Thursday, June 17, 2010

A Greedy Happy Girl/ HNT

Wednesday was NOT one of those sexual wash-out days in River City.

And because I woke a little later than normal (maybe because of being ridden so hard and well by My Mistress last night), I may only be able to touch on the highlights.

Morning….. Tight scheduling called for deployment of the highly efficient power tool. Mistress was on her tummy, the tool slid gently between her ass cheeks to find the right angle of attack. Soon Mistress was flexing those delicious thigh and ass muscles, and moaning into her pillow. Fortunately, there was just enough time for her to allow her devoted Slave permission to fuck her.

“Just be quick about it Slave….”

I was.

Afternoon…. Mistress had time to stop by my office for worship. And she seemed happy that her Master, M had been in touch. So her I-phone camera was out.

“Let’s send him some pictures, Slave….”

I snapped one from “Slave’s eye view”, me on my knees, she in her throne, legs spread and ready to be serviced by my mouth.

As I licked a bit, she inspected my work.

“Take another one Slave….”

I did and as I probed and sucked, she texted it off to him.

“That will drive him crazy, Mistress”

“Good….he did say he enjoyed the blog today, Slave”.

“I think he likes to think of me in that cage,….. with you needing HIM for your release, ….Mistresss….”

(It’s hard to speak too clearly when my mouth is engaged in pleasing Mistress, so imagine the breaks and mumbles).

“Mmmmm….maybe, Slave….”

While on the other side of her orgasm, Mistress snapped another picture, her legs hooked over my shoulders, extended over my back….I bet he liked that one too.

Evening…. When Mistress walked into my building’s lobby, where we meet before our commute home she was chatting on her phone.

“Ah….here’s the Slave….Mick, I’m on the phone with M. I’ve been so busy today we haven’t had time to talk….You don’t mind , do you?”

“Of course, not dearest”….I gave her a little kiss, and we headed down into my garage.

Mistress and M chatted most of the way home, and her flirty, fidgety demeanor was fun to watch….she laughed when I called them the “lovebirds” the other day in an email to both, but there is something very endearing about their banter.

And of course it had a certain cock twitching affect on me as I chauffeured Mistress home.

She had her legs extended onto the dash, her skirt hiked up so that her black panties were visible, allowing my fingers to graze her thigh and cunt as she spoke….

But when I teased her a bit with my fingers, she pushed them away.

“You wont believe what the Slave is doing now, M ….he’s driving with one hand and using his other hand to try and fondle my cunt.”

I could hear his voice and saw her own hand replace mine between her legs, bundled into a little fist, Not exactly playing with herself….but clearly enjoying the contact as she squirmed in her seat, listening to the words that capture her imagination so compellingly.

Though I am not sure how he does that while riding his bike home from work on some Western Highway.

Last night….Mistress and Slave took a bike ride, then went out for Sushi with our two daughters, who head this week for adventures in Europe. They were pleasant (for a change) and we will (sort of) miss them. Then again…. a few weeks in an empty nest has its appeal.

When dinner was done, Mistress had to wrap a present for a teen’s foreign “family”, but she noticed that M had left a text message indicating that he was out and about and would welcome another call from her. And who was I to object.

So there Mistress was, wrapping this gift, chatting with her remote Master about the little sexy email he had sent her, clearly inspired.

“Slave as offered to leave us alone, M, but I don’t think that’s right.”

I had. I Would have been perfectly content to go downstairs and let nature take its course. But Mistress would have none of it. So I sat about, trying to ignore their animated chatter and focus on other things.

But after about 15 minutes, my twitching cock had gotten me to a point where sitting idly by and reading the Times just was not working for me. It would either be “step out” or engage. I elected to engage.

Mistress was not getting too far with her wrapping project…. A little too antsy for fine motor skills? So I took over the project, finished the job, leaving us a cleared off bed.

“Why don’t you lay down, Mistress”, I whispered, indicating that she was going to be worshipped.

So that’s how I found myself on my knees, face buried between her legs, as Mistress lay back on the bed, continuing her conversation.

“You won’t believe this M….Slave is licking my cunt. I didn’t even have to ask him….”

The talked on, but I could tell things had turned from the mundane to the kinky.

“He says to suck my clit….very hard Slave.”

“He’s doing it….yes.”

I sure would have enjoyed hearing what the other side of this conversation. But instead it went something like:

“Yes. …M ….. I would like that.”

“Yes….M….of course, I would.”

And then Mistress was churning and exploding against my mouth.

“He’s good at this M I know it’s not your thing….but Slave is addicted. To my juices, aren’t you Slave?”

And she reported back some of the things he had to say, as they discussed whether women taste different down there (we both agreed they certainly do).

“He tells me he’s tasted some that did not make you want to go back for more, Slave.”

Amen, brother. Been there. Tasted that.

And all the while, I kept licking. And Mistress kept squirming.

At some point, maybe 10 minutes after the first orgasm, Mistress reported the ongoing action.

“In case you are interested, He’s still licking me M.”

And her foot stretched down to fondle my cock through my jeans with her wiggling toes.

“Ummm….and his cock’s hard too….he must be a little frustrated ….”

Well, I suppose I was. But at least I was a part of the action.

By now M had been to a liquor store, stopped at a bar for two shots of Tequilla and was back on his bike headed home.

“I figure you will tell me when to stop, Mistress,” I said, between strokes with my tongue.

“Why would I do that Slave….this is fun. I have you between my legs, and him in my ear.”

And then it started again. His words quieted to a low murmur. Her voice turning all mushy, distant, and oh so submissive. And then her explosion against my mouth, her thighs gripping my head for dear life as she moaned into the phone. Then laughed with him after it was over.

“He says I’m a happy, greedy girl, Slave.”

“That you are, Mistress.”

The conversation continued. He shared his recipe for chili rellenos, a favorite of ours, and told he where to get the best tamales on the Rockies.

I kept licking. By now it was a challenge. I would keep it up until she directed otherwise. Though my neck was getting a little tight….All in a Slave’s work, I told myself.

And before M’s bike ride ended there was one more sexy, quiet and compelling interlude that had Mistress coming again against my mouth.

“Enough Slave”.

She sat up. Put a hand on my neck and began to kneed it. Nice.

“I’m rubbing his neck, M. He’s been a good Slave tonight.”

“He says I should make you insert that little white probe Slave and let you fi=uck me hard tonight as a reward.”

“Of course, Mistress.”

“And he says he likes to tell us both what to do….”

“No doubt.”

And later that evening, after the phone call ended, Mistress did ride me hard, pumping against me, her parts well used and a little tender, but still greedy and apparently very happy.

But I had a few more questions as she fucked me…

“So what was he telling you that made you come so hard, Mistress….?”

This asked as she was grinding herself hard against me, riding my cock like she was in the final stretch at Churchill Downs.

“He had me on a leash, Slave….at some resort in Jamaica. I was naked. Everyone was. I was his Slave. Everyone knew it. And he was making me suck his cock, then fucking me in public. “

And as she repeated the story, asking if I would like to witness this debauchery first hand, she came in that groaning , sobbing way that takes both of our breaths away.

Exhausted, she rolled over to let me finish the job. And I was happy to oblige.

I just hope M’s evening ending just as satisfactorily.

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