Thursday, July 15, 2010

HNT / The Nipple Clamp Conundrum.

One of our more compelling and intriguing challenges here in Molly and Mick land is understanding and managing the dynamics of our unusual but very sexy three way relationship with our Western Correspondent.

M appears to be a man who knows what he wants. But,  unlike Mick,  he can get a little proprietary if someone else wants it too.

If course, he wants Molly. And, and as far as she and I are concerned, he is welcome to take his fill of her.

The only parameters I have set in my conversations with Molly on the subject (as if I have any right to set parameters) came in the following little dialog a few weeks back:

“You really would not get your nose out of joint if I visited him, Slave?”

“Well, Mistress. Hypothetically – if you went to visit for a week or so, then called to say you weren’t coming back any time soon…..I know that would upset me. I would miss you. Worry that I had lost you.

Plus, I might get tired of being in the cage.”

She laughed at that last point.

But I think she got the message. I don’t want to lose Mistress. I need her. But sharing is fine, if it makes her happy to be shared.

“Other than that …. A long weekend in his clutches. A week at his mountain cabin, fucking under the stars.  That is something that would not offend me Mistress.  It is your right. Go for it.”

And Mistress does seem to be happy - very happy - having M as another presence in her life these days. Their relationship seems to be broader and deeper than the erotic highlights that I describe on these pages. All good.

But here is a confession:  I can be a bit of a troublemaker. I do  take some devious pleasure in  sending out little signals through this blog (or otherwise) that might stir up some controversy, and throw off some sexual sparks between them. Selfishly, I suppose, I know that those sparks always seem to get thrown in my humble direction too.

Example: our switch day this past Sunday. Scroll down a bit and you will see Mistress stretched out, bound, forced to endure Hitachi induced orgasms, yadda, yadda, yadda.

With Mistress permission (as always) I sent M a “preview” photo, the one above, showing her firm and lush breasts all tricked out with those diabolical nipple clamps I “forced” on her once she was suitably restrained.

And I made sure to mention Mistress’s protests about those tight nipple clamps that I fastened on her when she had no ability to squirm away from me.

Is it possible that someone who so dearly wants to make Mistress his little  cock- sucking Slave might get s little antsy at such a scenario?

Mistress reported later that M had counseled her on the subject:

“M says that I should just use my authority as your Mistress to order you not to use those nipple clamps on me anymore, Slave.”

“Hmmmm…. I thought I was simply exercising my contractual switch privileges, Mistress.” (he drops a footnote for you[1]), I said innocently.

“I suppose that’s true, Slave.”

“Of course, I would never want to hurt you, Mistress….. are they unbearable?”

“Well, not exactly unbearable , Slave.”

“Didn’t they seem to add to the quality of that great big orgasm you had when I crammed the power tool between your legs, Mistress?”

“Well … could be.”

She had that cute faraway look in her eye, as she recalled her Sunday morning plight.

“But I suppose M is right….He must have read our contract. You do have the right to alter  the rules at your arbitrary discretion…. At any time. [2]

That’s your right, Mistress. Should I draw up an amended contract so you can ban any nipple clamps on future switch days?”

She thought a moment.

“I guess not, Slave….it is your switch day, after all.”

So, I ask you, dear readers, was Slave stirring the pot?

[1] 5. On Sunday mornings for at least 2 hours, and at other times of the week, upon agreement of the parties, Mistress will submit completely and totally to slave, as if she was the Slave and he was the Master/Owner of her under the terms of this agreement.

[2] 5. Amendments to this agreement, shall be made in writing, signed by Mistress and Slave. If Mistress elects to impose additional rules on slave as allowed by Section III, they will be added to this agreement and both parties will sign.

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