Monday, May 31, 2010

Lend Lease Orifice

On Saturday I sent our Western Correspondent a brief email on the subject of our Sunday morning switch day. I was looking for some guidance. He’s doing a crackerjack job of training Mistress to be his little “slave in sex” as she refers to herself in her correspondence to him. I wanted to make sure that whatever activities I engage in on our weekly switch occasion did not conflict with his methodologies. We don’t want to confuse Mistress while in training.

And in a weird way, I was seeking his permission, now that he seems to be so deeply in her head as her Master.

My question was “interested in your thoughts on handling switch day….” It was intentionally open ended, and could have led him in a number of potential directions. His response:

“I recommend the little white probe [the ‘Aneros’ that Mistress tells me to insert when she wants an extra hard cock]. But you are the Master tomorrow, and it is your switch day so you do what ever you want. I did tell Molly not to give you any BS if you decide to use the probe. … BTW I am curious if her orgasm is any stronger with the probe up her ass. Let me know.

Your respectful friend, M”

So he gave me some ideas, rather than directions. Nice touch.

When Sunday dawned, after our crazy Saturday, I found myself back in bed with Mistress, going over the papers, both a little burnt out. Yes we had a few drinks the night before, but it seemed more like a sexual hangover than a conventional one. And we talked about deferring our Switch activities until the evening.

But when she rolled over, her lovely naked bottom there for my soft caress and firm hand, there was no way I could pass up my Sunday morning privilege .

I started to spank.

“What are you doing, Slave?”

“I believe M said you needed a good hard spanking, Mistress…”

“Yes….he did. But…..”

“No But’s, Mistress. It would be impertinent to disregard his wishes, don’t you think?”

“I suppose, Slave.”

“Just consider yourself lucky that it’s me spanking you, rather than M. He might be much firmer, don’t you think?”

“Yes….he keep’s talking about blistering my bottom. That sounds a little scary.”

Somehow I suspected Mistress was looking forward to seeing just how scary that would be.

Normally I would tie Mistress to the bed on Sunday morning, but I was a little lazy, and I liked the way she was just laying there, very obedient, submitting to my increasingly firm slaps against her now squirming ass, despite the lack of restraints.

This training must me having some good effect.

After a dozen or so slaps, I climbed out of bed.

“Where are you going, Slave?”

She missed me already. Sweet.

“I’m getting what M advised me to use on you today, Mistress. And he told me not to take any back-sass from you about it.”

“But… know I don’t like anything in my ass…”

But she lay there, very obedient. No heading for the hills. Good little Slave.

“I suspect that’s exactly why he wants you to take it there. Just imagine it’s him doing it to you Mistress. I am just an accessory here….”

I should have added “and you like to do it to me, Mistress….can’t take your own medicine?”

She quieted down after that, as I smeared some baby oil gel on the probe and her little tight opening.

And she helped guide me a bit with her words as I found the mark again and slowly slid the probe inside. She was very still.

“How’s that, Mistress?”

“Uhhh …it’s OK Slave.”

Let’s see how it feels when I spank you Mistress.”

And that‘s what I did, until her bottom was glowing red on both cheeks. Her squirms and little moans into the pillow were very compelling. And my cock was getting very hard.

I paused for a moment to snap the photo above, which would be sent off to M when our session was done. It’s only fair to give him a sneak preview, since he is a source of inspiration.

I slid back into bed next to Mistress, my hardened cock pressed against her left thigh and my right hand slapping her bottom. But now my left hand wormed it’s way under her, and my fingers began a slow and deliberate massage of her sopping parts. As her bottom squirmed in it’s faux efforts to avoid my slapping hand, she ground herself all the more enthusiastically against my kneading fingers below her.

“I know that your ass is his, Mistress, but it’s nice of him to let me break it in for him as his assistant, don’t you think?”

Her response was muffled into the pillow as her squirms became more pronounced, but it seemed she agreed.

I had intended this approach as only a warm-up act for the application of her favorite power tool, but Mistress preempted that plan as she writhed against my fingers and moaned with delight before collapsing against the bed. Her eye opener orgasm.

“You surprised me there Mistress. But I’m not done with you just yet….”

After giving her a minute or two to recover her cognition, I reached for the power tool, switched it on.

“You won’t turn this down will you Mistress?”

“No Slave ….I think I am getting addicted to it.”

And of course it has now become associated with the voice and directions of her new Master. Compelling, don’t you think?

“There are worse things to become addicted to, Mistress.”

I slid the churning end between her legs from behind, and let the machine do the job it does so darn well. I was not going to tease or frustrate. But I did want to report on this experiment to M – would Mistress have a better or bigger orgasm with or without that little device?

She put her lovely and well exercised thighs to full use, and those muscles in her bottom too, as she rubbed herself against the soft white bulb. She seems a woman possessed in moments like these, focused on satisfying the demands of her needy little cunt.

I try to hold her in place with my free hand, for fear she might just pop off the bed, and my cock delights in the friction of her smooth thigh as it rides the swift currents of her desire. (did I really just write that? Shoot me.)

She builds slowly, then when she can take no more of the frustration, she goes for it, her whole body stiffening, her face turn red, eyes scrunched closed.

My report to M: It was certainly an epic orgasm, M. But it was hard for this Observer to tell if the probe had a physical amplifying effect, or whether the idea that she was submitting to something she feels squeamish about at your direction made her a tad more submissive, allowing her to “let go” a little more.

Maybe we need to do some further experiments to get to the bottom of this. Of course, my own hard cock probably made me less than a dispassionate scientific observer.

Now back to our activities.

When Mistress’s post orgasmic lethargy abated, she asked for my cock. She did not have to ask twice.

I took her lovely sopping cunt from behind.

“Ohhh….it’s very hard Slave. I needed that….”

“and you are very wet Mistress”

Tight too, I might add. Very tight. Lucky Slave.

I entered her slowly, enjoying her warm embrace and the texture and aroma of that lovely back and thick rich hair beneath me.

Then I picked up the pace.

And as I pounded into her, Mistress came again, her ass rising to meet me, her neck and head turning with pleasure against the bed.

It’s good to know that despite the allure of technology, the traditional approach can still get Mistress where she likes to go.

After that third orgasm Mistress was spent. But she was kind enough to roll over and allow me to take my own pleasure from her.

M, thanks for letting me help you break in Mistress’s ass. But I consider it on lease. Mistress knows it belongs to you.


  1. you two are certainly trail blazers.

    Dang -- I'm really glad Mr. C doesn't read your blog.


    at least I think he doesn't.


  2. We are blazing something, that's for sure.

    BTW, our western correspondent says he enjoys your comments.

    But I guess we should warn some readers: "don't try this at home kids."

  3. Well -- I enjoy his perviness

    well -- from afar anyway.


    PS -- has there been a photo of the probe (by it's lonesome) on the blog? I'm curious about how invasive this device really is


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