

“Stay there Slave…. And lower your pants. I want to see the cage….”

Did she think I had played Houdini on her? After all, she hid the key.

I loosened my belt. Dropped Trou.

“Underwear down too, Slave.”

“Yes, Mistress.”

Without any warning, if only to allow some gut sucking, she snapped another shot.

“I want to see this on the blog tomorrow, Slave…..”


Not the sort of alluring imagery our readers are accustomed to. Not at all.

But who was I too say “no”.

“Of course, Mistress.”

So there you have me…. errr …. It.

If I knew this was going to be a photo shoot, I would have done some “man-scaping”, as the little bald dork on Californication would put it.

As she waited for her plane, Mistress did share a funny little story.

Our Western Correspondent had directed Mistress to bring along her trusty Hitachi. No doubt they plan some important conference calls to discuss UCTMW’s bold expansion strategy while she is on the road.

But Mistress had only brought a carry on.

“They opened my bag, Slave.  Asked If I had something big and cylindrical in there….”

It turned out that what they were looking  for was an aerosol can.

But “There was my Hitachi, for everyone to see….it was kind of embarrassing, Slave.”


Poor Mistress.

In the meantime, Slave is home. Still on lockdown. And have discovered new things about the physics of a hard tight steel ring locked around the male testes and penis.

When the temperature is in the teens…. Things can get a little ouchy.

The natural response to cold weather is for those little ovoid guys to beat a hasty retreat into those warm cavities just above. Supposedly those little shelters keep your sperm nice and warm in the event they need to be mobilized at the drop of an available woman’s panties.

But when there is a hard steel ring in the way…. well …. Things don’t go the way nature intended.  Skin contracts, balls swell and press against the cruel steel barrier. When they can’t get through to their little hiding places, they get angry.


The next time Mistress leaves town, let’s hope that spring has long since sprung.


  1. As an avid lurker in the land of UCTMW inc I must say that after hearing about this cage so many times, having Miss Molly allow us to actually *see* it.... WOW! Love it!! Thanks for sharing!!

  2. Very funny post Mick,,

    Good thing you can get even on Sunday....

    When Molly is sure to be whining and wheedling about cold air outside the covers. "But slave its sooooooo cold outside the nice warm covers!" she will pout.

    Too too funny.

    In the mean time, while I am not sitting in a cozy condo in the desert, waiting to play 36 holes per day..... as my doctor prescribed! I am nevertheless having a daily soak it the soothing mineral baths, so common here in the western United States, and getting the damaged member massaged each day by my comely and very understanding wife B.

    So the long and short of it Mick, is that despite your best efforts to thwart my recovery, I am thriving here, and doing the best I can with the meager resources UCTMW has provided me, to nurse me back to health.

    Thank god that while you have refused to pay green fee's you did provide me and my family with season passes to several local ski resorts, which with the help of Donna" cock cozy should speed my recovery, if you can just get me a membership in that very exclusive health club in Vail.

    The hot rock massages there are to die for .... and you should see the ladies giving the massages. OMG they bring them all the way from Germany and Austria and they wear next to nothing while giving the massages. Must be some ancient European tradition . But it really stretches out the injured member for some vigorous exercise. It always feel much better after treatment there. (at least for an hour or so)

    I remain your devoted employee,

    The Sad and disappointed in UCTMW'S General council,

    but still bravely caring on,

    despite all the hardships,


  3. Whoa, nice comment from WC!

    But I love the picture, Mick. Thanks for sharing...

    And I LOVE the story of poor Molly having to reveal the Hitachi at the airport. Omg. That's lovely.

    Starting the day with a smile. Thanks.


  4. This is full of "good stuff" it's hard to know what to comment on first?!!

    Mistress and the Hitachi...well, officer i get pain in my neck from the airline seat...this handy massager helps soothe that. The smell? oh, comes that way. You think it smells like pussyhoney? Hmmm, i never noticed *that* before...

    and the WC getting his hot rocks massaged by near-nekkid European women...that must be some fancy medication you're takin' WC coz that is one hella fantasy....(you know the Editor won't pay *those* invoices....)

    and your poor just seems too good information to be wasted, so thanks for sharing...

    nilla.........*hear the wheels turning?***

  5. I vaguely recall some banter about keeping a plug in the freezer..... I wonder if cages should be similarly stored between uses?


  6. I don't know Mick. There's just too easy access to that emergency key.

    Loved the photo shoot. Although, it's hard to tell if you enjoyed it also ;)

  7. S & S- glad to have you delurk, even if it takes a flash of caged cock to do it..

    Mick- since I suspect you've gotten off about a half dozens times since Mistress closed my lock yesterday morning, don't expect too much empathy for your sad plight.

    Suzanne- I have yet to ransack the house in search of the key.


  8. LOL @ Mick ransacking the house.

    As the one who KEEPS asking for a photo of the cage, in situ, I was quite intrigued to finally see it. Please thank Molly for me?

    Cold is hell isn't it? Nilla posted something this week about clamps in the freezer. Just a cruel idea.


    Oh btw, I do think there was something to see, despite the blog title.

  9. Oh, and Mick,

    If UCTMW is too cheap to pay for the fancy Vail spa, I know a much more reasonable Asian "rub and tug" spa here in the city called , "geisha's house of joy." It is only $40.00 plus gratuity . I understand that a large gratuity is expected for the utmost satisfaction ... so lets call it an even $!00.00. And get this, they throw in a free rub down bath, called the scrub and rub!

    Also, I will need cash for the "rub and scrub" as they don't take checks or American Express.

    Hopefully, you will see your way clear to authorize the Vail spa, but at a bare minimum I will need the geisha treatment.

    Your humble servant,

    the ever hard working

    and badly injured,


    Twice a day for , oh lets say, 5 months should be adequate.

  10. I am yet another 'lurker' here and I wanted you both to know that the new picture of Mick's special cage also made me want to come forward and tell you how much I enjoy your site. My most profound fantasy is to find a wonderful, loving and articulate slave like Mick for my own!!! I have dreamed about a slave in 'worship' position between my legs, so much so that I have nicknamed my Hitachi wand 'Mick' in your honor!!! I adore those pictures but the picture of the cage in action is just wonderful. Please, post more!!! I am single and looking, so I have to live vicariously through your blog and your fun, sexy it!!! SCM

  11. Oh, and one more thing ,

    Pass on to our CEO, that the massage therapist, Rising Glory , tells me that she will have the injured member standing strait as a string and fully engaged by 4 July, when all the alleged patriots will have their flags on full display. BTW wasn't FDR a Democrat?

    buenos noches mi amigos,

    your compadre


  12. Molly,
    I know slave is masculine, but I had to admit a modicum of disappointment in seeing his underwear is simple Y-fronts....

    On occasion do you think something a little less 'macho', i.e. feminine, might make for some additional interesting banter? Many of your fans, and fellow Dommes, would cheer such moves...

    Nothing extreme of course... but...



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