Sunday, December 5, 2010

Missing Equirpment

Slave is in trouble.  Mistress is Hitachi-less this weekend. And it's my fault.

We had brought her trusty power tool to our Western hideaway, then decided to leave it there to avoid hauling it back and forth through airport security. The thought of TSA guys opening our bags and brandishing the sucker with questions about it’s purpose had us a little squeamish.  (Of course, that did not prevent us from carting Mistress’s harness back and forth. Go figure.)

So Slave ordered an extra Hitachi on Monday via Amazon, for arrival this week Then we would have one for both locations.I assumed it would be well in hand by Friday with no inconvenient “service interruption”.


No package arrived by Friday. So much for that Cyber Monday quick delivery hype.

So Mistress was left without the efficiency of her power tool late yesterday afternoon, when she got a call from M for an unscheduled ‘date”.

But let me back up a bit….

Molly and Mick had a relatively relaxed Saturday, as snow fell gently through the day here in River City.

There was the ever popular morning sex, after paging through the scrawny local paper.

“I liked that morning cock, Slave….”

“It likes you too, Mistress.”

Then a trip to our gym.

Mistress did her spinning routine and lifted weights. I went through my own circuit of exercises. The weather will now keep us off our bikes for a while.

I had to deal with my cranky mother and her seasonal décor. Mistress tended to nail maintenance. We reconvened back in bed around 3 or so for a nice nap.

There had been some discussion earlier in the afternoon in a text from Mistress about ass fucking. But when we woke Mistress was in a more gentile mood, and it was just so damn warm and cozy in our bed that a long bout of making out ensued.

I was overcome by the wonderful aroma of my Mistress as I pressed my face against the back of her neck and reached my arms around her. The spicy scent of her perfume mingled with that of her own well exercised body and her blooming arousal was intoxicating.

She had on tight black panties and my fingers enjoyed gliding over them until Mistress was panting and writhing against me. That’s how she got her first cum of the afternoon, humping my hand as I kissed her deep and long.

Very high school.

Very hot.

I was thinking how we had skipped that “messing around” phase in our initial courtship, and how the younger Molly would have driven me crazy with a few incendiary, but no penetration, make out sessions,  had we been given that opportunity back in the age of Dukakis.

I was in bed without underwear…. As required in our household. And when Mistress turned her fingers loose on my cock…well my frustration was soon at a peak.

“May I fuck you now, Mistress?”

“Why so impatient, Slave….”

But ultimately she allowed me inside…. And we went at it for quite a while…. Taking a break at some point for water and for me to strip away my T-shirt.

I made sure Mistress had a few more choice explosions before I asked for permission to come.  Which she generously granted.

It seemed I drifted off a bit afterwards as I lay there, still inside her. But soon it was time to light our candles, and round up the surly teen for her evening gift.

We had plans to attend a holiday party, but were in no hurray.   I settled into watch a football game and do some work for a client, while Mistress was paying some bills.

Then her text chime went off.

“M wants to know if I am available to talk, Slave….”

“Of course you are, Mistress….”

She discretely disappeared upstairs to our room.

That’s when I realized that I was in trouble.

No Hitachi.

Mistress came downstairs about 40 minutes later.

“Well we had a little sex chat Slave….. but the Hitachi was sorely missed.”

“So how did you do it, Mistress?”

“Fingers, Slave…..”

She pressed two of them up against my nose.


“Now they’re a little sore.”

(I suppose I should have offered to go up and provide my tongue and lips as a substitute for the Hitachi, but they probably needed a little privacy.)

Let’s hope that Hitachi arrives by Monday.  Don’t want Mistress making a claim against UCTMW Enterprises, LLC for carpal tunnel syndrome.  Those are a real bitch to defend.


  1. Dear Mick and Molly,

    My husband and I wish to express our most sincere appreciation that you discussed the Hitachi Magic Wand so positively in your blog. As a direct result of your eloquence we ordered a Hitachi for our own enjoyment and stimulation. It arrived just yesterday.

    WOW! Really. WOW! It truly is a Magic Wand. I would have written this note of thanks yesterday afternoon or last night, but I was a bit too busy. :P

    My husband is quite taken with being in complete control of the Amazing Hitachi and I do so love that, but it leads me to an important and timely question. Do you have any suggestions for handling a touch of Hitachi burn on delicate tissues? Just wondering.


  2. Dear Mick and Molly, maybe you guys should have shares in Hitachi. You'd get a fiscal return for the terrific advertising you do for them. And maybe you could take some of that return in stock.

    I guggled a little (sorry Molly) over the tragedy of being Hitachi-less for a couple of days. I do understand that this is not an insignificant problem.

    I also enjoy my Hitachi (though it's not my particular fave).


  3. Molly says that she's not suffered from any burn yet... so no advice.... other than ration use to avoid abuse!

  4. I have long since lost my opperators licience for our Hitachi. B finds that her touch and feel for the machine are much superior to my own. Now the lowley WC had reduced duties confined to intercourse, oral and manual stimulation! Oh well I will carry on, and it soes seem to work out for the best.

    Too funny u 2 lunatics

    Your always humble and lazy, but certainly not over paid


    BTW Donna, We have never suffered any burns yet either but you can use the device over panties and that would solve the problem, it is plenty powerful to do the job through some clothing. and that is the prefered method for many ladies.


  5. Thank you Mick and WC for the suggestions. I will hold good thoughts for uber fast delivery on the package from Amazon for Molly's benefit as well as both of yours.

  6. Hitachis... Yes. Yet another instrument of pleasure in a world full of excitement and thrills. Sorry to hear Molly was without for a bit, and hope there wont' be - um, negative consequenes for you, Mick!

    Can't believe I completely missed yesterday's post - I think I've been dazed.

    Glad you guys are still having fun (as if that was EVER in question...)


  7. Dear friends,
    Lonely Molly here. Yes, poor Molly has not seen Mick for about 9 hours as he is tied up in a long Sunday business meeting. Sad Molly. I did talk to WC briefly mid-afternoon, but NO sex. At that time he was on a cold western bike ride and heading back to a warm bed. I was holiday erranding. And, even if there had been a chance -- no Hitachi here for me. woe is me. Wanted to make sure that readers know i sometimes do have to go the distance...and it is not looking like either Mick or WC will avail themselves anytime soon...
    happy sunday night to all

  8. Ah haha,

    for once your were deprived ....poor baby

    but only for nine hours!!!





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